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Discoveries at Herculaneum and Pompeii; Price of Religious Instruction; Fires;
Fishes; Influence of Mind; The Maybug; New Canal; The Cotton Plant; Hy-
drophobia; Natural Phenomenon; Italian Literature; Potatoe Sugar obtained,
Chrystallized; The Canadian Snow Dogs; An Indian Sultana in Paris; Mozart;
Novel Heraldry: Metallurgy; Journals in the Netherlands; Languages in the Ne-
therlands; The Mocking Bird; Mount Ararat; Soliman "The Great;" Roy.
al Asiatic Society; Royal Institution; Colman; Sultan Mahmood; Poetical
old Bachelors; The Brain; A Child with two heads; Results of the French
Voyage of Discovery round the world; Locke; Anecdote of the Sultan and
the Pacha of Egypt; Profit on the new edition of the Waverly Novels; False No-
tions of the "Sensibles" with respect to the Imaginative faculty; Professor Han⚫
steen's magnetic discoveries; Songs of Scotland; Importance of the Fine Arts;
African Patriotism and Bentham's theory of morals; New mode of Vaccinating;
The lamentation of the Moors for the Battle of Lucena; A new Oratorio, by Neu
komm; Confession of an Author; Lectures on the Progress of Society; The Sanjac.
Sheriff; Hogarth; Personal appearance of men of genius; Poetry and Utilitari
anism; Tavernier; Love at one Glimpse; M. Chabert's experiments; Opium Ea-
ters; English language in Germany; Food for Silk-worms; Zoological Weather
Glass; New Actor at Paris; Bavarian Sculptures; Phenomena on boaring for wa
ter; Anecdotes of the Duke of Orleans; A Speaking Dog; Botany; Oriental Ar-
chery; The great American Bittern; The Chateau of Malmaison; French news-
papers. Musquitoes in Canada; Micrometer; Noble Origin of the Rajpoot Race;
Destruction of the Antediluvian Cave of Kuhlock; De Beranger; Miniature Steam
Engine; The Mosque at Mecca; Lakes; Constantinople; New Kind of Glass ;
Instance of Self-possession; Roman Antiquities; A taste for Poetry; Extraordin-
ary Animal Remains; Sale of Rare Portraits; National Debts and Public Revenues;
A Curious Watch; Antiquities in Spain; Preservation of Eggs; Natural History:
the Lion; Influence of Accident in Directing Pursuits; Pruning; A curious Exhi
bition; Rise of Individuals of Obscure Origin; Diamond Lenses; Westminster.
*Hall; Electric Cloth; Specimen of a Royal Turkish Imbecile; Singular Instance of
Perseverance; Patent Cartridge; Wordsworth; Animal Charcoal; General Wolfe ;
Derbyshire's Patent Medicine, to alleviate sea-sickness; Newspapers; Imagina-
tion; Kneading of Bread by Machinery; Quarrels of Friends; Waterproof Glue;
Books; Wine; The Gentleman and the Mere Citizen; Chinese Physicians; Re-
serve; On the Test of Popular Opinion; Dr. Woodeson; Vinerian Professor of
Laws at Oxford; Herculaneum ; Cats; Memory; Present Military Force of Great
Britain; Fishing Cats; Wealth; The Last of the Plantagenets; Genius and Learn-
ing; Bentley and Warburton; Dr. Barton the Punster: Dante and Petrarch; The
"Thirty-nine Articles; Palm Tree ; Crebillon's Worst Work ; Leprosy ; An awkward
Position; Consumption generated by the March of Intellect; Chinese Poetry;
Universal Decline of the Drama, and its Causes; Ingenious Expedient; Wit and

[merged small][ocr errors]

