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At last the official begs the boy to give over playing.

Jack will do so on condition of an amnesty.

The condition agreed to,

Jack stops his pipe.


484 Each sett on a merry pin,2

some broke their heads, & some their shin,

& some their noses brast.

The officiall thus sore turmayld,

488 Halfe swelt 3 with sweat, & almost spoyld,
cryed to the wanton childe


'To pipe noe more within that place,
but stay the sound, euen for gods grace,
& loue of Mary Milde.'

Iacke sayd, "as you will, it shalbe,
provided I may hence goe free,

& no man doe me wrong,4

496 Neither this woman nor this fryer,5
nor any other creature heere."

he answered him anon,

"Iacke, I to thee my promise plight,
500 in thy defence I mean to fight,
& will oppose thy fone.""


sat upon.-P.

Iacke ceast his pipes: then all still stood;
some laughing hard, some raging woode.

soe parted at that tide

The Officiall & the Somner,

the stepdame & the wicked fryer,8

with much loy, mirth, & pride. ffins.

2 On the pin, on the qui vive.

In a

merry pin, i. e. a merry humour, half intoxicated. Halliwell's Gloss.-F.

MS. pared away, read by Percy.—F.

[page 104.]

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As I was ridinge by the way.'

[Page 104 of MS.]

As I was ryding by the way,

a woman profered me a bagge,

& 40tye, cattell more, to stay

& giue her belly but a swagge.

A pox on the whore, they were but scrapps
that I supposed was single monye;

the cattell had lice, or else perhapps

I had light and tooke her by the coney.

I had not further rydd a Myle

but I mett with a market Maide

who sunge, the way for to beguile,

in these same words, and thus shee said:

"I see the Bull dothe Bull the cow;

& shall I liue a maiden still?

I see the bore doth brim the sow;
& yet there is neuer a lacke for gill."

I had some hope, & to her spoke,

"sweet hart, shall I put my flesh in thine?" "with all my hart, Sir! your nose in my arse,"

quoth she, "for to keepe out the winde."

Shee ryde vpon a tyred mare,

& to reuenge noe time withstoode,

I bluntlye asket pro to occupye her;

but first shee wold know wherfore that was good.

A loose but humorous song.-P.

First I met

a woman who wanted me,

Then I met

a market maid who sang

that she wanted a lover.

I offered myself, and she sold me.

I asked to occupy her.

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[Page 178 of MS.]

THE first notice of this ballad that Mr. Chappell has found is "in the registers of the Stationers' Company, under the date of May 22, 1615, [where] there is an entry transferring the right of publication from one printer to another, and it is described as A Ballett of Dulcina, to the tune of Forgoe me nowe, come to me soone," the burden of the present ballad: ("Pop. Music,” v. 2. p. 771). At v. 1. p. 143 the tune is given; it is to be played cheerfully." The earlier title of the tune seems to have soon disappeared; for, says Mr. Chappell, v. 1. p. 142, "this tune is referred to under the names of 'Dulcina,'' As at noon Dulcina rested,' From Oberon in Fairy-land,' and 'Robin Goodfellow.'. . The ballad of As at noon Dulcina rested' is said, upon the authority of Cayley and Ellis, to have been written by Sir Walter Raleigh. The milk-woman in Walton's 'Angler' says, 'What song was it, I pray you? Was it, 'Come shepherds, deck your heads,' or 'As at noon Dulcina rested?' &c." Mr. Chappell gives a list of eight ballads and songs directed to be sung to this tune, and the last of them is one that shows an earlier person than Rowland Hill (?) didn't see why the devil should have all the good tunes to himself: for "Dulcina is one of the tunes to the Psalms and Songs of Sion, turned into the language and set to the tunes of a strange land," 1642.

"Let me sleep in thy lap."


AS att noone Dulc[i]na rested
in her sweete & shadé2 bower,
there came a shepeard, & requested
in her lapp to sleepe and hower 3;

This song is printed in many collections of songs.-P.

2 shady.-P.


an hour.-P.

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