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Enter Warwick, Somerfet, and the rest, bringing the King out in a gown, fitting in a chair; Glo'lter and Haltings flying over the Stage.

Som. What are they, that fly there?

War. Richard and Haftings; let them go, here is The Duke.

K. Ed. The Duke! why, Warwick, when we parted Thou call'dft me King?

War. Ay, but the cafe is alter'd.

When you difgrac'd me in my ambassade,
Then I degraded you from being King;
And come now to create you Duke of York.
Alas, how fhould you govern any kingdom,
That know not how to use Ambassadors;
Nor how to be contented with one wife,
Nor how to use your brothers brotherly,
Nor how to ftudy for the people's welfare,
Nor how to fhroud yourself from enemies?

K. Edw. Brother of Clarence, and art thou here toof
Nay, then I fee, that Edward needs muft down.
Yet, Warwick, in despight of all mischance,
Of thee thyself, and all thy complices,
Edward will always bear himself as King:
Though fortune's malice overthrow my ftate,
My mind exceeds the compass of her wheel.

War. Then, for his mind, be Edward England's King: [Takes off his Crown. But Henry now fhall wear the English crown,

And be true King, indeed; thou but the shadow.
My Lord of Somerfet, at my requeft,

See that forthwith Duke Edward be convey'd
Unto my brother, Archbishop of York:

When I have fought with Pembroke and his fellows,
I'll follow you, and tell you what reply

Lewis and Lady Bona fent to him :

Now for a while farewel, good Duke of York.

K. Edw. What fates impofe, that men must needs abide;

It boots not to resist both wind and tide. .

[Ex. King Edward led out forceably.

Oxf. What now remains, my Lords, for us to do, But march to London with our foldiers?

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War. Ay, that's the first thing that we have to do; To free King Henry from imprisonment, And fee him feated in the regal throne.


SCENE, the Palace.

Enter Rivers, and the Queen.


Adam, what makes you in this fudden change?

Men, Whybrother Rivers, are you yet to learn,

What late misfortune has befaln King Edward?

Riv. What! lofs of fome pitcht battle against Warwick?
Queen. No, but the lofs of his own royal perfon.
Riv. Then is my Sovereign flain?

Queen. Ay, almoft flain, for he is taken prisoner.
Either betray'd by falfhood of his guard,
Or by his foe furpriz'd at unawares :

And as I further have to understand,

Is now committed to the Bishop of York,

Fell Warwick's brother, and by that our foe.

Riv. These news, I must confefs, are full of grief:
Yet, gracious Madam, bear it as you may;
Warwick may lofe, that now hath won the day.
Queen. Till then fair hope muft hinder life's decay.
And I the rather wean me from despair,

For love of Edward's off-fpring in my womb:
This is't, that makes me bridle in my paffion,
And bear with mildnefs my misfortune's crofs:
Ay, ay, for this I draw in many a tear,
And ftop the rifing of blood-fucking fighs,
Left with my fighs, or tears, I blast or drown
King Edward's fruit, true heir to th' English crown.
Riv. But, Madam, where is Warwick then become?
Queen. I am informed that he comes towards London,
To fet the crown once more on Henry's head:
Guefs thou the rest, King Edward's friends must down.
But to prevent the tyrant's violence,

(For truft not him, that once hath broken faith ;)
I'll hence forthwith unto the fin&tuary,


To fave at least the heir of Edward's right.
There fhall I reft fecure from force and fraud:..
Come therefore, let us fly, while we may fly;
If Warwick take us, we are fure to die.


SCENE, a Park near Middleham Caftle in Yorkshire.

Enter Gloucester, Lord Haftings, and Sir William Stanley.

Glo. Now, my Lord Haflings, and Sir William Stanles,

Leave off to wonder why I drew you hither,

Into this chiefeft thicket of the Park.

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Thus ftands the cafe; you know, our King, my brother,
Is pris'ner to the Bishop, at whose hands,
He hath good ufage and great liberty;
And often but attended with weak guard
Comes hunting this way to difport himself.
I have advertis'd him by fecret means,
That if about this hour he make this way,
Under the colour of his ufual game;

He fhall here find his friends with horfe and men,
To fet him free from his captivity.

