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he has blasphemed the name of God, he must die the death.

Thus did the builders reject that most precious corner stone, which God had determined to lay in Sion. Thus was the Hope of Israel, and the desire of nations, condemned by his own people. Thus was the Captain of Salvation, and the Prince of Life, sentenced to death by a wicked abuse of the Divine law. O dreadful and unheard of transaction ! that the great Angel of the Covenant, who himself had given the law on Mount Sinai, should be condemned as a transgressor of the law; and that He, by whose spirit the holy scripture was inspired, should be declared guilty of blasphemy, and sentenced to die from that scripture. Let none henceforth take offence at seeing how often the witnesses of truth are still condemned to die by ignorant zealots, through their false expositions and misapplications of the holy scripture.


MANY useful observations might be here made on this extraordinary sentence; but as the time allowed for discourses delivered from the pulpit will not permit, it is necessary that we should proceed, in the third place, to take into consideration what followed after sentence was pronounced on our blessed Saviour.

When the sanhedrim or great council of the Jews had passed sentence of death on our blessed Lord, as a blasphemer, the assembly broke up, for the night was pretty far spent, and left Jesus in the hands of their servants; who passed the remainder of the night in treating the Son of the most high God, with infernal abuse, outrages, and indignities. Concerning this circumstance it is said in the text, ' And the men who held Jesus mocked him, smote him, and buffeted him, and spit in his face. And they blindfolded him, and struck him on the face with the palms of their hands, and asked him, saying, Prophesy unto us, thou Christ, who it is that smote thee? And many other things blasphemously spake they against him."

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I sincerely acknowledge, dearly beloved, my incapacity to unfold this mystery of impiety, this work of darkness; nor can I form to myself an adequate idea of the monstrous indignities, which the Lord of Glory suffered during this night from the engines of satan. Only consider, ye devout and pious souls, that if a servant could, in the presence of the whole council, and all the respectable assessors, presume to strike our glorious Redeemer on the face; consider, I say, to what enormous lengths these shameless miscreants would run, when they had him alone, when he was given up to their brutal insolence, and when no body was present who would in the least check their inhuman rage. Unquestionably there were present on chis occasion, a greater number of evil spirits than of men, and the former directed the hands and tongues of this riotous multitude, that all the indignities which hell could contrive might be put on our Redeemer. This was the black hour, when the prince of darkness and his apostate angels were let loose against the Son of God, and loaded the humble patience and gentleness of this Divine person with the vilest abuses and most shocking indignities.

Here that sacred person, who was to bruise the serpent's head, suffered the sharpest of its envenomed stings both in body and mind.

His exalted prophetic office, for which his Father had anointed him, and bestowed on him the gift of wisdom without measure, was most impiously mocked, and consequently his mind must have suffered extreme anguish. For his eyes being covered with a bandage, those who struck him with their impious hands said, 'Prophesy unto us, thou Christ, who it is that struck thee. How must the heart of the blessed Jesus have been affected at this monstrous impiety! How many melancholy looks did he cast on these outrageous miscreants, but without any other effect than inflaming their brutal insolence! Sometimes his cheeks were red and inflamed with their in

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human buffetings; at other times, they became pale at the horrid impiety of these infatuated wretches, and the thoughts of the heavy judgments that were to come upon them.

Our blessed Lord must likewise have suffered in his sacred body; and every one of his five senses must have conveyed painful sensations, in order to expiate those sins, which men commit by the indulgence and abuse of their senses. As we so often turn our eyes to forbidden objects, and give a free scope to wanton glances; so he suffers his innocent dove-like eyes to be insultingly blind-folded and covered. As we take a pleasure in listening with our ears to lies and slanders, to profane jests and impure ribaldry, so he was obliged to hear the most horrible sarcasms and bitter invectives. His smell was offended with the stench of the loathsome spittle, that was cast in his sacred face by these inhuman wretches. His taste was offended by the vinegar and gall, which they afterwards gave him to drink. His feeling was offended by the strokes and blows, which he patiently endured; and all this he underwent to atone, upon our repentance, for all those kinds of voluptuousness and delicacy which are committed by the senses, and to facilitate to us the denial of all sinful gratifications.

