And a clear1 life ensuing. Sour-ey'd disdain, and discord, shall bestrew The union of your bed with weeds so loathly, He vanishes in thunder: then, to soft music, enter That you shall hate it both: therefore, take heed, the Shapes again, and dance with mops and mowes, and carry out the table. Pro. [Aside.] Bravely the figure of this harpy hast thou Perform'd, my Ariel; a grace it had, devouring: Their several kinds have done: my high charms work, And these, mine enemies, are all knit up [Exit Prospero from above. Gon. I' the name of something holy, sir, why stand you In this strange stare? Alon. O, it is monstrous! monstrous! Methought, the billows spoke, and told me of it; The winds did sing it to me; and the thunder, That deep and dreadful organ-pipe, pronounc'd The name of Prosper; it did bass my trespass, Therefore my son i' the ooze is bedded; and I'll seek him deeper than e'er plummet sounded, And with him there lie mudded. Seb. I'll fight their legions o'er. Ant, [Exit. But one fiend at a time, I'll be thy second. [Exeunt Seb. and Ant. Gon. All three of them are desperate; their great guilt, Like poison given to work a great time after, Adr. ACT IV. Follow, I pray you. [Exeunt. As Hymen's lamps shall light you. Fer. As I hope For quiet days, fair issue, and long life, With such love as 'tis now; the murki st den, The most opportune place, the strongest suggestion Our worser Genius can, shall never melt Mine honour into lust; to take away The edge of that day's celebration, When I shall think, or Phœbus' steeds are founder'd Or night kept chain'd below. Pro. Fairly spoke: Sit then, and talk with her, she is thine own.What, Ariel: my industrious servant Ariel! SCENE I.-Before Prospero's cell. Enter Pros- Rather than want a spirit; appear, and pertly. Hast strangely stood the test: here, afore Heaven, Thy banks with peonied and lilied brims, Enter Ceres. Cer. Hail, many-colour'd messenger, that ne'er And some donation freely to estate There's something else to do: hush, and be mute, Or else our spell is marr'd. Iris. You nymphs, call'd Naiads, of the wand'ring brooks, With your sedg'd crowns, and ever harmless looks, Leave your crisp channels, and on this green land Answer your summons; Juno does command: Come, temperate nymphs, and help to celebrate A contract of true love; be not too late. Enter certain Nymphs. You sun-burn'd sicklemen, of August weary, Enter certain Reapers, properly habited; they join with the Nymphs in a graceful dance; towards the end whereof Prospero starts suddenly, and speaks; after which, to a strange, hollow, and confused noise, they heavily vanish. Pro. [Aside.] I had forgot that foul conspiracy Of the beast Caliban, and his confederates, Against my life; the minute of their plot Is almost come.- [To the Spirits.] Well done ; avoid; -no more. Fer. This is most strange: your father's in some passion That works him strongly. Mira. Never till this day, Saw I him touch'd with anger so distemper'd. Pro. You do look, my son, in a mov'd sort, As if you were dismay'd: be cheerful, sir: Our revels now are ended; these our actors, As I foretold you, were all spirits, and Are melted into air, into thin air: To bless this twain, that they may prosperous be, And, like the baseless fabric of this vision, And honour'd in their issue. SONG. Juno. Honour, riches, marriage-blessing, Cer. Earth's increase, and foizon plenty; Fer. This is a most majestic vision, and To think these spirits? Pro. Spirits, which by mine art I have from their confines call'd to enact The cloud-capp'd towers, the gorgeous palaces, We wish your peace. Pro. Come with a thought:-I thank you:- (1) Woody. (2) Pluto. (3) Abundance. Able to produce such wonders. (5) Vanished. (6) A body of clouds in motion; but it is most probable that the author wrote track. Pro. Sweet now, silence; Juno and Ceres whisper seriously; I go, I go. [Exit. Pro. A devil, a born devil, on whose nature Nurture can never stick; on whom my pains, Humanely taken, all, all fost, quite lost; And as, with age, his body uglier grows, So his mind cankers: I will plague them all, Re-enter Ariel loaden with glistering apparel, &c. Even to roaring: Come, hang them on this line. Prospero and Ariel remain invisible. Enter Caliban, Stephano, and Trinculo; all wet. Cal. Pray, you, tread softly, that the blind mole may not To doat thus on such luggage? Let's along, Ste. Be you quiet, monster.