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tion must it have been for this

man to be exalted unexpectedly to high a situation. dusrapboyalton Ex. It certainly was, Mad and shows plainly that God does choose any because of their r education ordabilities; but give servants the proper qualifications dispositions for the place in whic designs to fix them. At the same I would observe, that Elisha b at plough, so far from being an gument of his poverty, was, in rea a token of his wealth and great rid for he who could keep twelve of oxen at plough was in this res no inconsiderable man, and yet cording to the manner of those


O he looked after his own busihimself. As the successor of he bore a striking resemblance master in his manner of life, his sition, and the faithful execution s office. At his word, the waters ericho were healed, by no other ation than that of casting salt the spring. In the neighbour1 of Bethel, the little children of city came forth to mock him, ining him for his age and infirmities. mediately, as if the wild beasts of

forest had been subject to his trol, when he pronounced the se, two bears rushed upon them, destroyed forty-two of their

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Amelia. That part of his hist

I confess, has made me shudder w I have been reading it, and it excited my astonishment that Lord's prophet should have nounced so cruel a malediction. Ex. The mournful history excite our wonder; but let God his prophet also be justified. S this solemn judgment should tea to stand in awe and sin not. Th haviour of these young persons extremely profane, and therefore determined to make them an exa of his vengeance. The parents bably, were in this case more g than their offspring, as having t them to treat religion and reli


eters with scorn. For their corm, therefore, the visitation might ended.

-s. N. However my daughter have been affected at reading

history, I am sure am sure th

that ure that your ex

ation should fill every parent's

1 with solemn awe!

aid to those persons among oures, who train up their children in orance and contempt of God and truth? They may perish justly in ir iniquity; but will there not be insupportable burden upon their cents' consciences if they have rned from them to neglect and spise their Creator? Excuse me, , I prevent my daughters hearing


from you those remarks which I h

will prove beneficial to them.

Ex. In further tracing the his of Elisha, you will find that he ret to Carmel. But he was soon ca forth to public notice. He atter the united armies of Israel, Edom Judah. These numerous hosts

reduced to a very great
the want of

of water; and in the

plexity the three associated king

plied for help to Elisha. The ma

God, however, knew not to o tering titles, but with authorit reproved Jehoram, the wicked of Israel, for his detestable hypoc and for his attachment to the id tries of his father's house. To

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