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d, therefore, to rid himself of this olesome man, and sent an execuer to destroy him. The prophet, gh aware of his danger, and in ectation of the murderer, sat still his house, and with the utmost enity counselled the elders of the 7. The king was fired with indigion both against God and the phet; but Elisha pacified his retment by declaring, in the name of e Lord, that the very next day uld terminate the calamity and oduce an astonishing plenty. One the attendant courtiers, indeed, rned the assertion into ridicule; but received an awful punishment for s incredulity and contempt of the


man of God. According to Elis word, he saw the promised ple and yet perished in the midst of Harriot. You forgot, Sister mention how Elisha led the men came to destroy him to Samaria great provision before them, and they had eaten and drunk he them away, and they went to master. Bok rill and ado

Amelia. I attended to Mar direction, and thus followed example upon a former occasio just touching upon the chief po the history.on dubnette o 35 Ex.-Very good: your remark Harriot, proves your attention reason which Miss Amelia h


d for her brevity is quite suffi; your Mamma seems gratified. rs. N.-True, Sir; and I am pered my girls have no objection to cknowledging that I am so. But n, Amelia.quqnind of duoda pair melia. By Elisha's counsel the namite escaped the distresses of national famine; and for his sake recovered her former possessions, which she had been unjustly deved. The labours of this prophet re not entirely confined to the land Israel; for he travelled to Damas3, and Benhadad sent Hazael to quire of him, whether he should cover of his disease. He told him, at his master might recover, as his


disorder was not fatal, but tha would surely be taken off by s other means. He then burst

tears at the prospect of those ries, which the very man before was about to bring upon Israel, warned him of the wanton cr which he was about to exe Elisha caused Jehu to be ano

king of Israel, and a con

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able period after that even fell sick of the disease where died. od:

Ex. It highly demands atte that this prophet, above sixty from the time of his appointmen continued to discharge his office zeal and fidelity. Nor was his


nglorious; though he did not he world in the same triumphant er as Elijah. Joash, the king of 1, stood among his weeping atants, and then acknowledged the e of this eminent preacher of teousness, as the best protection. he state. Joash received a repence for the regard he showed he good man in his last moments. Elisha assured him that he should the instrument of delivering Israel n the oppression of the Syrians. is was the last prediction of Elisha, it was not the last honour which s conferred upon him: for even er his dissolution, a dead body cast Lo his sepulchre, upon touching his

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