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speaker departs from his natural tone of expression,he becomes frigid and unpersuasive. Nothing is more absurd than to suppose,that as soon as a speaker ascends a pulpit, or rises in, a public assembly, he is instantly to lay aside the voice with which he expresses himself in private, and to assume a new, studied tone, and a cadence, altogether different from his natural manner. This has vitiated all delivery, and has given rise to cant and tedious monotony. Let every public speaker guard against this error. Whether he speak in private, or in a great assembly, let him remember that he still speaks. Let him take nature for his guide,and she will teach him to express his sentiments and feelings, in such manner, as to make the most forcible and pleasing impression upon the minds of his hearers.

It now remains to treat of gesture, or what is called action,in public discourse. The best rule is, attend to the looks and gesture, in which earnestness, indignation, compassion, or any other emotion, discovers itself to most advantage in the common intercourse of men; and let these be your model. A public speaker must, however,adopt that manner which is most natural to himself. His motions and gestures ought all to exhibit that kind of expression which nature has dictated to him; and, unless this be the case, no study can prevent their appearing stiff and forced. But, though nature is the basis on which every grace of gesture must be founded, yet there is room for some improvements of art, The study of action consists, chiefly in guarding against awkward and disagreeable motions, and in learning to perform


such as are natural to the speaker, in the most graceful manner. Numerous are the rules which writers bave laid down for the attainment of a proper gesticulation. But written instructions on this subject can be of little service. To become useful, they must be exemplified. A few of the simplest precepts, however, may be observed with advantage. Every speaker should study to preserve as much dignity as possible in the attitude of his body. He should generally prefer an erect posture; his position should be firm, that he may have the fullest and freest command of all his motions. If any inclination be used, it should be toward the hearers, which is a natural expression of earnestness. The countenance should correspond with the nature of the discourse; and, when no particular emotion is expressed, a serious and manly look is always to be prefered. The eyes should never be fixed entirely on any one object, but move easily round the audience. In motion, made with the hands, consists the principal part of gesture, in speaking. It is natural for the right hand to be employed more frequently than the left. Warm einotions require the exercise of them both together. But, whether a speaker gesticulate with one, or with both his bands, it is important that all his motions be easy and unrestrained. Narrow and confined movements are usually ungraceful; and consequently,motions made with the hands, should proceed from the shoulder, rather than from the elbow. Perpendicular movements are to be avoided. Oblique motions, are most pleasing and graceful. Sudden and rapid motions, are seldom good.

Earnestness can be fully expressed without their assistance.

We cannot conclude this subject, without earnestly admonishing every speaker to guard against affectation, which is the destruction of good delivery. Let his manner, whatever it be, be his own; neither imitated from another,nor taken from some imaginary model,which is unnatural to him. Whatever is native, though attended by several defects, is likely to please,because it shows us the man; and because it has the appearance of proceeding from the heart. To attain a delivery, extremely correct and graceful, is what few can expect; since so maby natural talents must concur in its formation. But to acquire a forcible and persuasive manner, is within 'he power of most persons. They need only to dismiss bad habits, follow nature, and speak in public as they do'in private,when they speak in earnest, and from the heart.


To those who are anxious to excel in any of the higher kinds of oratory, nothing is more necessary than to cultivate habits of the several virtues, and to refine and improve their moral feelings. A true orator must possess generous sentiments, warm feelings, and a mind, turned toward admiration of those great and high objects, which men are by nature formed to venérate. Connected with the manly virtues, he thould possess strong and tender sensibility to

all the injuries, distresses, and sorrows of his fellow creatures.

Next to moral qualifications, what is most requisite for an orator, is a fund of knowledge. There is no art, by which eloquence can be taught, in any sphere, without a sufficient acquaintance with what belongs to that sphere. Attention to the ornaments of style, can only assist an orator, in setting off to advantage, the stock of materials which he possesses; but the materials themselves must be derived from other sources than from rhetoric A pleader must make himself completely acquainted with the law; he must possess all that learning and experience, which can be useful for supporting a cause, or convincing a judge. A preacher must apply himself closely to the study of divinity, of practical religion, of morals, and of human nature; that he may be rich in ali topics of instruction and persuasion. He, who wishes to excel in the supreme council of the nation, or in any public assembly, should be thoroughly acquainted with the business that belongs to such assembly; and should attend with accuracy to all the facts, which may be the subject of question or deliberation.

Beside the knowledge peculiar to his profession,a public speaker should be acquainted with the general circle of polite literature. Poetry he will find useful for embellishing his style, for suggesting lively images, or pleasing illusions. History may be still more advaniageous; as the knowledge of facts, of eminent characters, and of the course of human affairs, finds place on many occasions. Deficiency of

knowledge, even in subjects not immediately connected with his profession, will expose a public speaker to many disadvantages, and give his rivals, who are better qualified, a decided superiority.

To every one, who wishes to excel in eloquence, application and industry cannot be too much recommended. Without this, it is impossible to excel in any thing. No one ever became a distinguished pleader, or preacher, or speaker, in any assembly, without previous labour and application. Industry, indeed, is not only necessary to every valuable acquisition; but it is designed, by Providence, as the seasoning of every pleasure, without which, life is doomed to languish. No enemy is so destructive, both to honourable attainments, and to the real and spirited enjoyment of life, as that relaxed state of mind, which proceeds from indolence and dissipation. He, who is destined to excel in any art, will be distinguished by enthusiasm for that art; which, firing his mind with the object in view, will dispose him to relish every necessary labour. This was the characteristic of the great men of antiquity; and this must distinguish moderns who wish to imitate them. This honourable enthusiasm should be cultivated by students in oratory. If it be wanting to youth, manhood will flag exceedingly.

Attention to the best models, contributes greatly to improvement in the arts of speaking and writing. Every one, indeed, should endeavour to have something that is his own, that is peculiar to himself, and will distinguish his

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