-Mistress line, is not this my jerkin? Now is the jerkin under the line : now, jerkin, you are like to lose your hair, and prove a bald jerkin. Trin. Do, do: We steal by line and level, an't like your grace. Ste. I thank thee for that jest; here's a garment for't: wit shall not go unrewarded, while I am king of this country: Steal by line and level, is an excellent pass of pate; there's another garment for't. Trin. Monster, come, put some limes upon your fingers, and away with the rest. Cal. I will have none on't: we shall lose our time, And all be turn'd to barnacles, or to apes With foreheads villanous low. Ste. Monster, lay to your fingers; help to bear this away, where my hogshead of wine is, or I'll turn you out of my kingdom; go to, carry this. Trin. And this. Ste. Aye, and this. A noise of hunters heard. Enter divers Spirits, in shape of hounds, and hunt them about; Prospero and Ariel setting them on. Pro. Hey, Mountain, hey! Ari. Silver! there it goes, Silver! Pro. Fury, Fury! there, Tyrant, there! hark, hark! [Cal. Ste. and Trin. are driven out. Hear a foot fall: we now are near his cell. harmless fairy, has done little better than played the Jack with us. Trin. Monster, I do smell all horse-piss; at which my nose is in great indignation. Ste. So is mine. Do you hear, monster? If I should take a displeasure against you; look you,Trin. Thou wert but a lost monster. Cal. Good my lord, give me thy favour still: Be patient, for the prize I'll bring thee to softly, All's hush'd as midnight yet. Trin. Ay, but to lose our bottles in the pool, Ste. There is not only disgrace and dishonour in that, monster, but an infinite loss. With dry convulsions; shorten up their sinews With aged cramps; and more pinch-spotted make them, Than pard, or cat o' mountain. Ari. Hark, they roar. Pro. Let them be hunted soundly: at this hour Lie at my mercy all mine enemies; Shortly shall all my labours end, and thou Shalt have the air at freedom: for a little, Follow, and do me service. ACT V. [Exeunt, Trin. That's more to me than my wetting: yet SCENE I.-Before the cell of Prospero. Enter this is your harmless fairy, monster. Ste. I will fetch off my bottle, though I be o'er ears for my labour. Cal. Pr'ythee, my king, be quiet: Seest thou here, This is the mouth o' the cell: no noise, and enter: Do that good mischief, which may make this island Thine own for ever, and I, thy Caliban, For aye thy foot-licker. Ste. Give me thy hand: I do begin to have bloody thoughts. Trin. O king Stephano! O peer! O worthy Stephano! look, what a wardrobe here is for thee! Cal. Let it alone, thou fool; it is but trash. Trin. O, ho, monster; we know what belongs to a frippery: O king Stephano! Ste. Put off that gown, Trinculo; by this hand, I'll have that gown. Trin. Thy grace shall have it. Prospero in his magic robes, and Ariel. Pro. Now does my project gather to a head: My charms crack not; my spirits obey; and time Goes upright with his carriage.-How's the day? Ari. On the sixth hour; at which time, my lord, You said our work should cease. Pro. I did say so, In the lime grove which weather-fends your cell; you term'd, sir, The good old lord Gonzalo; Cal. The dropsy drown this fool! what do you His tears run down his beard, like winter's drops mean, (1) Bait, (2) Education, (3) Jack with a lantern. (4) Ever, (5) A shop for sale of old clothes. (6) Bird-lime. (7) Leopard. (8) Defends from bad weather. From eaves of reeds:1 your charm so strongly works Didst thou, Alonso, use me and my daughter: them, Dost thou think so, spirit? Ari. Mine would, sir, were I human. And mine shall. Hast