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on the premises, and are chargable under the criminal code. Inns and general lodging-ho uses are of great public utility, and deserve encouragement; but the proprietors of such are not allowed to sell beer, wine, or spirits—and all of them as a security to the public, should be licensed by the District judges. It is further suggested that in all towns and villages, at least one Government Inn should be established for the accommodation of travellers. These places to be suited to the different grades of society-the charges to be fixed —and the arrival and departure of travellers to be entered in a book, which is under the inspection of the officer of the guard--who is to be answerable for the property which the travaller may have with him. Should any stranger be unable to pay for lodging, he is to receive it for the night gratuitously, at the guard-house.

Hawkers-require no licence for vending their goods; but they are confined to the District in which they permanently reside, and persons hawking articles of whatever value, from town to town, &c. without any fixed place of abode, are in the eye of the law criminal-and may be proceeded against before the local Judges: as are

moreover all persons who hawk at any time wine or malt and spirituous liquors.

Turnpikes-are with the roads, to be in the hands of the Executive-who are bound in this department by special measures of the legislature. The tolls are simply to cover the expenditure.

Local Rates for common sewers, scavengers, lighting, paving, &c. to be by contract-the tenders are received by the judges, who issue orders for the necessary work, and make the rate; but on a requisition of fifty housekeepers, being electors, a jury must be empannelled to investigate the accounts--and in cases of extortion, or delinquency on the part of the contractors, to prosecute before the judge and another jury, the guilty parties-the judges, however, are not to be implicated in this case, and cannot be proceeded against, though the rate by such verdict may be altered.

Foreigners sojourning in the kingdom-are under the special protection of the electoral guard. They are to occupy lodgings or houses contiguous in some part of the District named by the judges -they can traverse the country at will, without passports-but must signify the route and desti

nation to the judge, who forwards to the place named an account by post, directed to the District judge-a violation of these laws by foreigners, renders them liable to be ordered out of the kingdom, by the government.

Wills, Contracts, legal Agreements, and Conveyance of Property-are to be proved and attested before one of the local Judges: a copy of the wills to be registered by Parliament.

Clubs and Benefit Societies-Political clubs and associations are altogether forbidden-and regarded as conspiracy against the State. Clubs of a social nature, providing they do not sanction gambling, and are not formed for betting purposes, are without restriction. Benefit Societies are allowed-but in all these cases the rules and design must be published, and are not to transgress the laws of the realm. It is recommended moreover, that the public encourage the combined subscription periodically, of a number of individuals to form a fund which at certain intervals shall be distributed by lot-so arranged, that within a reasonable time every one subscribing may possess a share; thus a hundred individuals giving ten pounds annually, would realise a thou


sand pounds per annum-and this returned to ten members every year by lot, would secure to each of their society 100%. in the ten yearsthe mode of distribution furnishing a probability that he may obtain it the first, second, third, fourth year &c. presents him with a sufficient inducement for preferring it to a Savings Bank, and since no one who has not subscribed for a year is eligible to the lot, the fund will be maintained and no unfairness can occur.

Vagrancy-Begging is allowed within the District to which the individual belongs; but out of it he is chargable under the criminal code.

Fairs for Cattle, Goods, and Business,—may be held in any town or village, not oftener than once a week; and no shows or public amusement, or tents for the sale of refreshments, are to be connected with them.

Pleasure Fairs-are to be distinct from the above mentioned, and may be held-but not more frequently in any place, than twice a-year, or at intervals of six months: the time of their continuance is limited to three days-on these occasions intoxicating liquors are not

to be sold in tents and booths, or in the open airthey may be drunk in tents as refreshment, but the owners of the booths are responsible for the preservation of order and decorum-moreover hawking liquor, beer, &c. during the fair, is chargable under the criminal code.

Post Office Regulations.

A superintendent to be appointed in every District, for the reception, and a postman for the delivery of letters, both of the General and Penny Post. The appointments are with the government; and this branch of the public service is to be under the control of one of the ministers of State, who shall confine himself to enactments of the legislature in the case; and furnish parliament, with annual returns.

Any breach of faith in opening letters, is punished in the subordinate officers as felonyand if authorized or connived at by the Minister, he must be instantly dismissed the council of the Sovereign-and may be impeached at the bar of either House of Parliament for the crime.

The charge of Postage is to cover all expences of conveyance and delivery. Four government

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