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and useful History of the Military Tranfactions of the British Nation in Hindoostan. And as Mr. Orme, in particular, has had accefs to all, or most of the furveys of the marches of the British armies, on the fide of Myfore and the Carnatic, I fhall take his map for a ground work, after examining his fcale of diftances. I find Mr. Orme's map gives the diftance between Madras and Oofcotta, the most western point of the furvey, 168 G. miles; and Mr. Montrefor's, 165. It is impoffible for me to determine which of the two is right; but as Mr. Montrefor constructed his map on the spot, and was confequently in the way to be beft informed with refpect to the choice of materials, I am inclined to give the preference to his fcale. But as perfons, who have not had opportunities of comparing Perambulator distances with those given by observations of latitude, are apt to make too little allowance for the unevennefs of ground, in hilly countries, I have taken one mile from Mr. Montrefor's diftance, to allow for fuppofed errors of this kind and then have placed Oofcotta 164 G. miles, nearly weft from Madras.

Bangalore, according to Montrefor, is 12 G. miles, weft, a little fouthwardly, from Oofcotta; which, added to 164, makes 176 G. miles between Madras and Bangalore. This, by Mr. Orme's account, would be 180: and by a French map publifhed in 1770, 181. D'Anville makes it 177.

After thus eftablishing a fcale for the difference of longitude, I have copied all that part of Mr. Orme's map, between the parallels of Pondicherry and Chandeghere; and between the meridians of Madras and Oofcotta.

Between Pondicherry and Madura, the maps of Mr. Orme and of Mr. Montrefor, are both execding faulty, for want of a good line of bearing, between the two places. This I have been able, fortunately, to fupply; and the detail of the operation of finding the differen.e of longitude between them, has been given in page23; where 1° 30′ 30" is found to be the true difference, though

23 mi

23 minutes lefs than Mr, Orme has made it. Accordingly, the bearing of the road between Gingee, Tritchinopoly, and Madura, is in my map 4° more fouthwardly than in Mr. Orme's: and, of course, Caroor, and all other places, whose positions had a relative dependence on that of Tritchinopoly, are removed proportionably farther to the east.

The Tanjore country is taken entirely from Mr. Orme's map; and the upper part of the courfe of the Caveri, from Mr. Montrefor's. The Madura and Tinevelly countries are from Mr. Orme ; who described them according to furveys taken under the direction of Colonel Call.

Shevagunga, Dindigul, Pinee, and several other places in the neighbourhoods of Madura and Tritchinopoly, are from MSS.

Travancore, is partly from MS. maps, and partly from M. D'Anville. The lakes between Quilon and Cochin are from a Dutch MS. map, which bears the appearance of authenticity.

Carroor, in Mr. Orme's history (Vol. II, p. 674) is faid to be 50 British miles, or 43 G. miles, from Tritchinopoly; and 5 fouth of the Caveri river: and Montrefor gives its bearing from Tritchinopoly about W. b. N. I have placed it accordingly. On this point, in a great measure, depend the pofitions of all the places between the Carnatic, Coïmbetour, and Seringapatam.

Coïmbetour, in Mr. Montrefor's map, is placed 78 G. miles from Caroor, on a continuation of the fame bearing line from Tritchinopoly; and is, I fuppofe, taken from the journal of Major Wood in 1767. But this pofition would bring it within 34 G. miles of Tannore on the Malabar coaft; which, I believe, can hardly be the cafe. I have placed it 66 G. miles from Caroor, and 47 from Tannore.

Seringapatam, or Shringaputton, Hyder Ally's capital, is 66 G. miles in a W. S. W. direction from Bangalore, according to Montrefor; and 20 leagues, according to a note in the French map of 1770; which, reduced to horizontal distance, is about 52 G. miles.


I have

I have allowed 54: which places it 85 G. miles from the port of Mangalore, on the coaft of Malabar. D'Anville reckons it


All the places between Seringapatam, Coïmbetour, Carroor, and Oofcotta, are placed according to their proportional distances from fome of these four places, in the map of Mr. Montrefor. It may be neceffary to repeat in this place, that the obfervations of longitude taken at Bombay and Cochin (See page 27) by throwing the Malabar coaft fo much farther to the eaft, whilft that of Coromandel remains where it was, reduces very confiderably the fpace that we have hitherto supposed to exift, between the western mountains of the Carnatic, and the Malabar coaft.

Sirripy is according to D'Anville.

