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the credit of the State; all emergencies being met by an augmentation of the income tax.

Land Forces of the Realm.

Every elector between the age of twenty-five and fifty, having no natural impediment, is required to exercise and carry arms at home or abroad, as Government may determine. An elector refusing so to exercise and bear arms in the service of the State, suffers disfranchisement and fine,

The electors of the military age, are under proper officers during peace, to be formed into regiments in each district, and exercised every week, or as often as may be needful, to keep them in a state of efficiency for war.

The colonels and officers above them are always to receive a stipend from the public treasury, other officers and the privates have no daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly pay, except in time of war, and when engaged in active hostilities.

No elector under twenty-five is on any account to be exercised in arms, nor any elector compelled

to bear arms except as police, whose age exceeds fifty.

Non-electors are never suffered to bear arms, nor allowed to join, or remain in the national forces.

The military profession as such is for ever abolished-every elector bearing arms, whether officer or private, is to associate with this some peaceful calling or occupation, on which he is mainly to depend for his subsistence; exception only allowed in officers above the rank of colonel.

The armed constituency wear the military uniform, or regimental dress, but except in war the government is not bound to furnish it at the public expence.

The horse to be voluntary for that branch of the service, finding their own horses and accoutrements.

The arms, canon, and ammunition, are supplied at the expence of the country. The uniform only to be worn on duty, or on days of exercise, and every one wearing the uniform not being an elector, to be chargable under the criminal code.


Naval Force.

The naval profession as such is abolished-the entire merchant service forms the navy of the State.

The vessels to be built by licence, and constructed to answer the purpose of merchandize and war; and the ships' company to be composed of persons entitled to the franchise.

The captains have that naval rank in vessels of a larger size; the captains of inferior sized vessels rank as first lieutenants; and both, with naval officers above them, are appointed by thegovernment.

The Censor at the port to which the vessel belongs, authorises one of the ships' company to act as electoral agent on board, but without pay, and the latter makes his report upon the return of the ship; if any person is struck off the roll in consequence, government is charged with preventing his continuance in the service; nor can he enter it again until qualified to vote,

A seaman has the same right of appeal from the Censor, as other individuals possess.


officers and seamen vote for the district for which they were qualified, before they entered the service, or for that to which the vessel belongs, at option, but not for both districts; and when on shore they have all the privileges of landsmen, being electors.

The ships' company are exercised in arms, by the officers, as often as may be necessary to preserve them in an efficient state for war.

The captains, admirals, and Lord High Admiral to have pay from the State during peace, with a proportion of the commanders, or first lieutenants, but none else.

Every vessel and crew to be one month in two years gratuitously at the service of the government, the owners meeting the expence of it; but in war the whole merchant service to be at the disposal of the crown, at the expence of the State, as respects the pay of officers and crew.

The government in peace has power to engage two vessels of each class to be permanently in the service of the country, for a term of five years, and at the expiration to engage two other vessels of each class for a like period, the expence

to be defrayed from the public treasury; but the number not on any account to be increased, or engaged for a longer term, nor the same vessel to be re-engaged. The officers receiving pay are not to be wholly supported by this stipend, but to have the salary from the merchants or owners of the vessel which their engagement in the merchant service may justify; and no one to have naval rank on board, or any naval authority, who has not such engagement-unless he be above the rank of captain.

The requirement of the vessel and its company for one month in two years, to be so managed by the government, that they may have a proportion of the navy at all times in constant readiness for war.

The vessels in general are only to carry guns, arms and ammunition, sufficient for the exercise of the men; and all warlike stores are furnished at the public charge.

The officers and seamen to wear the naval uniform, but except in war the State is not bound to furnish it at the public expence, Every one not being an elector, wearing the Naval uniform, is chargable under the criminal code,

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