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I. 1. 12. 26. 27. 31. 36. 44. 45. 58-60.
65-79. 94-99. 127. 128. 140. 141.
143-150. 189. II. 1. 2. 4-10. III. 1-
3.5-7. 9-11. 13-28. IV. 1-12. 15.
V. 1-4. 6-11. 13-28. VI. I-16. 48.
VII. 1. 3. 4-17. VIII. 11. 19. 23.
39, 43. 44. 49. 60. 61. 63. 64. 73.
91. 92. X. 1-8. 11. 12. 20. 21. 45.
46. 79. 80. 87. 88. 91. 115. 118. 122.
140. 142. 150. 156. 176. 187. 188.


I. 4-11. 16. 30. 54-57. 61-63. 80-84.
100-104. 121. 129-133. 135. 169.
173-178. II. 11-22. 30. III. 30-32.
34-52. IV. 16. 17. 19. 25. 29. 31.
32. 46. V. 29-39. VI. 17-26. 28-47.
VII. 19-32. VIII. 1-4. 6, 12-17. 21.
24. 32-34. 36. 37. 45. 46. 50-55. 57.
59. 65-67. 69. 71. 77-79. 81. 82.84-
88. Vâlakhilya, 1-6. X. 22-24. 29.

32. 42-44. 47. 50. 54. 55. 73. 74.
89. 96. 104. 105. 112. 113. 116. 120.
131. 133. 134. 138. 144. 147. 148.
152. 153. 160. 171-179. 180. Manyu.
X. 83. 84.


Maruts.-I. 37-39. 64. 85-88. 166-168.
171. II. 34. V. 52-60. 87. VI. 66. VII.
56-59. VIII. 7. 20. 83. X. 77. 78.
Rudra.-I. 43. 114. II. 33. VII. 46.
Vâyu.-1. 2. 134. IV. 47. 48. VII.

90-92. X. 168. 186.
Parjanya.-V. 83. VII. 101. 102.

Brahmanaspati or Brihaspati.-I. 18.
40. 190. II. 23-26. IV. 50. VI. 73.
VII. 97. 98. X. 182.
Indra and Brahmanaspati.-IV. 49.


Indra-Varuna.-I. 17. IV. 41. VI. 68.
VII. 82. 84. 85. Vâlakhilya, 11.
Indra-Pushan.-VI. 57.

Indra-Vishnu.-VI. 69.
Indra-Agni —I. 21. 108. 109. III. 12.
V. 86. VI. 59. 60. VII. 93. 94. VIII.
88. 40.
Agni-Maruts.-I. 19.
Indra-Soma-VI. 72. VII. 104.
Agni-Soma.-I. 93.
Soma-Rudra.- VI. 74.
Soma-Pûshan.-II. 40.


Visvedevas-X. 114. Sacred Metres
---X. 130. Praise of the Angira-
ses.-X. 62. The Sacrificer and his
Wife.-VIII. 31. The Sacrificer,
Wife, and Hotar.-X. 183. Faith.-
X. 151. Visvedevas.-X. 157. State
of the Dead.-X. 154. Dakshina
(Priests' Guerdon).-X. 107. Ritvi-
jas (Priests).-Vâlakhilya, 10. X.
101. Apris.-I. 13. 142. 188. II. 3.
III. 4. V. 5. VII. 2. IX. 5. X. 70.
110. Production of Sacrificial Fire.
-III. 29. Sacrificial Stake.--III.
8. Pestle and Mortar.-I. 28. Press-
stones.-X. 76. 94. 175. Havirdhâ-
nas.-X. 13. Ritus (Seasons).-II.
36. 37. SOMA PAVAMÂNA.-IX. 1-4.
6-114. Praise of the Horse.-I.
162. 163. Waters, or Son of Waters.
-X. 30. Saranyû, Pûshan, Saras-
vatî, Waters, Soma.-X. 17. Sûryâ's
Bridal.-X. 85. Vâstoshpati (Guar-
dian of the House).-VII. 54. 55.
Kshetrapati (Lord of the Field)
and Sita (Furrow).--IV. 57. Praise
of Food.-I. 187. Aranyânî (God-
dess of the Forest).-X. 146. Night.
-X. 127. Averting Misfortune.-
X. 155. Benediction of the Embryo.

