Page images
[blocks in formation]

welshape 584, 14.

weltte 664, 35.

welwone 602, 23.
wen 748, 11.

weng 726, 6.

wenge 664, 15. 703, 32.

wenne 791, 7.
wenyson 662, 10.
wepyn 782, 25, 26, 27.

were 587, 27.
werelbone 627, 6.
werkehous 599, 11.

werkhowse 803, 37.

werkman 599, 9. 697, 28.

wermine (-brome) 644, 25.
wermod 554, 11. 560, 12.

werte 618, 45. 626, 17. 790, 32.

werylle 663, 40.

wesande 676, 24.

wesawnt 748, 19.

wesylle 700, 17. 759, 31.

wet (wyth rayne) 574, 23.
wete 664, 20.

wether 597, 10. 624, 15.
wethercock 618, 40.
wethyr 801, 1—4.

wewestrete 617, 44.

wey 797, 11, (hye-) 12. (-of hewyn)
798, 17.

weybrede 786, 35.

weyere 618, 3.

weyne 748, 4.

weysande 590, 40.

weysyl 639, 9.

wex (to-wilde) 577, 30.

wexe 576, 20. (-hote) 581, 2, (-byle)

31. (―weyry) 582, 25. (―colde) 584,

39. (―aferd, -dulle, -an egghe)
598, 35. (-soure) 599, 32.

whalle 704, 15. 736, 19. 764, 17, 18.
whaxmaker 688, 22.

wheete 625, 13.

whelberwe 572, 1.

whele 620, 7. 627, 17. 727, 25. 790, 28.

791, 25.

whelebarow 627, 20.

whelke 600, 27. 625, 11.

whelle 696, 10, 11.

whelmaker 688, 15.

whelpe 624, 18. 699, 12.
wherlbone 679, 4.
wherlebon 590, 19.

wherve 618, 46.
whesille 624, 19.
wheston 682, 19, 20.

whet 726, 11.

whetbred 657, 25.

whete 585, 4. 664, 21. 784, 39, 40.

whether 620, 19. 621, 3.

whey 611, 34. 624, 4. 625, 17, 18. (—of

chese) 793, 12.

whippe 610, 42.

white (of be face) 626, 19.

wholnyd 614, 42.

whorde 810, 6, 7.

why 606, 25, (for-) 34.
whyn 717, 27.

whynge 763, 6.

whypcord 727, 19.

whyrlebon 610, 11.

whyrlebone 632, 6.

whysunday 736, 38.

whyt (-mete) 591, 18. (―foted) 602, 32.

603, 5.

whyte 562, 36, 37.

whytnesse 562, 35.

whytpyper 580, 38.

whytynge 587, 4. 705, 23.

winberi (-stones) 558, 20.

withorn 559, 25.

wlfe 639, 6.

wod 556, 14.

[blocks in formation]

612, 25. 725, 27.

worte 625, 15. 644, 4.

wulfe 759, 17, (femel-) 18.

wulhowse 804, 12.

wulpere 776, 27.

wuluesfist 556, 45.

wurte 772, 2. 808, 12.

wurtes 785, 31.

wurtplant 786, 37.

wurtwurme 767, 11.

wyche 652, 12.

wychecraft 579, 10.

wyde (-ope) 607, 43.
wydo 692, 3.

[blocks in formation]

wynchelsee 584, 41.

wynd (sowthest-) 735, 33.

wyndas 687, 36. 737, 34.
wynddas 805, 21.

wynde 571, 7. (west-) 582, 26. 801, 5, 6.
wyndmylle 618, 41.
wyndoe 732, 29.

wyndow 667, 33, 34. 778, 9.
wyndowe 582, 34. 798, 18.

wyndylle 664, 7. 805, 22.
wyndyllynge 696, 23.

wyne 625, 16. 643, 32. 658, 24. (alle
maner-) 771, 35, (strong-) 36,
(febylle-) 37, (gode-) 38, (thyn-)
39, (cler-) 40, (qeketh—) 41, (wy-
te-) 42. (clerote-) 772, 13.

[blocks in formation]


yblessed 568, 1.

yblessyd 567, 44.

yclothed 619, 12.

ye (appul of the-) 606, 13. 626, 19. (appulle

of pe-, whyte of be-) 631, 3. 747, 1,
(balle of the) 3, (qwyt of the-)
4, 5. (blak of the-) 748, 20. (nest

of the-) 749, 3.
yebrowe 626, 18.
yeled 600, 2.

yelede 747, 2.
yelte 614, 30.
yelwe 576, 33.
yeman 618, 26.
yerdlond 619, 32.
yernwynder 564, 31.
yerwyndylleblad 794, 33.
yfurred 601, 38.

ygromony 786, 12.

ygrowe 562, 14.

ygurd 604, 30.

ygyld 567, 4.

yhyd 575, 18.

ylet 598, 39.

wyntyre 672, 17. 736, 40.

wyolet 644, 13.

wype 640, 15. 702, 1. 762, 10.

ylle 737, 11.

ymage (-of palas) 599, 46. 648, 19.

720, 11, 12. 753, 27.

ymalue 556, 24.
ymner 719, 36, 37.
ymnere 589, 1. 755, 5.
ymper 687, 5.
yn 622, 1.

ynche 604, 1. 680, 5.

ynde (-colour) 588, 23.

ynke 682, 16.
ynkehorn 589, 21.
ynwarde 627, 9.

yoke 589, 19.

ypassyd 604, 43.
yremongere 583, 3.
yreworchere 583, 2.
yrosted 566, 11.
yryn 653, 11. 768, 8.
yse 736, 3.

[blocks in formation]





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