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1. If I shall or will have been loved, If we shall or will have been loved, 2. If thou shalt or wilt have been loved, If you shall or will have been loved, 3. If he shall or will have been loved; If they shall or will have been loved.

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122. Interrogative and Negative Forms.

1. A verb is conjugated interrogatively in the indicative and potential modes, by placing the subject after it, or after the first auxiliary; as, IND. Do I love? Have I loved? Did I love? Had I loved? Shall I love? Shall I have loved? Por. Can I love? Can I have loved? &c.

2. A verb is conjugated negatively, by placing the adverb not after it, or after the first auxiliary; but the negative adverb should be placed before the infinitive and participles; as, IND. I love not, or I do not love. I have not loved. I loved not, or I did not love. I had not loved, &c. INF. Not to love. Not to have loved. PART. Not loving. Not loved. Not having loved.

3. A verb is conjugated interrogatively and negatively, in the indicative and potential modes, by placing the subject, and the adverb not, after the verb, or after the first auxiliary; as, Love I not? or Do I not love? Have I not loved? Did I not love? Had I not loved? &c.

123. Exercise.'

1. Tell the mode, tense, voice, number, and person of the following VERBS :She has loved. I might love. We had loved. We had been loved. He may have loved. If I be loved. I love. He will love. He shall have loved. I have loved. They shall have loved. She is loved. We may be loved. You might have been loved. If I love. If they love. They may love. We will love. I had loved. Thou hast loved. Thou wilt have loved. I love. Thou art loved. He was loved. She will

have been loved.

2. Write or repeat a full conjugation of the following verbs:— Believe, defy, think.

3. Conjugate the first of the above verbs interrogatively, the next negatively, and the third interrogatively and negatively.

Verbs conjugated interrogatively and negatively.

4. Give a synopsis of either of the above verbs in either form, in the first, second, or third person.

124. Synopsis-Progressive and Emphatic Forms-Verb Read.

NOTE. The progressive form is the verb to be joined to the present participle. The pupil should be careful not to mistake this for the passive form, which is the verb to be joined to the passive participle. In the emphatic form the auxiliary do is added to the simple verb for the present, and did for the past. It is found only in the indicative and imperative modes.

IND. I am reading, I have been reading, I was reading, I had been reading, I shall be reading, I shall have been reading. Poт. I may be reading, I may have been reading, I might be reading, I might have been reading. SUB. If I am or be reading, if I have been reading, if I was or were reading, if I had been reading, if I shall be reading, if I shall have been reading. IMP. Be thou reading. INF. To be reading, to have been reading. PART. Reading, having been reading.

Indicative. I do read, I did read.

Imperative. Do thou read.

125. Exercise.

1. Write or repeat a full conjugation of write, lend, play, in the progressive form.

2. Give a synopsis of either of the above verbs in the second and third persingular and plural.


3. Tell the difference between the progressive and passive forms. (See Note above.)

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Synopsis of the Progressive and Emphatic Forms. All the forms combined.

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1 An irregular verb is one which does not form its past tense and past participle by adding ed to the present tense; as, see, saw, seen; write, wrote, written.

1. The following list contains the principal parts of the irregular verbs. Those verbs which are marked R. have also the regular forms, and those which are italicized are either obsolete or are becoming so:

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