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is no danger of a recurrence of the atrocious evils by which its earlier days were characterised. There will remain with it also that beneficent body of law which, under the now misleading title of factory legislation, is gradually overspreading all industry, to raise it again from a new serfdom by means most in harmony with the spirit of the age and the prodigious changes of modern life. For just as the modern Factory System was but a novel incident in the history of labour, so is factory legislation but a new protest against the old forces of selfishness and cupidity, and a new method, suitable to modern institutions and ideas, of holding them in check. These are the permanent elements of this great problem of the regulation of labour in any free community, beside which the particular forms they manifest, and particular areas they fill at any special period of evolution, are of but insig nificant and temporary interest.

And with these words, it seems to us, we may not unfitly conclude. As we do so the signs of coming change crowd thick around and the air is filled with omens. Will our rulers read them right? They may or they may not. The matters that await decision are of extreme delicacy and need both firmness and discretion. Our part we feel is done in having sought to trace the course of that history from which alone a proper comprehension of the subject, is ever likely to be gained.



Adult labour, of women, 395, 407, 413, 426; of men, 331, 395, 408, 452.
Agriculture, state of at Industrial Revolution, 14, 59; relation to manu-
facture, 17, 43; legislated for, 405.

Aikin, Dr., early English cotton industry, 29, 80; changed modes in
trade, 63; early English metal industries, 110.


Alfred," historian of The Factory Movement, 154; repugnance of opera-
tives at first to factory labour, idem, 199; on parish apprentices, 185,
187; factory legislation, 198, 285, 392; defends Pitt from charge of
advocating infant labour, 180.

Allen, William, factory reformer, 215.

Althorp, Lord, on Ten Hours Bill, 298; his Factory Act, 304; defects of,

Anderson, Adam, the first factory, 71.

Appearance of factory operatives, 152, 433; domestic workers, 153.

Apprentices, under factory system, 87, 183, 185, 283; Statute of, 277.
Argyll, Duke of, philosophy of factory system, 177, 186; on parish
apprentices, 186.

Arkwright, Richard, rise and progress of, 73, 77; partnership with Strutt,
73; with Dale, 200; estimate of as an inventor, 78 note.

Ashley, Lord, first takes up cause of factory reform, 218; parliamentary
leader of movement, 300; parliamentary action, 301, 304, 370, 371,
375, 379, 384, 386, 387.

Athenian economics, 236.

Bagehot, Walter, exaggerated estimation of political economy fifty years
ago, 259.

Baines, Edward, statistics of early factories, 80, 95; on the steam-engine
in manufacture, 96; on bleaching, 125; religion and factory system,

Bakehouses, legislated for, 392.

Bamford, Samuel, description of domestic manufacturer's household, 59.
Banking, relation to factory system, 149.

Barmaids, proposed legislation for, 455.

Beck, S. W., on glove manufacture, 327.

Beckman's History of Inventions, hosiery, 67; steam-engine, 103.

Bessemer, Sir Henry, improvements in steel manufacture, 338.

Bell, Mr., inventor of cylinder printing, 130, 343.

Berthollet, French chemist, introduces bleaching by chemical means, 124.

Bischoff, James, progress of the woollen manufacture, 48.

Blanqui, J. A., economic belief of the ancient Athenians, 236; physiocrats,


Bleaching, 122; legislated for, 392.

Blincoe, Robert, Memoir by, 186; history and sufferings of, 189 et infra.

Boulton, Matthew, partnership with Watt, 106.

Brindley, James, fits up early silk factory, 72; windmill, 116.
Brotherton, Joseph, factory reformer, 219, 382.

Brougham, Lord, on factory legislation, 219, 390.

Browning, Mrs., "Cry of the Children,” 224.

Buckingham, Duke of, improves the English glass manufacture, 118.
Bull, Rev. G. S., factory reformer, 217, 224, 372.

Canals, and the Factory System, 143.