But who can sufficiently admire the patience and gentleness which the Son of God shewed amidst all these indignities, mockeries, and outrages? Alas, how full of resentment are we poor, sinful worms, when, according to the modern phrase, our honour is touched! How do these men of honour kindle into a flame of rage, at the least uncourteous word! They make it a point neither to bear nor forgive any injury or affront; and the least offence must be revenged by a law-suit or the sword, and atoned for by blood. And he who should be so unfashionable as to forbear either the one or the other of these methods of revenge, would be judged a person void of spirit, and lost to all sense of honour.wretched

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ambition, proud madness and frenzy! How dare such men mention the name of Christ, who look on the imitation of his patience and gentleness as a scandalous meanness of spirit! For, according to their wretched notions of honour, they must account the ever-glorious Son of God himself to have been a mean spirited person; since he patiently put up even with blows and insults, without offering to avenge himself, or to make the least resistance.

Here the Lord of glory, before whom the cherubims themselves veil their effulgent faces, stands with his face bound and covered by way of mockery, and so disfigured with spittle, outrages, and blows, as not to be known. His ears ring with the most prophane blasphemies, the most virulent sarcasms, the bitterest invectives; and his sacred head, worthy of unperishable crowns and diadems, is struck and buffet ed with innumerable blows. But if we could see into the thoughts of his heart, we should stand amazed at the placid tranquillity of his heavenly mind. No thoughts of revenge are harboured there; no invective proceeds from his sacred lips. 'He is as a deaf man that doth not hear, and as a dumb man that openeth not his mouth, and as one in whose mouth are no reproofs,' (Psalm xxxviii. 13, 14,)

All these outrages he receives, not as proceeding from men; but from the just hand of his heavenly Father, as punishments for the immense debt of our sins, which he, who was our surety, had taken on himself to discharge. This was not a patience and magnanimity merely heroical, nor a passive submission of a timorous spirit. On the contrary, it was a most perfect sacrifice to the will of God; and the most absolute willingness to fulfil the scriptures, to drink the cup of sufferings, and to glorify his Father's name. Oh, that this sight of the mocked, insulted, and outraged Jesus may shame our resentful tempers, and mollify the pride and rancour of our obdurate, unrelenting hearts.

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THUS, my beloved brethren, we have seen the Prince of Life condemned by the Jewish rulers to suffer death. We have heard both the depositions of the false witnesses, and his own glorious confession. We have observed how he was condemned to die, as a blasphemer. Lastly, we have viewed him amidst the cruel mockery, and the inhuman outrages, of the brutal soldiers and servants. Let us, my beloved in the Lord, still dwell a little longer on this affecting spectacle; and draw from it some inferences, in order to induce us,

First, To express a hearty sorrow for our sins, and Secondly, To encourage us to a filial confidence, and a joyful faith in God.

First then, it is to be supposed that Jesus was, in his own person, perfectly innocent and without sin; and consequently did not suffer all these indignities and injurious treatment for any transgressions of his own. For though the sanhedrim or council of the Jews declared him a blasphemer, and accused him of high treason against the majesty of heaven; yet it is evident to every one, that this was the accursed effect of envy and malice, and consequently the charge was void of any real foundation. For what an extravagant inference was that drawn on another occasion by these men who were his judges? namely,

This man is not of God, because he keepeth not the sabbath day,' (John ix. 16.) and even opposeth us who have the honour of God so much at heart. If he be not of God, he belongs to the devil, and as he belongs to the devil there cannot be a more horrid blasphemy than his pretending to be the Son of God.

But the blessed Jesus was otherwise manifested in the consciences of his enemies; as Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews, confessed when he spoke these words to Christ, in the name of them all, 'Rabbi, or master, we know that thou art a teacher come from God; for no man can do these miracles that thou

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