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not much out of the general line of the route; and all the intermediate places are proportioned to it.

From Burhanpour, where Goddard's route finally strikes out of Upton's, to Surat, we are again as much in the dark, as to the bearings of the intermediate parts of the road; and the distance of one day's march is totally omitted in the Journal, or Itinerary. The whole distance, on fumming up the particulars, is 223 B. miles; and if we allow 16 for the march omitted *, it will be 239. But it is noted at the bottom of the page, that "the whole diftance is 245 miles"; fo that there must be 6 miles funk in the detail. Therefore, taking the distance by the road at 245 B. miles, or 209 G. ones, and allowing only one mile in ten for the windings of the road, as it is, generally speaking, a very straight one, the horizontal distance between Burhanpour and Surat comes about 188 G. miles; which in that parallel is equal to 3 degrees 21 minutes of longitude.

Now the difference of longitude between these places by the affumed fituation of Surat in my map, and that of Burhanpour in Mr. Smith's, is 3° 31't, or 10 minutes greater than by the above account. I have not seen any lift of Mr. Smith's obfervations, and therefore do not know for certain, whether or not he took any at Burhanpour, or whether it is placed by deduction from some other observation. In this state of uncertainty with respect to the existence of any obfervation of longitude at Burhanpour, and relying on the positive information concerning the distance in the MS. journal; and alfo on the longitude of Surat as deduced from Bombay; and moreover, fuppofing it hardly poffible that any road in that country can wind less than one mile in ten, I have placed Burhanpour in 76° 6', or according to the difference of longitude given by the MS. Journal. Its latitude is about 21° 19′.

This omiffion occurs between Burhanpour and Saunkley; in which interval, Tavernier reckons 24 coffes, and the Journal only 30 miles: so that we may suppose that at least 16 miles are omitted.

+ Surat, page 27

72. 45 76. 16

3. 31


It is remarkable that Tavernier reckons the fame diftance as the Journal, to within half a mile: for his 132 coffes, at the rate of 42 to the degree, come out juft 188 G. miles *.

The road from Poonah to Nuffergur (or Nufferatpour) and Soangur, was described by Meffrs. Farmer and Stewart, during the time that they remained as hostages in the Mahratta camp; and the particulars were obligingly communicated to me by Mr. FarThis afcertains the fituations of Cafferbarry and Coondabarry Gauts; and, in particular, that of the city of Amedabad, the capital of the foubah of the same name; and the last place of residence of the Emperor Aurengzebe. This city has been generally placed about 50 miles to the southeast of its true pofition.


Tullowgom, Burgom (or Worgaum) and Condolah +, are from the fame authority; as well as Naffick-Trimuck, Zineer, and a variety of other useful particulars. Sattarah, the nominal capital of the Mahrattas, is placed according to the report of a native of that country; that is, 30 coffes on the fouth east of Poonah.

The next line, in point of confequence, is that from Mafulipatam to Aurungabad; described from the marches of M. Buffy. The former of thefe places, according to Capt. Ritchie, is in lat. 16° 8′ 30′′; longitude, inferred from Madras, 81° 15′ east. M. Buffy's march, as laid down in a map drawn by the late Mr. Montrefor, of the engineer corps at Madras, gives the bearing of Aurungabad from Mafulipatam, No. 55° 15′ W. distance 358 G. miles; placing the former in lat. 19° 33', longitude 76° 6', the difference of longitude between the two meridians, being 5° 9'.

Since writing the above, I have been favoured with the perufal of a map of Gen. Goddard's route. It was impoffible to alter my map, fo as to make it correfpond in all cafes, with Gen. Goddard's; but I have introduced fuch alterations and corrections, as the nature of the cafe would admit of: and as the route ftands at prefent, in my map, it is not materially different from the truth. The diftance between Surat and Burhanpour, in Gen. Goddard's, is given at 202 G. miles of horizontal distance; or 3° 34' difference of longitude (the bearing being nearly east and weft). This agrees fo nearly with Mr Smith's obfervation, that it gives room to fufpect the correctnefs of the MS. Journal, as it requires at least 263, instead of 245 B. miles, to make up the horizontal distance abovementioned.

+ Since corrected by the plan of Gen. Egerton's march.



Let us now examine what data we have to check this longitude of M. Buffy's, from the fide of Surat: for, from the nature of an Indian march, great part of which is made in the night, it must neceffarily require correction; in the bearing at least, and, most probably, in the distance. And we may accordingly infer from some distances of Col. Peach's, and of Major Stevens's, compared with fome parts of M. Buffy's marches, that this gentleman's dif tances are too small; an error of a different fide from what might be expected, in measuring distances haftily with a perambulator

The pofition of Surat, is already accounted for in page 27; and Noopour is placed according to Gen. Goddard's measured distance from Surat; and the bearing accords with the ideas of Mr. Farmer, who paffed near this place with Sindia's army. Tavernier reckons 105 coffes between Noopour and Aurungabad, that is, 150 G. miles of horizontal distance, reckoning 42 coffes to a degree. Now, Noopour, Aurungabad, and Mafulipatam, lie as nearly as can be, in a right line, whose extreme length is 516 G. miles. Tavernier's 150, added to Buffy's 358, make up this distance to within 8 miles; or of the whole. Therefore, as it appears, in more than one place, that Buffy's distances are too short, I have made no fcruple to add these 8 miles to his distance between Mafulipatam and Aurungabad; making it 366, instead of (the original) 358 miles.