Capital, origin of modern capitalist, 37; essentials of, 38; Ricardin
doctrine of, 252; extravagant estimation of, 255, 262; increasing
power of, 83, 362; and labour, 437, 440; viewed with suspicion by the
Church, 242; dangers of, 258.

Carlyle, Thomas, on competition, 40.

Cartwright, Rev. E., inventor of power-loom, 93; fails in business, 94;
sonnet by, 225.

Cave, Mr. (proprietor of Gentleman's Magazine), opens a factory at
Northampton, 71.

Chimney-sweeps, legislated for, 378.

Christian economics, 239, 245.

Cloth halls, 145, 147.

Coal, early use of in manufacture, 101; possible failure of, 321; relation
to modern factory system, 461.

Cobbett, William, on absorption of farms, 16; factory reformer, 219.
Collectivism, 461.

Combination, forbidden among workmen, 22; and competition, 274; power

of, 447; possible dangers of, 448.

Combination laws, 275.

Commerce, at Industrial Revolution, 25, 102; and the Church, 242.
Commercial crises, relation to factory systems, 151.

Commodity and service, 410, 454.

Competition, 4, 24, 40, 56, 259, 363; foreign, 163, 448.

Comte, Auguste, three phases of human knowledge, 233.

Cooper, Thomas, hardships of home industry, 325, 422.

Co-operation, 149, 459, 467.

Cort, Henry, introduces puddling furnace, 113, 338.

Cotton manufacture, first mentioned by Adam Smith, 20; progress of, 29,

58, 73, 77, 137, 336; first legislated for, 208, 281, 392.

Cotton Cloth Factories Act, 452.

Crompton, Samuel, inventor of the "mule," 79; infant labour and, 84.
Crompton, George, infant labour, 84.

Crook, Joseph, carries Bleach Works Act, 392.

Dale, David, proprietor of New Lanark Mills, 200; management of
criticised by Owen, 205; owns first modern factory in Scotland, 340.
Darby, Abraham, smelts iron with coal, 102; prosperity of, 113.

Darwinism, and political economy, 266.

Defoe, Daniel, distribution of population, 9; describes domestic manu-
facture, 64; on infant labour, 180.

Domestic industry, nature and story of, 18, 28, 31, 56, 58, 60, 65, 68, 108,
273, 323, 327, 421, 423; in Rome and Egypt, 31; its decay, 62.

Domestic service and legislation, 410, 453.

Dudley, Dan, attempts to smelt iron with coal, 102.

Dyeing, ancient and modern, 125; legislated for, 392.

Dyer, Dr., author of "The Fleece," 72, 225.

Economists, Modern, who meant by, 230.

Education, and factory system, 172, 435; half-time system, 385, 398.
Edward III., and woollen manufacture, 45; Statutes of Labourers, 40.
Eight Hours Day, the, 418, 457.

Electricity, telegraph, 360; telephone, idem; in manufactures, 464 et infra.
Employment included in scope of factory legislation, 401.

Evidence in favour of factory legislation, 228, 290, 300, 307 et infra.
Factory, meaning of word, 3 note, 383, 404, 419; first modern one in Eng-
land, 2, 70; description of " Jack of Newbury's," 50; some early fac-
tory masters, 53; characteristics of the modern type, 4, 74, 122, 442,
457; early situations of, 85, 177; how propelled, 71, 85, 116; instances
of factories worked by wind, 85, 116; by animal power, 71, 85;
first so named, 82 note, 382; their ugliness, 85, 467; immoralities
in, 88, 195; exist no longer, 431.

