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amplissimi. quo tpe quibus nunq: antea bellis Italia crudele imodū uexabat."

This edition consists of sixty-two numbered leaves, besides eight preliminary leaves. Sigs. AA. A. to I v.

Ternaux Compans (Bibliothèque Asiatique et Africaine) gives the title of an edition of Madrignanus's translation of 1508; but this is clearly a mistake, the Italian not having been printed until 1510, and the epistle to the Latin translation bearing date 1511.

A copy of the edition of 1511 is in the Grenville Library.

Another Latin edition was printed at Nuremburg in 1610, and again at Francfort in 1611. It was also inserted in the "Novus Orbis" of Grynous.


Four years after the Latin translation a German version was published with the following title :—

1. Die Ritterlich vñ lobwirdig rayss des gestrengen vñ über all ander weyt erfarnen ritters vnd Lantfarers herren Ludowico vartomans vō Bolonia Sagent vō den landen, Egypto, Syria, võ bayden Arabia, Persia, India, và Ethiopia vō den gestalte, sytē vñ dero menschen leben vnd gelauben. Auch von manigerlay thyeren vöglen vnd vil andern in den selben landen seltzamen wūderparlichen sachens. Das alles er selbs erfaren vñ in aygner person gesehen hat.

Colophon.-Auss welscher zungen in teytsch transferyert und seligklichen volend worden in der Kayserlichen stat Augspurg in Kostung und verlegung des Ersamen Hansen Millers der jar zal Christi 1515. An dem. sechzechen den Tag des Monatz Junij. 4°.

This edition consists of 76 leaves not numbered.

Signatures a ii to t. iii. The printer's device occupies the last leaf.

A copy is in the Grenville Library.

2. Die Ritterlich und lobwürdig reiss des gestrengen vñ über all ander weyt-erfarne Ritters vñ landtfarers herre Ludowico Vartomans vō Bolonia Sagend von den landen, Egypto, Syria, von beiden Arabia, Persia, India, vnd Ethiopia, von den gestalten, sitten vnd dero menschen leben vnd glauben. Auch von manigerley thieren, vöglen vnd vil andern in den selben landen seltzamen wunderbarlichen sachen. Das alles er selbs erfaren vnd in eygner

person gesehe hat.

Colophon.-Auss Welscher zungen in Teutsch transfferiert. Unnd selighlichen volendet unnd getruckt in des Keyserliche Freystat Strassburg. Durch den Ersame Johannem Knobloch, Als man zalt vō der geburt Christi unsers herre мCCCCCXVJ. Jar. 4o.

This edition contains 113 unnumbered leaves. Signatures A ij to X. v.

A copy is in the British Museum.

Both these editions are copiously illustrated with engravings on wood.

Panzer (Annalen der älteren Deutschen Literatur, p. 421,) gives the following:

"3. Die Rittertich vnd lobwirdig raiss des gestrēgen vnd über all ander weyt erfarnen ritters vñ landfarers, herren Ludowico Vartomans von Bolonia. Sagent vō den landen Egipto. Syria, vō bayden Arabia. Persia. India. vñ Ethiopia. Das alles er selbs erfaren vnd gesehen hat." Colophon."Getrucht in der kaiserlichen stat Augspurg, in der jar zal Christi M.D.XVIII." 4°.

Panzer is of opinion that this translation

may have

been made by Michael Herr. It will be shown, however, hereafter, that this cannot have been the case. It was reprinted at Augsburg in 1530.

In 1532 Simon Grynæus published at Basle, in folio, a collection of voyages and travels, under the title, "Novus orbis regionum ac insularum veteribus incognitarum una cum tabula cosmographica et aliquot aliis consimilis argumenti libellis," in which he included the Latin translation of Varthema. This collection was translated into German by Michael Herr, under the title, "Die New Welt," and printed at Strasburg in 1534. In the introductory epistle to Regnart Count of Hanau, he says, that if he had met with the German translation of Varthema (whom he calls Varthoman) before he had made his own, he should have been glad to have been spared his trouble. It is clear, therefore, that Herr did not make the German translation published in 1515 and 1516. Herr's translation was executed from the Latin— that of 1515 from the Italian.

