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Men that More :

[Page 201 of MS.]

We have not been able to find anything about the origin of this song. Neither Mr. Chappell nor any other song-learned person we have referred to knows it. It seems a notice, on the one hand, to men that a girl's refusal does not always mean a real No, and on the other hand, a warning to girls to beware lest love or waggish inclination tempt them beyond the bounds of prudence. How oft, alas, are they but flies that do play with the candle, and perish, while that burns on its allotted space, with no lessening of its brilliance in the eyes of men!-F.



MEN that more to the yard1 northe church

are oft enclined,

take young mayds now & then att lurch


to try their mind;

younge maids now adayes are soe coy, thé will not

when they are in loue,

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But for feare I 2 oft say noe, when perhapps they wold but they're fayne doe if itt wold not proue.

If for a time for feare they bee wyllye

and seeme coy,

there is one that perhapps may beguile yee,

the blind boy;

so coy they say no.

Yet Cupid will pierce their hearts.

1? MS. yord.-F.

2 for they.-F.



heele strike home when he please; to the quicke heele shoot

his shaft without delay;

then theyle sigh & lament when, alas, their owne kind hart

cannott say Nay.

The small fly that playeth with the candle

oft doth burne;


maids may get burnt

like flies in a


such young

maids as doe loue for to dandle


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once, may mourne.

lett flyes burne, & maids mourne, for in vaine you do perswade

them from their folly;

Nature binds all their kinds now & then to play the


though the seeme holy.




[Page 238 of MS.]

was a younge man that dwelt in a towne,

a Iollye husband was hee,

but he wold eate more at one sett dinner 3
the[n] 20 wold att three.

soe great a stomacke had hee,

his wiffe did him provide

ten meales a day, his hungar1 to lay,

Panche is a

great glutton,

and his wife gives him

ten meals a day.

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take heed of hott furmitree!

His wiffe had a sister neere at hand,

decket vp in a gowne of gray;

shee loued a young man, & marryed thé weere
vpon St. Iames his day;

& to the wedding went they,

her brothers & sisters each one.

16 shee vowed to bring her to 5 capon pyes,


with birds the sids vpon.

take heed &c.

But yet the good wiffe, tho litle shee sayd,

in mind & hart was woe
because her husband, the glutton, wold
vnto the wedding goe.

1 A Droll old Song, rather vulgar.-P.

2 There is a tag like an s at the end. -F.

3 dimer in the MS.-F.

Her sister


and she promises her

two capon pies for her weddingfeast.

Panche's wife

4 One stroke too few in the first syllable.-F.

5 two.-P.

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"ffor if yo[u] come there, you vtterlye shame [page 239] yor selfe & me besides,

& all your kinred euery one,

the Bridgrome & the bryde, you feed soe Monst[r]ouslye

aboue all other men,

for you deuoure more meate at a meale

then 40 will doe at ten."

take heede &c.

When that he heard his wiffe say soe,

his anger waxed hotte:

40 Quoth he, "thou drabb! thou filthy Queane!




thy councell likes me not!

belike some match is made

betwixt some knaue & thee

to make me a scorne, my head for to horne!

I smell out thy knauerye!

to the wedding that I will goe!

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"Good husband," quoth shee, "Misdoubt not of me!

I speake it for the best!

yet doe as you will, your mind to fulfill;

but let me this request,

that when vnorderlye 2

I see you feeding there,

when I doe winke, I wold haue you thinke

its time for to forbeare."

take heed &c.

1 Giles.-P.

2 i.e. disorderly.-P.

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