| Mr. Pratt (Samuel Jackson) - 1782 - 272 pages
...abated from off the face of the ground. But the dove found no reft for the fole of her foot, and me returned unto him into the ark ; for the waters were...and took her, and pulled her in unto him into the ark. And he flayed yet other feven days, and again he fent forth the dove out of the ark. And the dove... | |
| Sarah Trimmer - 1835 - 276 pages
...he sent forth a dove from him, to sec if the waters •were abated from off the face of the ground : But the dove found no rest for the sole of her foot,...he put forth his hand, and took her, and pulled her unto him into the ark. And he stayed yet other seven days, and again he sent forth the dove out of... | |
| 1807 - 570 pages
...7 And he sent forth a raven, which went forth to and fro, until the waters were dried up front eff the earth. 8 Also he sent forth a dove from him, to...hand, and took her and pulled her in unto him into the ark. 10 And he stayed yet other seven days ; and again he sent forth the dove out of the ark ; 1 1... | |
| 1809 - 1152 pages
...forth to and fro, until the waters were dried up from off the earth. 8 Also he sent forth a dove fiwm ee bands, and" a ark. 10 And he stayed yet other seven days, and again he sent forth the dove out of the ark ; 11 And... | |
| Mrs. Trimmer (Sarah) - 1810 - 410 pages
...sent forth a dove from him, to see if the waters ,were abated from off the .face , of -the ground. But the dove found no rest for the sole of her foot,...he put forth his hand, and took her, and pulled her unto him into the ark. And he stayed yet other seven days ; and again he sent forth the dove out of... | |
| Sarah Trimmer - 1811 - 396 pages
...Also he sent forth a dove from him, to see if the waters were abated from off the face of the ground. But the dove found no rest for the sole of her foot,...and took her, and pulled her in unto him into the ark. 1 0 And he stayed yet other seven days, and again he sent forth the dove out of the ark. And the... | |
| 1815 - 718 pages
...7 And he sent forth a raven, which went forth to and fro, until the waters were dried up from oft" the earth. 8 Also he sent forth a dove from him, to...and took her, and pulled her in unto him into the ark. 10 And he stayed yet other seven days ; and again he sent forth the dove out of the ark ; 11 And... | |
| 1817 - 1076 pages
...raven, which went forth f to and fro, until the waters t iieb. :re dried up from off the earth. ££T ' Keep therefore and do them; for this it 'MM!;- wisdom...understanding in the sight of the nations, which lim into the ark, for the waters were on ;he face of the whole earth : then he put brth his hand, and... | |
| Levy Alexander, David Levi - 1821 - 316 pages
...and fro, until the waters were dried up from off the earth. 8 Also he sent forth a dove from him,to see if the waters were abated from off the face of...and took her, and pulled her in unto him into the ark. 10 And he stayed yet other seven days, and again he sent forth the dove out of the ark. 1 1 And... | |
| Roger O'Connor - 1822 - 500 pages
...the ark. 7. And he sent forth a raven, which went to and fro, until the waters were dried up from off the earth. 8. Also he sent forth a dove from him,...and took her, and pulled her in unto him into the ark. 10. And he stayed yet other seven days, and again he sent forth the dove out of the ark. 1 1 .... | |
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