Bednore, or Hyder--Nuggur, according to the report of Mr. W. Townsend, who travelled from Onore to Bednore and Siringapatam, is about four ordinary days journey to the northeastward of Onore. Goods are fometimes brought down in 5 days. Fryer alfo reckons it four days journey; and this may be stated at about 46 coffes. This pofition agrees with Mr. Montrefor's map, in which it is placed 141 G. miles to the northwest of Bangalore.

Mr. Townsend, according to his way of travelling, was 7 days between Onore and Bednore; and 11 from Bednore to Seringapatam by which he could not travel much more than 8 coffes per day, between the two latter places. He reprefents the country of Bednore as being open and fruitful: nor did he meet with any mountains after he paffed the Gauts in the former part of his jour


Chitteldroog, Harponelly, Bilghey, Bincapour, and Roydroog, are all from Mr. Townsend's memorandums.

Sanore-Bancapour is from the map of Mr. Buffy's march from Aurungabad. Bifnagur, or Bijinagur, is from Mr. Orme; who fays it is 30 miles foutheast from Sanore.

I apprehend Sirripy to be fynonymous to Sera.


The road from Goa to Galgala, is from a MS. Itinerary lent me by Mr. Dalrymple. I apprehend it was kept by Gemelli, when he visited Aurengzebe's camp at Galgala, in the last century.

The direction of that part of the range of mountains called the Gauts, between Cape Comorin and Calicut, is from Orme and Montrefor; and the reft from D'Anville. I have also copied from D'Anville the upper part of the course of the Tongebadra river, and also that of the Roydroog, or Hindenny river; together with the positions of several places, on or near it.

In Jefferies's map, published in 1768, we find, on the fouth of the Kiftna, a route from Bancapour to Adoni, and Seringapatam; and another from Cuddapah to Canoul. I am informed that he took them from fome French MSS: and, in confequence, I made fome enquiry after them, though to no purpose. They would prove very useful at this time, when we have so much history that requires fuch kind of illuftration.

I have copied the courfe of the river Pennar, from Nellore to the neighbourhood of Bangalore, from Mr. Montrefor, who had it, I apprehend, from the commander of a detachment, who marched that way in 1767. This ferves to fix the pofitions of Cuddapah, Gandicotta, Gutti (or Gooty) &c; and the positions of the intermediate places, between the Pennar river, and the tract copied from Mr. Orme, are placed according to their proportional distances from Cuddapah, Gandicotta, Gutti, Chandeghere, Dalmacherry, and Bangalore; as found in Mr. Montrefor's map. Udegherri is corrected by a march of Gen. Caillaud's.

The particulars of the Ongole country are taken chiefly from Montrefor; as well as the pofitions of Currumpoody, and Timerycotta, I have fomé doubts concerning the truth of the latter: for I think it likely to be too far to the weft. However, Condavir, the principal fort in the Guntoor circar, is faid by Captain Davis to be about 32 coffes to the east of Timerycotta; and the fort of


Ratchore*, 24 coffes to the east of Condavir: by which Timerycotta must be at least 56 coffes from the fide of the Kiftna river oppofite to Mafulipatam. How far Ratchour may be from that part of the Kistna, I have no means of knowing: but by my map, it ought to be 12 coffes; as there is an interval of 68 coffes between the Kiftna and Timerycotta.

Condavir is also said by Capt. Davis to be 10 coffes from the fouth bank of the Kiftna. I should fuppofe it to be much more: a Malabar map makes it 20.

I have not found it an easy task to fix the pofitions of either Adoni, Canoul, Innaconda, or Combam; any more than thofe of Condanore and Rachore +. On the four first places, many others depend; and they are neither of them afcertained to my satisfaction. There is in particular, a degree of obfcurity in the accounts of Canoul, that I cannot clear up. My local information, fails me entirely in this place; and this kind of knowledge is fo requifite to a geographer, that no degree of ftudy or investigation can compensate for the want of it. It not only enables him to reconcile names and fituations; but oftentimes furnishes him with a criterion by which he may distinguish the value of his materials.

In a map drawn by a native of the Carnatic, Innaconda ‡ is placed 28 coffes from Ongole, and a little to the weft of the road leading from it to Timerycotta: which laft place, is in the fame map reckoned 49 coffes from Ongole. Two English MS. maps lent me by my friend General Caillaud, place Innaconda fomewhat more than half way from Ongole to Timerycotta, and nearly in the fame line of direction; that is, about N. W. b N. This I have followed; and have alfo allowed the diftance of 28 coffes: and this pofition brings it about 30 coffes from Mootapilly.

* This must not be confounded with the town and fort of nearly the fame name, near Adoni.

+ Adjoining to the territory of Adoni.

Called alfo Innagonda and Viniconda: and by M. D'Anville, Huiniconda.

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