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Gentleman.-I shall not detain Just inform me what is the nat your Exhibition. Your advertis is rather ambiguous; you stat your scenes have engaged the tion of the wise and good in age. May I ask whom you des by the wise and good? Do У tend thus to honour philosophe have benefited mankind by the coveries? or politicians who merited the plaudits of their c by their patriotism? Are your descriptive of the works of

sculptors, painters or other ar

Ex.-No, Sir, they are not Exhibition consists of represen of scripture facts.


ent. Scripture facts! Is it pos that you mean the strange hises and astonishing events which contained in what those whom you bably denominate the wise and d, call the Bible? You surprise for that is one of the most fabus, though not one of the most entaining books in the world!

Ex-Had you

said it was the best

1 most instructive book in the rld, you would not have then said y thing fabulous, but FACT. Gent.-Such puerile instruction as ntained therein does not deserve e attention of the philosophic mind! e want no bible but the bible of e creation; the principles we dis


cover there are eternal and of d original: they are the foundati all science that exists in the w and must be the foundation d theology. The structure of the verse, the movements of the se planets, the unerring order in they revolve, the connexions an pendence on each other, the p the wisdom, the vastness of Creator-this is what we lear the creation. But what does the teach?

Ex. The knowledge of HI made them all! And whom to is ETERNAL LIFE.dlo noijno

Gent. I know that the adv

for their book of enigmas deli


in mysteries, but what has the ended knowledge of Him, whom style its author, done for man? Ex. Pretended knowledge has y inflated men with pride, but eximental knowledge has produced most salutary poveoalb Gent. Experimental! This is other favourite epithet with your ilminées, but why apply it to theology? Ex.-You allow the application of e term to arts, to science, to phisophy, why should not it then be ed in reference to religion and subcts of a spiritual nature? Hiw


mysteries beyond the discovery o

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Ex.-If by observing the direc given in the Bible, believers o that peculiar knowledge which who reject the sacred volume c discover, ought they not to app the Author of the Bible to re their ignorance, especially as h given the utmost encourageme them to do so? wolla use Gent.-Before I acknowledg ignorance, or make my humble plication to your nobody-knows will you have the goodness to me what this inexplicable secre wonderful knowledge has do man?

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