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-Permit me, Madam, to add, persuaded that which affords present satisfaction, will, no , prove of future advantage to oung lady. Now, Sir, will you d to your sister's description, or ou proceed with yours? low w 08 nry.-I too am so well pleased my sister's explanation, that I readily proceed to give more to her recollection. The figure represents king David, now deIs the hill, surrounded by the le in general, and especially by armed men: as they proceed the road, there appears an y looking man on the hill side, though I cannot hear him, seems

to be vociferating most violently, and throwing stones at the king and hi company!

Miss P-That is Shimei, the Ben jamite.

Henry.-Notwithstanding you seen

so well acquainted with him, I think he is no favourite of yours; he is most malignant looking fellow.

Miss P.-He will be paid for al his bad tricks by-and-by.

Henry-Many of the armed me appear to be requesting the king' permission to slay that angry man but I perceive he does not permi them.

Miss P.- No, no, he will not Good David too keenly felt the re


n of Absalom, to be much moved himei's undeserved abuse. 0 ene is closed.

ry. But here is another. The at country is covered with the nding armies. The vanquished nto a wood, are pursued by the rs, become entangled among the and are beaten down with great uction. A mule running away sly, leaves its rider hanging een the thick boughs of a great Surely this must be Absalom! -You are right, Sir; but what VS?

nry.-I think he was killed, but I look to your scene. O here s one of the captains; he soon


dispatches the pendant youth-a ver summary way of proceeding, but suppose it is according to the laws war. His men take down the bod and unceremoniously cover it with heap of stones.

Mrs. P.-My dear Henry, how c you describe with such levity so m lancholy a scene?

Henry. O, Mamma, you know is only the representation that I a describing.

Mrs. P. That is true; but then should lead you to think on the eve which is thus brought to your rec lection, and reflect on the aw death that befel Absalom, in con quence of his rebellion against

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her. I am glad you remembered
history, and I hope you will con-
er the moral it inculcates-duty to
d and obedience to parents.
Henry.-I am obliged to you,
amma; I will endeavour to do so.
ving been so successful with the
eceding scene, I will venture to
amine the present; I have no idea
at this can mean. The view is
ral: in the foreground an extensive
d smooth area; sheaves of corn are
read on it in a circular manner,
er which two oxen, yoked together,
e drawing a man, seated in a lum-
ering machine; and another man,
ith a fork, is throwing the straw into
Le middle of the ring: surely this

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