With respect to the latitude of Aurungabad, I have corrected it by the computed distance between it and Burhanpour, which according to Golam Mohamed † is 66 coffes; that is, 94 G. miles ‡„ nearly on a meridian. This, deducted from 21° 19′, the latitude of Burhanpour, leaves that of Aurungabad 19° 45', or 12 more


To fhew that long distances may be accurately measured by a perambulator, I need only mention that during the Bengal furvey, I meafured a meridian line of 3 degrees with a perambulator, and found it to agree minutely with the obfervations of latitude. However, due allowance was made for the irregularities of the ground, wherever they occurred.

+ Golam Mohamed was a Sepoy officer fent by Colonel Camac in 1774, to explore the roads. and country of the Deccan, and to gain intelligence concerning the Mahratta powers.

M. D'Anville reckons the fame difference of latitude between the two places; but he has placed both of them too far north by 24 minutes.


northwardly than what is given by M. Buffy's march.-These 12 minutes of latitude make an alteration of about a degree and a half in the angle of bearing: very little, confidering circumstances, in a march of 500 British miles. The alteration of the angle from N. 55° 15′ W. to N. 53° 45′ W. takes from the difference of longitude, as much as the 8 miles of diftance on the Rhumb, add to it: so that the longitude stands as before at 76° 6'. I think there can be no reasonable objection to this mode of fettling it.

Congcoal is about 19 G. miles northwest from Mafulipatam, according to the fuppofition of Major Stevens; and alfo by the information of two MS. maps which I have confulted: and Ellore, by furvey, is 15 G. miles beyond it; that is, it bears N°. 1/1/ 7 W. distance 34 G. miles from Mafulipatam.


Col. Peach's march from Ellore to Warangole in 1767, furnished materials for fixing the fituation of that place, and the road leading to it. A memorandum accompanying the furvey, says that its latitude is 17° 57'*. Warangole is a fortress of vast extent, and is the Arinkil of Ferifhta, and the ancient capital of Tilling, or Tellingana.

Rajamundry is placed agreeable to Major Stevens's idea: for I do not find that ever it has been joined on by furvey to Mafuli. patam, although it has to Ellore.

The mouths of the Godavery, and the course of that river as high as Toodiguntla; as well as the places between the Godavery and Col. Peach's march, are all taken from MSS. chiefly of Major Stevens's, lent me by Mr. Dalrymple.

The northern circars, Chilka Lake, and the road from that to Balafore, are from various authorities. The construction of the sea coaft has been already difcuffed +. Between Rajamundry and Vifagapatam, the particulars of the inland parts have been taken

*Notwithstanding this affertion, the bearings and diftance from Ellore place it in 18° 2. And I much question, whether Col. Peach's engineer had any good quadrant with him.

↑ See page 21.

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chiefly from a large MS. map, in which Col. Ford's marches are described. Between Vifagapatam and Coopilly, is taken from another MS. map, feemingly not very accurate. Between Coopilly

and Tickelly, is taken from Lieut. Cridland's very accurate furvey of the Tickelly district : and between Poonda and the Chilka Lake, from Mr. Cotsford's elegant map of the Itchapour district.

The Chilka Lake is partly from Mr. Cotsford, partly from Capt. W. Campbell; which latter also laid down the road from thence to Balafore, through Cattack. Unfortunately his perambulator was fpoiled between Cattack and Balafore; which prevents my getting the fituation of the former with respect to Bengal, otherwise than by the bearings and proportional diftances between the two places.

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The mouths of the Cattack river, or Mahanada, have never been traced, and are therefore described only from report. At the mouth of the principal channel,. near False Point, is a small fortified island named Cajung.

From Cattack to Sumbulpour, is from Mr.. Motte's obfervations in 1766. The distance is by computation, and the bearings taken by a compass, The latitude of Sumbulpour was alfo taken; but, I believe, not very accurately.

At Sonepour, or Jonepour, about 160 miles above Cattack, the rivers Tail and Mahanada unite. The former comes from the weft, and is the largest river of the two, but its particular course is not known. I fuppofe it to be the fame river, that in the weftern parts of Berar is named the Worda. The Mahanada comes from the north; and, I believe, runs under Ruttunpour.

Rewan, or Rewa, in the Bundelcund country, is the most wefterly point on the road leading from Allahabad to Nagpour, and the Deccan, that is determined by furvey and latitude. From thence to Tetwarrah Gaut, on the Nerbudda, is laid down in a more curfory manner; but, I believe, tolerably exact for the purposes of a


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