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dent Grant, the distinguished soldier and statesman present," remarking that it would be unnecessary for him to repeat the earnestness of their welcome, their desire to draw closer the bonds of friendship between the two greatest commercial nations in the world, and especially to honor the hero of a hundred battles, whose courage and skill challenged their admiration.

Grant responded with unusual gayety of manner, acknowledging the pleasure with which he received their constant manifestations of good will, believing that ultimately the bonds of union must be strengthened between the two countries. He excused himself from an extended reply. During the luncheon, the streets leading to the town hall were packed with spectators.

General Grant afterward visited the exchange and newsrooms, where he was received with great enthusiasm. Leaving Liverpool for Manchester, May 30, immense crowds gathered along the route, and the stations were beautifully decorated, the American flag being everywhere prominent. Arriving at Manchester at eleven o'clock, he was received by the Mayor and Aldermen and a tremendous crowd of citizens, who manifested their enthusiasm by continued cheering. The Mayor's speech was quite lengthy, and referred feelingly to a similar occasion, when, in 1863, the ship Griswold brought a cargo of provisions to the suffering operatives of the city, who had been thrown out of employment, owing to the failure of the cotton crop from the South. This address was followed by a laudatory and congratulatory address by Sir John Heron, recalling the kind expressions which the Queen's birthday had evoked in America. He hoped for a constant increase of the existing good feeling, and trusted that the visit of the ex-President would ultimately lead to free commercial intercourse between England and the United States.

The General, who had listened to the addresses with

that quiet composure of manner peculiar to him unmoved, though the target of thousands of eyes, as though alone-rising, acknowledged the presentation. "It is scarcely possible for me," he said, "to give utterance to the feelings evoked by my reception upon your soil from the moment of my arrival in Liverpool, where I have passed a couple of days, until the present moment. After the scene which I have witnessed in your streets, the elements of greatness, as manifested in your public and industrial buildings, I may be allowed to say, that no person could be the recipient of the honor and attention you have bestowed upon me, without the profoundest feelings. Such have been incited in me, and I find myself inadequate to their proper expression. It was my original purpose on my arrival in Liverpool to hasten to London, and from thence proceed to visit the various points of interest in the country. Among these I have regarded Manchester as the most important. As I have been aware for years of the great amount of your manufactures, many of which find their ultimate destination in my own country, so I am aware that the sentiments of the great mass of the people of Manchester went out in sympathy to that country, during the mighty struggle, in which it fell to my lot to take some humble part. The expressions of the people of Manchester at the time of the great trial, incited within the breasts of my countrymen a feeling of friendship toward them, distinct from that felt toward all England; and in that spirit I accept, on the part of my country, the compliments paid me as its representative, and thank you."

After General Grant had concluded his address of thanks, luncheon was served in the large banquet hall. Toasts to the Queen and the Prince of Wales were proposed and drank with all the honors. The Mayor of Manchester responded to each in loyal speeches. The health of President Hayes was then proposed, and was received with

enthusiasm. Mr. Newton Crane, United States consul to Manchester, responded amid applause. After these formalities, the Mayor of Manchester proposed the health of General Grant, amid the plaudits of the assemblage.

General Grant replied, with a humorous twinkle in his eye, that Englishmen had got more speeches and of greater length out of him than his own countrymen; but they were poorer, because they were longer than he was accustomed to make. He warmly returned thanks for the reception he had received at the hands of the people of Manchester, and concluded his remarks by proposing the health of the Mayoress and the ladies. The Mayor replied in suitable terms.

Mr. Jacob Bright, M. P., being called upon for a speech, said: "No guest so distinguished has ever before visited Manchester. General Grant is a brave soldier, and he has pursued a generous, pacific policy toward the enemies he had conquered. He should be honored and beloved, and deserves the hearty reception he will receive throughout the realm.” After the banquet, the General was introduced to the assemblage, and a general hand-shaking followed. In the evening he visted the Theatre Royal, and spent a short time at the Prince's Theatre. His reception at both places was very enthusiastic.

The journey from Manchester to London was marked by hearty greetings and welcomes at the several stations, and imposing demonstrations were made at Leicester and Bedford, as the handsomely decorated cars reached those places. To some of the addresses that were made to him, General Grant replied with an ease and sincerity which, no doubt, made our British cousins wonder how he came by his title of the "silent president." The secret lies, probably, in the fact that the General detests forms and shams and political intrigue, and he had good reasons for his taciturnity when he found himself surrounded by politicians

whom his judgment told him it was dangerous to trust. His welcome in England was a genuine outpouring of a nation's respect and admiration, and as such General Grant received it, and responded to it with an unembarrassed and earnest sincerity.



General Grant arrived at the terminus of the Midland Railway (St. Pancras Station), London, June 1, where he was met by Minister Pierrepont, in behalf of the United States, and Lord Vernon. Huge crowds thronged the entrance to the station, and cheered loudly, but there were no speeches. General Grant and party at once entered Minister Pierrepont's carriage, and were driven rapidly down Tottenham Court Road into Oxford street, thence to the residence of the American Minister. During the afternoon he was introduced to the Prince of Wales, it being his first visit of importance since reaching the city.

The following day General Grant, Prince of Wales, Duke of Cambridge, Lord Dudley, Lord Eicho, the Duke of Hamilton, the German Ambassador, Count Munster, and a number of Peers, left London by rail to witness the races at Epsom. Returning to London, General Grant was entertained at a grand banquet at Apsley House, given in his honor by the Duke of Wellington. It was a splendid and hearty reception. The guests were Mrs. and General Grant, Count and Countess Gleichen, Lord and Lady Abercromby, Lord and Lady Churchill, Marquises Tweeddale, Sligo and Ailesbury, Earl Roden, Vis count Torrington, Lords George Paget, Calthorpe, Houghton, Strathnairn, the Marchioness of Hertford, Countess of Hardwicke, Countess of Bradford, Lady Wellesley, Lady Emily Peel and Lady Skelmersdale, Miss Wellesley,

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