Factory legislation, philosophy of, 177, 271, 392, 415; first Factory Act, 3,
208, 279; first parliamentary enquiry, 288; resulting legislation, 291;
Hobhouse's Act, 293; Sadler's Committee, 299; first Royal Com-
mission, 301; Lord Althorp's Act, 304; evidence for interference,
288, 307; three periods of, 365; arguments for and against, 373;
second Royal Commission, 380; Print Works Act, 383; Factory
Amendment Act (1844), 384; Bleach and Dye Works Act, 392;
Bakehouse Act, idem; third Royal Commission, 400; Factory Acts
Extension Act (1864), 400; Factory Acts Extension Act (1867), 402;
Workshop Regulation Act, 403; Agricultural Children Act, 405 ;
Factory Act (1874), 406; fourth Royal Commission, 410; Factory
and Workshop Act, 412; abroad, 416 et infra; essential character of,
4, 74, 287, 288, 415, 441, 457; subject and object of, 392.
Factory system, among the ancients, 3, 76; modern form of, 4, 28, 44,
122, 131, 262, 317, 362, 440; opposition to earlier forms of, 53;
spread of earlier factory system in England, 55; relation to motors
used under it, 97, 321, 462; in metal products, 109, 112; in textile
industry, 70, 120, 336, 394; topography of, 133, 283; foreign affairs
and, 161, 332; home affairs and, 159, 164, 332; party politics and,
165; public health and, 169; Poor Law and, 184; education and,
172, 174, 385, 398; facilities of communication and, 361; religion
and, 173; literature and, 223; and domestic industry compared,
30, 56, 152, 273, 427; and patriotism, 441; domestic result of, 421;
sanitary result of, 426; moral result of, 429; intellectual result of,
434; economic result of, 436; æsthetic result of, 442; possibly tem-
porary, 320, 445; general result of, 446.

Factory Inspectors, appointed, 367; their difficulties, 368, 370; increased
duties, 385, 405.

Fawcett, Professor, on immigration of foreign labour, 449 note.

Felkin, William, on the stocking manufacture, 68; Luddism, 158

Feudal organisation, 23, 57.

Fielden, John, on parish apprentices, 186, 188; services to factory reform,
219, 371, 388; "Curse of the Factory System," 186, 220, 224.

Flax manufacture, 72, 121, 137, 337.

Foley, Richard, introduces improvements in metal manufacture, 109.

Frame Rents, nature of, 69.

French, G. J., author of "Life of Crompton," 82; prosperity of hand-loom
weavers, 92.

French Revolution and Factory System, 162, 167, 248.

Froude, J. A., on capitalist employers, 55.

Gaskell, P., domestic manufacture, 82, 90; type of the early factory
master, 87; of domestic and factory operatives, 151, 152; difficulties
with workers, 98; on child labour, 182, 185, 188.

Glass, manufacture of, 117.

Grant, Philip, on child labour, 182; member of first Short Time Committee

211; on factory legislation, 377.

Graham, Sir James, brings in Factory Act (1844), 384.

Gould, Nathaniel, factory reformer, 289.

Guilds, 22, 57, 272, 275.

Half-time system, 385, 398.

Handicraft, industries, 21, 28, 110, 115, 116, 329; in textile manufacture,
59, 67, 82, 90; and the Factory System, 112, 155.

Hanway, Joseph, proposes legislation for chimney-sweeps, 379.

Hardware, manufacture of, 21, 110.

Hargreaves, John, invents the "Jenny," 78.

Henry, Thomas, bleaches wholly by chemical means, 124.

Hindley, Charles, factory reformer, 219; proposes a legislative restriction,
on machinery, 371.

Hobhouse, Sir J. C., introduces Factory Acts, 216, 292, 293; supplanted by
Sadler, 297; on Ten Hours Bill, 298; home industry, 324; and
factory system, 326, 330.

Holyoake, G. J., Life of Stephens, 221; philanthropic schemes one hun-
dred years ago, 393 note.

Home Industry, 28, 324; and factory system, 326, 330.

Hosiery, manufacture, 21, 67, 70.

Howell, George, on labour and machinery, 66; Spitalfields Acts, 279.

Hutton, William, on industries of Birmingham and neighbourhood, 109.

Huxley, Professor, on the "Struggle for Existence," 268.

Immaterial Products, 455.

Immorality in the early factories, 88.

Individualism, antithesis of Socialism, 262.

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