Enter King Edward, and a Huntsman with him.

Hunt. This way, my Lord, for this way lies the game. K. Edw. Nay, this way, man; fee, where the huntfmen ftand.

Now, brother Glo'fter, Haflings, and the reft,
Stand you thus clofe to fteal the Bishop's deer?
Glo. Brother, the time and cafe requireth hafte,
Your horfe ftands ready at the park-corner...
K. Edw. But whither fhall we then?

Haft. To Lyn, my Lord,

And fhip from thence to Flanders.

Glo. Well gueft, believe me, for that was my meaning.
K. Edw, Stanley, I will requite thy forwardness.
Glo. But wherefore ftay we? 'tis no time to talk.
K. Ed. Huntfman, what fay'ft thou wilt thou go

Hunt. Better do fo, than tarry and be hang'd.


Glo. Come then away, let's ha' no more ado.

K. Edw. Bishop, farewel; fhield thee from Warwick's



pray, that I may repoffefs the crown.


SCENE changes to the Tower in London. Enter King Henry, Clarence, Warwick, Somerset, young Richmond, Oxford, Montague, and Lieutenant of the Tower.

K. Henry M Have Shaken Edward from the regal feat,

R. Lieutenant, now that God and friends

And turn'd my captive ftate to liberty,

My fear to hope, my forrows unto joys;
At our enlargement what are thy due fees?

Lie. Subjects may challenge nothing of their Sovereigns; But if an humble prayer may prevail,

I then crave pardon of your Majesty.

K. Henry. For what, Lieutenant? for well ufing me?
Nay, be thou fure, I'll well requite thy kindness;
For that it made my imprisonment a pleasure:
Ay, fuch a pleasure as incaged birds
Conceive, when after many moody thoughts,
At last, by notes of houfhold harmony,
They quite forget their lofs of liberty.

But Warwick, after God, thou fett'ft me free,
And chiefly therefore I thank God and thee:
He was the author, thou the inftrument.
Therefore that I may conquer fortune's spight,
By living low, where fortune cannot hurt me;
And that the people of this bleffed land
May not be punish'd with my thwarting stars ;
Warwick, although my head still wear the crown,
I here refign my government to thee,

For thou art fortunate in all thy deeds,

War. Your Grace hath ftill been fam'd for virtuous, And now may feem as wife as virtuous,

By fpying and avoiding fortune's malice ;
For few men rightly temper with the stars;

Yet in this one thing let me blame your Grace,


For chufing me, when Clarence is in place.

Clar. No, Warwick, thou art worthy of the fway, To whom the heav'ns in thy nativity, Adjudg'd an olive branch and laurel crown, As likely to be bleft in peace and war; And therefore I yield thee my free confent. War. And I chufe Clarence only for Protector.

K. Henry. Warwick and Clarence, give me both your hands

Now join your hands, and with your hands, your hearts,
That no diffention hinder government.

I make you both Protectors of this land,
While I myself will lead a private life;
And in devotion spend my latter days,
To fin's rebuke and my Creator's praife.

War. What anfwers Clarence to his Sov'reign's will? Clar. That he confents, if Warwick yield confent; For on thy fortune I repofe myself.

War. Why then, though loth, yet muft I be content: We'll yoke together, like a double fhadow To Henry's body, and fupply his place; I mean, in bearing weight of government, While he enjoys the honour, and his ease. And, Clarence, now then it is more than needful, Forthwith that Edward be pronounc'd a traitor; And all his lands and goods confiscated.

Clar. What else? and that fucceffion be determin'd. War. Ay, therein Clarence fhall not want his part. K. Henry. But with the first of all our chief affairs, Let me intreat, for I command no more, That Margaret your Queen and my fon Edward Be fent for, to return from France with speed. For till I fee them here, by doubtful fear My joy of liberty is half eclips'd.

Clar. It fhall be done, my Sov'reign, with all fpeed. K. Henry. My Lord of Somerset, what youth is that, Of whom you feem to have fo tender care?

Som. My Liege, it is young Henry, Earl of Richmond. K. Henry. Come hither, England's hope: if fecret powers [Lays his hand on his head. Suggeit

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