-X. 187. Against Miscarriage.-
X. 162. Asvins.-V. 78. Maruts.-
I. 172. Soma Pavamâna.-IX. 114.
Visvedevas.-X. 137. Cows.-X.
169. Water, Grass, Sûrya.--I. 191.
Indra.-VIII. 80. Mitra, Varuņa,
Agni, Visvedevas, Praise of Rivers.
-VII. 50. Visvedevas.-X. 126.
Charm against Phthisis.-X. 161.
163. Charm against Evil Dreams.--
X. 164. Indra.-I. 29. The Bird
of Good Omen.-II. 42. 43. The
Bird of Ill Omen.-X. 165. Charm
against a rival Wife.-X. 145. Sachi
Paulomi-X. 159. Visvedevas.--
X. 128. 141. Removal of a Rival.-
X. 166. Benediction of the King.—
X. 173. 174. Unanimity.-X. 191.
Yama, the Fathers, the Dogs.—X.
14. The Fathers.-X. 15. Agni.-
X. 16. Mrityu, Dhâtar, Tvashtar,
the Pitrimedha, Prajapati.-X. 18.
Visvedevas.-X. 56. Pavamâna
Soma.-IX. 1-4. 6-114.


Creation of the World.-X. 129. 190.
Creation by Sacrifice of Purusha.
X. 90. Ka.-X. 121. The Gods.-
X. 52. 72. Visvedevas.-I. 105. 164.
181. Mâyâbheda.-X. 177. Agni,
Surya, Waters, the Cow, Ghrita.-
IV. 58. Rivalry of Indra and
Varuna.-IV. 42. X. 124. Indra's
Birth.-IV. 18. Indra. Praise of
the Falcon.-IV. 26. Praise of the
Falcon. IV. 27. Indra and Soma.
-IV. 28. Indra and Ushas.-IV.

30. Indra.-I. 32. 33. 51. 53. X. 27.
48. 49. 67. 68. 99. 102. 111. 119. 167.
Indra. Vasukra.-X. 28. Indra.
Maruts. Agastya.-X. 165. 170
Maruts.-V. 61. Indra. Vâk. -VIII.
89. Agni. The Gods.-X. 51. Agni
Sauchika. The Gods.-X. 53. Indra.
Sûrya. Atri.-V. 40. Vṛishâkapi.
Indrânî. Indra.-X. 86. Urvași.
Pururavas.-X 95. Saramâ. Paņis.
-X 108. Visvedevas.-X. 57. Re-
call of the Spirit.-X. 58. Nirṛiti.
Soma. Asunîti. Earth. Heaven and
Earth.-X. 59. Asamâti. Indra.
Subandhu's Recall to Life. The
Hands.-X. 60. Vâk Âmbhṛiņî.-X.
125. Jñânam.-X. 71. Yama.-X.
135. Praise of the Rivers.-X. 75.
Vasishtha and the Rivers.-III. 33.
Indra and Parvata, Indra, Vâk Sa-
sarpari. Praise of the Chariot.-
III. 53. Indra, Châyamâna's Muni-
ficence.-V. 27. Indra. Sudâs's
Munificence.-VII. 18. Vasishtha's
Sons. Vasishtha.-VII. 33. Indra
and Varuna.-VII. 83. Dadhikrâvan.
-IV. 38. Agni.-V. 12. Savanaya's
Munificence.-I. 125. Bhâvayavya
and Romaşâ.-I. 126. Lopamudrâ
and Agastya.-I. 179. Asvins.--VIII.
75. Agui.-X. 69. The Gods.-X.
98. Visvedevas. Kurusravana's Mu-
nificence.-X. 33. Praskaṇva's Muni-
ficence.-Vâlakhilya. 7. 8. Keṣins.
-X. 136. Visvedevas.-X. 109.
The Frogs.-VII. 103. Weapons of
War. VI. 75. Indra.-X. 38. 103.
Soma Pavamâna.-IX. 112. Medi-
cinal Herbs.-X. 97. The Dice.-
X. 34. Liberality.-X 117.


ABHIPLAVA, a certain So-
ma ceremony, 136, 400

Abhivarta, a hymn or of-
fering for success, 603

Abortion, charm against,
612, 613.

Acesines, Latin name of
the Asikni, the river
Chenâb, 150, 490 note.
Adam and Eve, the In-

dian, 392 note.
Âdhavanîya, oue of the
three large Soma re-
ceptacles, 108,124, 347,
370 notes.
Adhrigu, a Rishi or a
prince, 132, 153.


priests who perform
the practical work of
sacrifice, 3, 97, 171,
219, 277, 278, 302, 350,
355, 362, 384, 405,406,
414, 423-425, 440, 454,
486, 521.

[blocks in formation]

Aditya, son of Aditi, es-
pecially Varuna and
the Sun,4, 81, 219,253,
263, 326,330, 405, 418,
453, 460, 478, 483,487,
514, 565, 581.
Âdityas, Gods, seven or
eight in number, 12,
35, 39, 40, 48, 52, 60,
64, 81, 83, 130, 142-144,
147, 164, 165, 168, 175,
176, 193, 196,197, 210,
211, 230, 253, 306, 382,
432, 433, 450, 458, 470-

472, 474-477, 487, 501,
535, 545, 571, 573, 575,
586, 592, 595.

the eight names of,
Adoption of children, 6.

[blocks in formation]

Embodied Spirit, 518, Agha days, when the
576 notes.