Madness; Palmer; Errors of the Press, by a Reporter; The English and French
Aristocracy; Burmese Account of the late War; Too Civil by Half; Animal Food:
Persian Melons; Queen Anne; Twisting Arteries to stop Hemorrhage; The rights
of Philosophers; A disbelieving Divine; The Migration of Birds; A Gratifying
Reply; Dr. Johnson; A large Town; The Gregarious Spirit of Animals; Mines of
Wieliska; Jewish Transcribers of the Scriptures; Benares; A Consolation; The
Cuckoo; Napoleon; An Ox; Irish Mode of Catching the English Accent; Com-
pliment; Percy Bysshe Shelley; Wealth; Consumption; Natural Theology; The
Language of the Brute Creation; Buonaparte's Opinion of Friendship; Tulip Tree;
The Fall of the Leaf; Spenser; The Russian Empire; Gold in the United States;
Air-Propelled Carriage; Dryden; Alloyed Iron Plate; Vegetable Poisons; Chinese
Bulletins; Addison; A Word; M. De Talleyrand; Plebeian and Patrician Servi-
tude equalized; Young; True Valour; Origin of the Word" Round Robin ;" An
American Man-of-War; The Prussian Thief and Frederick the Second; Paul, the
Spanish Sharper; A Complimentary Speech; Antidote to Oxalic Acid; The Drama;
Seals; Fogs and Mists; The Lion of Sesostris! Coincidence of Storms and Earth-
quakes with a Depression of the Barometer: Torpedo; King James; Plays; Intro-
duction of Coffee into Europe; The Great Temple of Esneh; Ancient and Modern
Works; Pyramid of Cheops; Wills of Shakspeare, Milton, and Napoleon Bona-
parte; Sleep; Origin of the Double X; The Stage; Sensibility of Genius; The
Nervous System; Meg Merrilies; Advantages of Brussels; Anecdote of Burns;
Musical Prodigies; Inhabitants of Medina; The Great Man's Table; New Instru-
ment for discovering Symptoms of Disease by Sound; French Press; To any one
whom Bad Weather Depresses; Sheridan; Turkish Sports; A Holy Hermit; Lu-
dicrous Exaggeration; Dolphins; Singular Attachment; King Lear; But she is a
good Mother; A Pun; A simple Reply; A pair of Snuffers; Intelligence of the Gad-
Fly; Treasure; A skilful Artist; French Translators; Quin; Grand Metropolitan
Cemetery; Social Genealogy; Theatrical Criticism; History of the Post-office; Ab
straction; Circassian Cloak: Roman Roads; Blunders; Very Bad; Silver Mine
in Spain; Fanaticism; Pun upon Pun; Shiel's Vocabulary; A considerate Gene-
ral: The Microscope; Musical Prodigies; Portrait Painting; The Musical Prism;
Candid Acknowledgment; Animal Deception; Legal Presumption; Good Things;
Acoustics; An Appropriate Beginning; False Economy; A Pun; To Preserve
Flowers; Instance of Remarkable Coolness; Friendship for an Old Acquaintance;
French Academy of Sciences (sittings of the 23d Nov.); Typographical Invention;
Marriage; Josephine; Anecdotes of Burns; National Character; Indian Civiliza-
tion; The Cosmorama; Absence of Mind; Maria Louisa; Proof against Fire; The
Mexican Miners; Subjects for Painting; Libraries at Copenhagen; Value of Man-
ner; Longevity of Trees; Francis I., Emperor of Austria; Natural History; Prodi-
gious Flight of Birds; Hogarth's Admiration of the Works of Nature; Bushmen
Arms; Good-natured Passionate People; Napoleon's Sensitiveness to Public Opi-
nion; Dog's Tricks; Present State of Spain; Light; Lying; Warriors and Lite-
rary Characters; Intelligence of the Horse; Delicate Workmanship: Bees; Ava-
lanche; Luther's Bible; Character of Sir Samuel Romilly; Poetry; The Sounds
made by insects; The Laurel, Iron Shipping; Mr. Lawrence's Character as a Lec-
turer; Character of Napoleon, by an American; To write on Paper with Letters of
Gold; Fecundity of Fishes; Egyptian Sculpture; Gravity of Breakfast; Waverly

Novels; Church in the Highlands; Verse and Prose; The Eagle turned Restaura.
teur; Atmospherical Appearances; The King's Cock Crower; Russian Police ;
The Eye and the Camera Obscura; Poetry; Alliance between Philosophy and Christia
nity; Locke; Mrs. Hemans; Kean as he was and as he is; Religious Enthusiasm ;
Sporting in Switzerland; Genius; Parody on Shakspsare; Bonaparte at St. Cloud,
His contempt of mankind, Mr. Fox; Law of Copyright in Russia; Stick to one
thing; No Causes; Chief Cities of the World; Symphonion; Pendulum; Chemi-
cal Powers of Magnetism; An Abyssinian Lyre; Original Anecdote of Napoleon;
Death of Fuseli; Method of producing the effects of age in new Wine,
of Joan D'Arc; A new source of Inspiration; Pope Adrian VI.; Claude Lorraine ;
Salvator Rosa; Blue Stocking; Facility of Composition; Religious Statistics; Me-
teoric Phenomenon; Paper money in China 500 years ago; Honest Man; Origina.
lity and Acquired Knowledge; Paracelsus; Dr. Fordyce; Respiration; Memory;
Act of Parliament; The Olive; Air; Fuseli; Genius and Capacity; Water; Larg.
est Vase ever made; A Name; Antiquity of the Sciences; Original Anecdote of
Lord Byron; Paddy's Fancy; Length of Night in various parts; Early Portraits of
Sir Thomas Lawrence; A Retort; Brotherhood of Youths in Turkoman; Garrick ;
Cannibalism of the Chinese; Literary Stratagem; Period of the first formation of the
Egyptian Delta; Customs of the Turks imitated from the Christians; An Apho-
rism; Byron's Opinion of Curran; Matrimonial Agreement; Urbanity of the Empe.
ror Nicholas; Berthelemon's Opera; Adaptation of Animals to Soil and Climate;
A Settler; Former Wealth of the Colombians; A Gallant Retort; A new Genus;
Frederic William ; Rose ;
The Laurel; Potatoes; Shuffle and Cut; Transplantation
of human Hair; Origin of Myrrh ; The Maher; Early Ingenuity of Canova ; Party
Passion; The Deaf and Dumb in Zurich; The Arts Auxiliary to human happiness;
A Quarrel; Coolness; Rail Roads and Canals; Louis XIII.; An ungallant Reply ;
A Sharp Remark; Celebes: Mental Medicine; Use of a Guard.

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