“The” Plays of William Shakspeare ...J. Nichols and Son, 1813 |
From inside the book
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Page 28
... Exeunt . SCENE III . A Heath . Thunder . Enter the three Witches . 1 WITCH . Where hast thou been , sister ? 2 WITCH . Killing swine . 8 3 WITCH . Sister , where thou ? 1 WITCH . A sailor's wife had chesnuts in her lap , And mounch'd ...
... Exeunt . SCENE III . A Heath . Thunder . Enter the three Witches . 1 WITCH . Where hast thou been , sister ? 2 WITCH . Killing swine . 8 3 WITCH . Sister , where thou ? 1 WITCH . A sailor's wife had chesnuts in her lap , And mounch'd ...
Page 52
... [ Exeunt . " -favour : ] i . e . indulgence , pardon . STEEVENS . -my dull brain was wrought With things forgotten . ) My head was worked , agitated , put into commotion . JOHNSON . So , in Othello : " Of one not easily jealous , but ...
... [ Exeunt . " -favour : ] i . e . indulgence , pardon . STEEVENS . -my dull brain was wrought With things forgotten . ) My head was worked , agitated , put into commotion . JOHNSON . So , in Othello : " Of one not easily jealous , but ...
Page 60
... Exeunt . Duffe . Gryme , says Boethius , came to Scone , " quhare he was crownit by the tenour of the auld lawis . " After the death of Gryme , Malcolm , the son of King Kenneth , whom Boethius frequently calls Prince of Cumberland ...
... Exeunt . Duffe . Gryme , says Boethius , came to Scone , " quhare he was crownit by the tenour of the auld lawis . " After the death of Gryme , Malcolm , the son of King Kenneth , whom Boethius frequently calls Prince of Cumberland ...
Page 71
... [ Exeunt . Look like the time ; ) The same expression occurs in the 8th Book of Daniel's Civil Wars : " He draws a traverse ' twixt his grievances ; " Looks like the time : his eye made not report " Of what he felt within ; nor was he ...
... [ Exeunt . Look like the time ; ) The same expression occurs in the 8th Book of Daniel's Civil Wars : " He draws a traverse ' twixt his grievances ; " Looks like the time : his eye made not report " Of what he felt within ; nor was he ...
Page 77
... Exeunt . SCENE VII . The same . A Room in the Castle . Hautboys and torches . Enter , and pass over the stage , a Sewer , and divers Servants with dishes and service . Then enter MACBETH . MACB . If it were done , when ' tis done , then ...
... Exeunt . SCENE VII . The same . A Room in the Castle . Hautboys and torches . Enter , and pass over the stage , a Sewer , and divers Servants with dishes and service . Then enter MACBETH . MACB . If it were done , when ' tis done , then ...
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All's ancient Arthur Banquo BAST Bastard Ben Jonson blood breath called castle Cawdor Coriolanus crown Cymbeline death deed doth Duncan edit emendation England Enter Exeunt expression eyes father Faulconbridge fear folio following passage France give hand hast hath heart heaven Hecate Henry VI Holinshed honour Hubert Iliad JOHNSON Julius Cęsar King Henry King Henry IV King John King Richard Kyng Lady Macbeth lord MACB MACD Macduff Malcolm MALONE MASON means murder nature night noble observed old copy old play old reading peace perhaps Philip poet Pope present prince Queen Rape of Lucrece ROSSE sayd says scene Scotland seems sense Shakspeare Shakspeare's signifies sleep speak speech spirit STEEVENS suppose Tale thane thee Theobald There's thine things thou art thought tragedy unto WARBURTON weird sisters Winter's Tale WITCH word žat