That this is the sum, and substance, of the Apostle's meaning, is evident, both from what he had said, in some few verses, immediately preceding the text, as well as the general analogy of scripture, on this interesting doctrine. Paul, had been speaking just before, of the hopeless condition of those, whose lives bore a melancholy witness, that while professing the form of Godliness, they were destitute of the power of it. Many walk, (says the Apostle) of whom I have told you often, and now tell you event weeping: that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ. Whose end is destruction: whose god is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame: who mind earthly things. And then to shew, the striking contrast, of such an awful state, to that of the real possessors of vital godliness, who are justified in the blood, and righteousness of Jesus, and in consequence live in the enjoyment of union, with his person, and communion in his graces; the Apostle adds, for our conversation is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ. Our conversation, is above, even while living here below. We are sending forth our affections, and our desires, after him, in whom our lives are hid. And when he, who is our life shall appear; we shall appear with him, in glory. Hence we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ. And And we derive the same assurance, on this grand point, from the general analogy of scripture. The word of God, which represents the coming of the Lord to Judgment, as full of terrors to the wicked; and awfully declares, concerning them, that they shall be punished with everlasting destruction, from his presence; doth as plainly express, that he shall come to be glorified in his saints, and to be admired, in all them that believe. And while the expectation, of this day of God, is said, to be to the one, a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation: to the other it is called, a looking for of that blessed hope of the glorious appearing of the Great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ. The very different prospects therefore, which this day is declared to open, to the different characters, of him that feareth God; from him that feareth him not: can only be explained, upon this principle, of what the Apostle saith, in the text: that true believers in Christ, look for the Lord Jesus in the sweet Character of their Saviour. And hence it is, that we find the sacred writers, speaking of the expectation of it, with so much rapture, and delight. Jude the Apostle, Ee calls calls it, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life. And Peter the Apostle, if possible in yet stronger expressions, of holy faith, and joy, declares that it is a looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God. As if it was a day devoutly desired, and longed for, by the faithful. A thing impossible, upon the presumption, that the smallest possible uncertainty, was remaining, concerning the event of it to the faithful. And lest And lest any should be tempted to suppose, that these are privileges peculiar only to the Apostles; Paul at once, removes all such ideas, by declaring, that the same crown of glory, which he knew was laid up for himself, the righteous Judge at that day would give not only to him but to all them that loved his appearing. Do you love his appearing? If you say how am I to know? The answer is direct. You have already loved his appearing, if so in the work of his Holy Spirit, upon your heart, in converting you, from sin to salvation. You have loved, and do love his appearing in every renewed visit, of his grace. You love his appearing in every instance where he converts others, from darkness, to light, and from the power of Satan, unto God. You love his appearing, in every manifestation, which he makes of himself, in the deliverance or comfort, of any of his exercised family upon upon earth. Accepting the words of the text, in this point of view, and they open to our meditation, a very sweet and refreshing subject, to comfort the heart of every true believer, in his passage from grace to glory. What I propose, from the review of it, as God the Holy Ghost shall be pleased to enable, is this; in the first place to consider the ground of assurance, by which the faithful, are authorized, to look forward to the coming of the Lord Jesus, in this engaging point of view, to expect him as their Saviour. And when I have accomplished this purpose, in the confirmation of the doctrine, I shall go on to a second branch of the subject, to bring before you, some of the many peculiar privileges of the believer, who is taught of the Holy Ghost, to be living in the daily exercise, ६ ercise, of this blessed hope and the glorious appearing of the Great God, and our Saviour, Jesus Christ. And while I very earnestly beg the closest attention of all that hear me, to the investigation, of a subject, so truly interesting, as it is in itself, and so highly calculated under divine grace, to comfort every true believer, in all his exercises, during his eventful pilgrimage; I do more earnestly yet bespeak the prayers of the faithful, that both speaker and hearer, may be so brought under his gracious influences, who teacheth not as man teacheth, that the awakened may be refreshed, and the unawakened concerned, and both retire from our ordinance of worship, with more earnest desires, than when they came here, to know the truth, that the truth, may make them free. Come Holy Ghost, Eternal God! Spirit of Truth! Complete every one of thy precious offices in our hearts. Lead us into all truth; build us up in our most holy faith: keep our souls in the love of God; looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life. Amen. According to my proposal, I am in the first place, to consider, the ground of assurance, by which the faithful are authorized to look for ward |