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12 ffebr. 1568.

Household Regulations of Gdward
Third Earl of Derby.

rders appointed and made by my L. Com. to be observed ffrom tyme to tyme hereafter in his L. Household.

first that one Gen?man Vssher shall allwayes he attendaunte and but thone of theim at one tyme; onles they be (in tymes nedeful of more service) sent for.

Item that vi Gentlemen wayters and no moo at one tyme shall awayte theire turnes monthlie as they shall be appoynted, and that no gent. comyng to my L. service shall wayte at the table before my L. gyve conc. and no yoman shall wayte till he have bene in the house one yeare and moore, at my L. his pleasure.

Etem that the Maister and Cokes shall awayte quarterlie and but one of theym at ones, and that the same so waytyng shall not suffre anie under cooke or boye to dresse anie of my L. meate for his Lordshyppes own Table but they onelye to do the same wth theyr own handes as they wyll for the same avoyd his L. dyspleasure, and allso that they shall not suffer anie to be in the kytchyn wher my L. meate shall be dressed but suche as shall there be allowed to make ffyres and turne the Broches and other necessarie helpes there and that thassaye shall be taken at the kytchyn.

Item that there shall be no resorte into anie place of the kytchin by anie other but suche as be there allowed and apperteyning to that Offyce.

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that Thomas Berwyck wth helpe of John Burscough shall wayte & serve the hall place in such Order as they shall be appoynted.

that all the Cookes and Undercookes shall obey all and eury the Orders to be appoynted to theyme by the Steward, Clerk Comp?, and Clerkes of the Kytchyn, as they will avoyde my L. his displeasure.

it is my L. pleasure and Com. that the Clerkes of the kytchin shall be at the laying furth of the Bieff où nyght that shall be boyled on the other dayes and allso to appoynt my L. ffare theym selves as they will avoyd his L. displeasure.

that there shall not be anie yoman or other not in the Chekerolle that shall tarie to burthen my L. his house, but one daye or meale at one tyme.

that no Slaves nor boyes shall sitt in the Hall but in place therefore to be appoynted convenyent.

that the Yeman of Horses and Gromes of the Stable shall not suffre anie boyes or Slaves to abyde about the Stables nor lye in theym nor in any place aboute theym.

that the Porter shall have such Regarde in his Offyce that he shall not suffre anie to come wthin the house but that are and shall be allowed for causes necessarie onles they be servyng men or others very substantiall by discrecon, and no Suters but by discrecon.

that the Arras menders shall make no wke but suche as they shall be appoynted unto by the Steward Comp? or Clerkes of the kytchyn.

that pvision shall be made of ffurnyture for other my L. houses as tyme




may serve for so manie necessarie things as may be, both beddyng and other thinges for househould.

that no Offycer shall make anie Substitute or leave his key and charge wthout lycence of the Steward or Clerke Comptr And that they & euye of theym shalbe circumspect in theyre Offices so that my L. may be served trulie and dylygentlye as well for his howse as his pffet.

that eûye under Offycer in his place shall be obedyent to suche other Officers as my L. doth and shall appoynt to be aboue theym.

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This is unquestionably the Earl's autograph, although written in a smaller hand (and the Christian name in full) than that engraven on Plate 1 p. 252 in Whitaker's Hist. of Craven, which is assigned to "circ. 1537," and bears little resemblance to this signature.

"And in the tyme that Henrie raigned of Derby Erle and Lorde,
Standley and Strainge, the Esles of Man wch yeldethe like accorde,
Knight of the honorable ord9 of St. Georges garter,
With Elizabeth queene well likt, and of her subjects in grete favo"."
Thomas Challoner, 1576.


Bere viz.

Note sett downe the better thereof to vnderstande the maner of the wekely brieffements and expensis in my said L. the Earle of Derbies howseholde viz.

first of one mette & a halfe of Barly malte & the lieke quantitie of otte malte wth ilb & a halfe of hoppes there is made one hoggeshead of beare for his L. house adding thereto in every Brewe wch conteyneth tenne hoggesheades being the increase of xxxti windles of malte the quantitie of half a windle of wheat grounde like malte.

Breade viz.

Of a Pecke of Wheate & lieke quantitie of Barly mingled together there is made of household breade xxxti caste conteyning threescore loffes.

It'm of every mette of fyne wheate made in Manchetts there is fyve score caste of manchets conteyning tenscore manchettes.

Bredge viz.

Bieffe viz.

Of every Windle or mette of wheate baken in greate loffes for Dredge to the Kitchen there is made Sixe loffes.

Of every oxe there is xii tylles besydes the chines & maribones wch be estymed to be of the value of three tylles and so a howle oxe to conteyne xvne tyelles.

Vealles viz.

Of every vealle there is to be cvtte owte for ordinary messes in the Halle

Mottons viz.

Xyne messes.

Of every motton there is to be cvtte owte in ordinary messes for the Halle xii messes.

Haberdaine viz.

Of every

haberdaine there is cvtte iiii messes for the Halle.

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