Aditi, Infinity, Infinite
Nature, the Mother of
the Gods, 4, 12, 15, 22,
39, 43-45, 52, 60, 65,
79, 80, 83-85, 89, 134,
143, 160, 164, 190, 197,
198, 210, 253, 254, 288,
315, 328, 332, 338, 357,
364, 387, 394, 397,418,
133, 467, 470-476, 483,

moon is in the constel-
lation Maghâ, 502.
Agni, God of Fire and
Light, 1-16, 20, 30,
35, 37-10, 43-48, 51,
52, 56, 58, 61, 65, 72,
75, 76, 84, 88, 89, 94,
96, 99, 100, 125, 126,
131-133, 143-147, 154-
156, 161, 163, 164, 166,
168, 169, 174, 175, 179-

182, 185-189, 199-202,
217-220, 222-224, 231,
250, 254-257, 266, 267,
272, 273, 309, 319, 322,
323,331, 349, 355, 383-
391, 394, 395, 397, 401-
404, 408-410, 419, 422,
425-427, 432, 434, 415-
448, 453-456, 460, 464,
467-469, 471-475, 477,
478, 481-484, 492, 494-
496, 502, 505, 506,510-
514, 519-522, 536, 539,
540, 549, 552-551, 557,
559, 560-564, 566-568,
570,571, 573,574, 577,
582, 585-587, 592, 595-
598, 600, 602-604, 606-

609, 611, 612.
Agni, Lord of Heaven
and Earth, 8; Lord of
Light, 144, 189 ; iden-
tified with the Sun,

9, 187, 386, 426, 467,
513, 514; the Moon at
night, 513; identified
with Varuna, 390; with
Varuna and Mitra, 13;
created by the Gods,

513, 514; Son of Dyaus,
445, 446; son of Dawn,
558; of Earth, 385;
of Heaven and Earth,
9, 383, 390, 395, 447,
585; of Heaven and
Earth, Waters, Tvash-
tar, Brigus, 447; com-
prising other Gods,
396; produced by at-
trition, 1, 201, 386,
389, 495, 559; man's

non-Aryan tribe,

Agni, a religious cere- Ajas, a non-


mony, 558.
Agnishvâttas, a class of Akhandala, Destroyer, a

father & brother, 389;
head and height of
heaven, 188; born from
the mouth of Purusha,
519; spiritual husband
of maidens, 506; con-
secrator of marriage,
506; giver of children
495; invoked in battle,
132, 222, 224, 482, 496;
jungle-clearing fire,
218, 586, 608; slayer
of fiends, 510-512;
punisher of sin, 3;
ripener of plants, 513; Âhavanîya, one of the

Manes, 401 note.
Âgrayaṇa, a certain Soma

his installation as
Priest of Gods, 454,
455; his flight from
his duties, 446, 453,
454; Priest, Messen-
ger, oblation-bearer,
146, 447, 483; his
divine functions, 146,
512; his three births,
445; three forms, 513,
549; three homes, 467;
three powers, 445;
three stations, 445.
Agnidh, kindler, priest
who kindles, the sa-
crificial fire, 384, 440,

Agnihotra, daily oblation

name of Indra, 142.
Aksha, said to be a man's

name, 195 note.
Aksharâ, Speech, Vâk,
14, 41.
Alâyya, perhaps a
of Indra, 323.


libation, 330 note.
Agriculture, 519; the be-
ginning of, 421 note;
ploughing, 150, 153,
548, 563; sowing, 527;
reaping,152, 577; sickle,
Indra, 248;
227; threshing, 450; Yama 400 note.
winnowing, 419, 480; All-Gods, 51, 52, 410, 571.
barley, grain, 480, 577. See Vişvedevas.

Amrit, Amrita, nectar
ambrosia, rain, milk,
6, 57, 207, 253, 263,
271, 326, 327, 332, 376,
379, 395, 425, 457, 568,
585, 607.

three sacrificial fires,
186, 386 notes.
Ahi, the Dragon or Ser-
pent-demon who with-
holds the rain, 113,
239, 240, 245, 449, 472, Ânava, Ânavas, descen-
479, 555.
dants of the epony-
Ahibudhnya, the Dragon mous chief Anu.

of the Deep, regent of Ancestral spirits, 74. See
of the sea of air, 37,
39, 43, 472, 477, 523.
Ahiṣuva, a demon of the
air, 169, 171, 225, 588.
Ahnavâyya, said to be a
man's name, 191 note.
Ahura, Zend form of
Asura, High God, 366


[blocks in formation]

Anghâri, one of the guar-
dians of Soma, 501 note.
Angiras, a semi-divine
patriarchal Rishi; also
a name of Agni, 135,
174, 186-188, 200, 222,
223, 231, 255, 373, 398,
448, 469, 478, 480, 498,

[blocks in formation]
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