Another translation by Hieronymus Megiserus, historiographer of the Elector of Saxony, was printed at Leipzig in 1610, with the following title:

"4. Hodeporicon India Orientalis; das ist, Warhafftige Beschreibung der ansehlich Lobwürdigen Reyss, Welche der Edel gestreng und weiterfahrne Ritter, H. Ludwig di Barthema von Bononien aus Italia bürtig, Inn die Orientalische und Morgenländer, Syrien, beide Arabien, Persien, und Indien, auch in Egypten und Ethyopien, zu Land und Wasser persönlich verrichtet: Neben eigentlicher Vermeldung Vielerley Wenderbahren Sachen, so er darinnen gesehen und erfahren, Alss da seynd mañigfaltige sorten

von Thieren und Gewächsen, Dessgleichen allerhand Volcker sitten, Leben, Polycey, Glauben, Ceremoinen und gebräuch, sampt anderer seltzamen denckwürdigen dingen, daselbst zu sehen: Und endlich, Was er für angst, noht und gefahr in der Heidenschafft vieler ort aussgestanden: Alles von jhme H. Barthema selber in Italianischer Sprach schrifftlich verfasst und nu aus dem Original mit sonderm fleiss verdeutscht: Mit Kupferstücken artlich geziert, und auffs new in Truck verfertiget: Durch Hieronymum Megiserum. Leipzig. 1610. 8."

This edition is copiously illustrated with maps and plans engraved on copper by H. Gross. A copy is in the British Museum.

Ternaux Compans has inserted in his Bibliothèque the title of an edition of Megeserus's translation, printed at Augsburg in 4° in 1608. This date may be correct, as the preface to the edition of 1610 is dated 1 October 1607. He also mentions an edition printed at Francfort by H. Gulferichen in 1548. An edition was also printed at Leipzig in 1615.


The first edition of the Spanish translation was printed in 1520, and the translator, Christoval de Arcos, informs us that he made it from the Latin version, because he could not procure the Italian. He recommends those who doubt the truth of Varthema's relation to go and see for themselves; and to those who may find fault with his translation, he excuses himself on account of the obscurity of the Latin from which it was made. The title is :

Itinerario del venerable varon micer Luis patricio ro

mano en el qual cueta mucha parte de la ethiopia Egipto : y entrabas Arabias: Siria y la India. Buelto de latin en romance por Christoual de arcos clerigo. Nuncia hasta aqui impresso en lengua castellana.

Colophon. Fue impressa la presente obra enla muy noble y leal cuidad Seuillapor Jacobo crōberger aleman. Enel año dela encarnaciom del señor de Mill y quincentos y veynte. Fol.

This edition consists of fifty-four numbered leaves (from II to LV), besides the title, and also the colophon, which is printed on a separate leaf. The book is printed in double columns. Signatures a iii to g v.

A copy of this edition is in the Grenville Library. Brunet states that this translation was reprinted at Seville in 1523 and 1576 in folio, and Ternaux Compans mentions an edition printed at Seville in 1570. French.


No separate translation into French has been published of this work, but a French translation is printed in the " Description de l'Afrique, tierce partie du monde contenant ses royaumes, regions, viles, cités, chateaux et forteresses: iles, fluves, animaux tant aquatiques que terrestres, &c. Escrite de notre tems par Jean Leon, Africain." Tome second: "Contenant les Navigations des capitaines Portugalois et autres faites audit païs, jusques aux Indes, tant orientales que Occidentales, parties de Perse, Arabie Heureuse, pierreuse et deserte. . . . L'assiette desdits païs, iles, royaumes et empires: Les figures, habits, religion et façon de faire des habitans et autres singularités cy devant incogneues." Lyons, 1556. Fol.

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