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to ascertain the true condition of affairs, and it is stated that the following scene occurred. As Davis looked down upon the Union army almost beneath his feet in the valley below, from the lofty eminence of Lookout Mountain: "I have them now," said he," in just the trap I set for them." To this remark, General Pemberton, who was sitting on horseback beside him, remarked, "Mr. Davis, you are Commander-in-Chief, and you are here; you think the enemy are in a trap, and can be captured by vigorous assault; I have been


blamed for not having ordered a general attack on the enemy when they were draw. ing around me their lines of circumvallation at Vicksburg. Do you now order an attack upon these troops down there below us, and I will bet you my life that

not one G- d-

man of the attacking


column will ever come back across that valley, except as a prisoner."

When Rosecrans was removed the Rebel press sneered at the appointment of Grant; they said: "The Federals have taken away one general (Rosecrans) and put two fools (Grant and Thomas) in his place." Some one called President Lincoln's attention to this attempt at wit by the Rebel paper, who said that he was "reminded of the story" of the Irishman, who, when buying a cooking stove, being

told that "this one will save half your fuel," answered: "Faith then, I'll take two stoves and save the whole." He said: "If one fool like Grant can win such victories and accomplish what he has, I don't object to two; for they will certainly wipe out the rest of the Rebellion."

After Grant's successful movement in relieving his army, The Richmond Enquirer, in an editorial, became alarmed, and severely criticised the movements and apathy of Bragg. It said: "The enemy was out-fought at Chickamauga; (thanks to the army!) but the present position of affairs looks as though we had been out-generaled at Chattanooga." An Atlanta newspaper of November 9, 1863, fully realizing the importance of crushing the Union force at Chattanooga, said:

"The Yankee Army of the Cumberland holds the door to lower East Tennessee, and this door we must leave open. * * * If we continue to gaze listlessly from the bold knobs of Missionary Ridge upon the comfortable barracks of the Federals below, then may we tremble for the next campaign; for, as sure as there is any surety in the future, the spring of 1864 must see us far from the borders of Georgia, or near to the verge of destruction. Nail it to your door posts, men of the South, and refuse to be deluded into any other belief. Food and raiment are our needs. We must have them. Kentucky and Middle Tennessee can only supply them. Better give up the sea-coast, better give up the Southwest, aye, better to give up Richmond without a siruggle, and win these, than lose the golden field, whose grain and wocl are our sole hope. The enemy has just one army too many in the field for us. We must crush this overplus; we must gain one signal Stonewall Jackson campaign. Destiny points to the very place. Be Rosecrans the victim. Defeat him, pulverize him, run him to the Ohio River, and then close the war with the next summer. And how? Nothing easier. The bee which has really stung our flank so long, once disposed of, our triumphant legions have a clear road before them. Fed sumptuously through the winter, well shod and clad, they have only to meet a dispirited foe, retake the valley of the Mississippi, secure the election of a peace Democrat to the Presidency in the fall, and arrange

the terms of treaty and independence. These results can be accom. plished nowhere else than in this department. The Northwest is ou real adversary."

Grant now made every preparation for an aggressive movement. Stores of all kinds were hurried forward, and daily drills and parades took place in front of the workswithin plain view of the enemy's pickets and sentinels. Everything had settled down into a quiet routine. Yet in the midst of this quiet the Union Commander was matur ing schemes for the annihilation of the rebel forces in his front, and the relief of East Tennessee. The vast complications involved in these plans, and their subsequent successful accomplishment, show the master mind of Grant. His watchful eye was everywhere. Sherman toiling with his army four hundred miles overland from Memphis, was daily watched. On October 24 Grant telegraphs him: "Drop everything east of Bear Creek and move with your entire force toward Stephenson, until you receive further orders. The enemy are evidently moving a large force toward Cleveland, and may break through our lines and move on Nashville, in which event your troops are the only forces at command that could beat them there." Again on November 7: "The enemy have moved a great part of their force from this front toward Burnside. I have to make an immediate move from here toward their lines of communication, to bring them back if possible. I am anxious to see your old corps here at the earliest moment." At Fayette Sherman receives another dispatch: "Come on to Stephenson and Bridgeport with your four divisions. I want your command to aid in a movement to force the enemy back from their present position, and to make Burnside secure in his."

The sufferings of the noble Union men of Eastern Ten

nessee deeply moved the commanding general. The persecutions from the rebel element were of every conceivable form. "They were thrown into filthy prisons; they had been hung or shot; tied to logs and whipped to death; their houses plundered and burned over their heads; husbands murdered before their wives and children; or, escaping this, they had fled to caves to die by starvation, or to be fed by the hand of charity." Everything that the "barbarism of slavery" could devise to force the people into support of the Rebellion was done. They had from the first protested against secession and proved loyal to the Union through all their sufferings. General Grant determined to put a stop to this style of warfare, and issued the following order, which he saw was executed to the letter whenever opportunity offered.


IN THE FIELD, CHATTANOOGA, TENN., November 5, 1863. } [General Orders No. 4.]

The habit of raiding parties of rebel cavalry visiting towns, villages and farms where there are no Federal forces, and pillaging Union families, having become prevalent, department commanders will take im. mediate steps to stop the evil, or make the loss by such raids fall upon secessionists and secession sympathizers in the neighborhood where such acts are committed. For every act of violence to the person of an unarmed Union citizen, a secessionist will be arrested and held as hostage for the delivery of the offender. For every dollar's worth of property taken from such citizens, or destroyed by raiders, an assessment will be made upon secessionists of the neighborhood, and collected by the nearest military forces, under the supervision of the commander thereof, and the amount thus collected paid over to the sufferers. When such assessments cannot be collected in money, property useful to the government may be taken at a fair valuation, and the amount paid in money by a disbursing officer of the government, who will take such property upon his returns. Wealthy secession citizens will be assessed in money and provisions for the support of Union refugees who have been and may be driven from their homes

and into our lines by the acts of those with whom secession citizens are in sympathy. All collections and payments under this order will be through disbursing officers of the government, whose accounts must show all money and property received under it, and how disposed of. By order of

T. S. BOWERS, A. A. G.

Major-General U. S. GRANT.

The commanding General fully realized the exigence, and needed no urging. Every nerve of energy was strained to its utmost tension. To reinforce Burnside was impossible, even if they could have been spared, for there was no means of supplying them with food. From all portions of the East and Southeast rebel forces were being hurried forward to Longstreet; few believed that he would be able to withstand the assaults that would be made upon him. Grant never wavered in his confidence in the soldierly qualities of Burnside, and believed that he would maintain his position until relief should come.

General Badeau in his "Military History of General Grant," in speaking of the measures adopted for Burnside's relief, says:

"The continent shook with the tramp of advancing armies. Bridges were built in Eastern cities for these soldiers to march over. Engines were brought from Western towns to transport their supplies. The greatest rivers of the Republic, the Tennessee and the Cumberland, the Mississippi and the Ohio, were crowded with steamers bringing clothes and shoes to those who were wearing out their gar ments in mighty marches, and ammunition and food to replace what had already been expended in the campaigns for Chattanooga.

"Over half the territory in rebellion, through these great mountain ranges and by the side of these rushing streams, along the desolated cornfields and amid the startled recesses of the primeval forests, the bustle and the stir of war were rife. Two hundred thousand soldiers were concentrating from the East and the West, either in motion for this one battle-field, or guarding its approaches, or bring. ing up supplies, or waiting anxiously for those who were, with them, to fight the battle of Chattanooga. And over all these preparations, and all these armies, the spirit of one man was dominant."


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