thou, which art but air, a touch of feeling Of their afflictions; and shall not myself, One of their kind, that relish all as sharply, Passion as they, be kindlier mov'd than thou art? Though with their high wrongs I am struck to the quick, Yet with my nobler reason, 'gainst my fury Do I take part: the rarer action is In virtue than in vengeance: they being penitent, Not a frown further: Go, release them, Ariel; And they shall be themselves. Ari. I'll fetch them, sir. Exit. Pro. Ye elves of hills, brooks, standing lakes, and groves; And ye, that on the sands with printless foot time Is to make midnight-mushrooms; that rejoice forth Thy brother was a furtherer in the act;- blood, You brother nine, that entertain'd ambition, That now lie foul and muddy. Not one of them, [Exit Ariel. I will dis-case me, and myself present, Ariel re-enters, singing, and helps to attire Ari. Where the bee sucks, there suck 1; Pro. Why, that's my dainty Ariel; I shall miss thee; But yet thou shalt have freedom: so, so, so Ari. I drink the air before me, and return [Exit Ariel. Gon. All torment, trouble, wonder, and amaze Pro. ment Inhabits here: Some heavenly power guide us Whe'r thou beest he, or no, Or some enchanted trifle to abuse me, Re-enter Ariel: after him, Alonso, with a frantic As late I have been, I not know: thy pulse gesture, attended by Gonzalo; Sebastian and Beats, as of flesh and blood; and, since I saw thee, Antonio in like manner, attended by Adrian and The affliction of my mind amends, with which, Francisco: They all enter the circle which Pros- I fear, a madness held me: this must crave pero had made, and there stand charmed; which (An if this be at all) a most strange story. Prospero observing, speaks. A solemn air, and the best comforter To an unsettled fancy, cure thy brains, Thy dukedom I resign; and do entreat Thou pardon me my wrongs:-But how should Now useless, boil'd within thy skull! There stand, Pro. For you are spell-stopp'd. Holy Gonzalo, honourable man, Mine eyes, even sociable to the show of thine, Fall fellowly drops. The charm dissolves apace; (1) Thatch. (2) Pity, or tenderness of heart. Let me embrace thine age; whose honour cannot Prospero Be living, and be here? First, noble friend, Be measur'd, or contin'd. Gon. Whether this he, You do vet taste Some subtleties o' the isle, that will not let you Believe things certain :-Welcome, my friends all: But you, my brace of lords, were I so minded, [Aside to Seb. and Ant. I here could pluck his highness' frown upon you, (3) Whether. Receiv'd a second life, and second father Alon. I am her's: You have not sought her help; of whose soft grace, This lady makes him to me. For the like loss, I have her sovereign aid, And rest myself content. Alon. You the like loss? But O, how oddly will it sound, that I Must ask my child forgiveness! Pro. There, sir, stop: I have inly wept, Let us not burden our remembrances With a heaviness that's gone. Gon. Or should have spoke ere this. Look down, you gods, And on this couple drop a blessed crown; For it is you, that have chalk'd forth the way Which brought us hither! Alon. daughter? I say, Amen, Gonzalo! Pro. In this last tempest. I perceive, these lords Gon. Was Milanthrust from Milan, that his issue At this encounter do so much admire, That they devour their reason; and scarce think Their eyes do offices of truth, their words Are natural breath; but, howsoe'r you have Been justled from your senses, know for certain, That I am Prospero, and that very duke Which was thrust forth of Milan; who most strangely Upon this shore, where you were wreck'd, was landed, To be the lord on't. No more yet of this; For 'tis a chronicle of day by day, The entrance of the cell opens, and discovers Ferdinand and Miranda playing at chess. Mira. Sweet lord, you play me false. I would not for the world. Re-enter Ariel, with the Master and Boatswain amazedly following. O look, sir, look, sir; here are more of us! Boats. The best news is, that we have safely found |