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surprising ability and perseverance. Mr. Modish was originally a Jew, his name Abraham Solomons. He was a lawyer, and after some years practice in that respectable profession, found it convenient, for the advancement of his family, or probably for some wise reason, which he did not think proper to divulge, to drop the name of Solomons, and adopt the modern appellation of-Modish. He had, most fortunately, met with a lucrative client in Mrs. Quadruped, a lady of large fortune,, who trusted all her concerns to his care; and he was so diligent in her service, that, to the astonishment of every one, in a short time he amassed a sufficient sum to enable him to take a house near Blackfriars Bridge, to purchase carriages, horses, a country residence, and all that the heart of man could wish. There were, however, some persons who did not scruple to say that Mr. Abraham Modish was a wolf in sheep's clothing; but, as the ways of

omnipotence are inscrutable to human eyes, it oftentimes appears to weak mortals that the best people are overtaken with unforeseen calamities, while the wicked thrive and prosper. So it happened with Mr. Abraham Modish, for all of a sudden, the town and country houses, carriages, and horses, were disposed of, and no one knew what was become of the family of the Modishes. Nevertheless, when their names were mentioned, persons would give signifying nods and winks.-" They had no doubt but Mr. Abraham Modish had cogent reasons for removing in a hurry. Poor Mrs. Quadruped! she was certainly an object of pity, who from having a fortune of seventy thousand pounds, had not only been reduced to great indigence, but absolutely obliged to abscond."-And, it was the general opinion, that Mr. Abraham Modish had accompanied his client, as he preferred visiting the Continent by his own desire,


probably thinking, that if sent there, he might not be appointed to the situation he liked. Certain, however, it was, that to the great loss of society and his numerous friends and admirers, for some years he did not shew himself. He certainly was not a man of gallantry, therefore, persons who knew him, were not surprised at hearing that he had left Mrs. Quadruped in a strange land, or that he had felt such humanity for her, that to prevent her being exposed to danger, he had taken charge of all her jewels and other valuables, the wreck of her immense fortune. No doubt he did this with the best intention, for he knew the world, and felt that the wicked and the worthless could not withstand such temptations, and he probably secured them for Mrs. Quadruped' heirs. After lapse of many years, this bright luminary, Mr. Abraham Modish, his wife, two sons, and one daughter, were discovered in a small house in the neigh


appeared to be

bourhood of Islington, but so far from being in affluence, they in a very humble sphere. This residence had no superfluities, as the inventory proves :

"A bed without a curtain,

A broken jar to empty dirt in,

A candlestick, a greasy night cap,
A spitting pot to catch what might hap;
Two stockings, darn'd with numerous stitches,
A piece of shirt, a pair of breeches,
A three leg'd stool, a four leg'd table,
Were fill'd with books unfit for rabble."

In this obscure retreat were buried the transcendent talents of Mr. Abraham Modish, his wife, two sons, who have already been mentioned, and their daughter; for in all Mr. Abraham Modish's travels he had not had the good fortune to meet with another client like Mrs. Quadruped. Why or wherefore, the writer of these anecdotes cannot determine, but so it assuredly was, that although no one disputed the great abilities possessed by the males of this family, every one acknowledging that they were uncommonly clever in their pofession, yet no person seemed inclined to intrude on their leisure, and wonderful to relate, these superlative geniuses were compelled to go from house to house, to beg employment from solicitors; but as few of these gentlemen would confide in them, their income was so limitted that they could not procure those luxuries for which they languished. The second son, Mr. Symphony Modish, had great talents, both for haberdashery and music, and of the two he certainly excelled in the former; he understood ribbons in perfection, and his appearance was such as would have entitled him to the epithet of a smart shop-boy; but his sister being a young lady of great pride, and wonderful elegance, objected to the haberdashery business, as degrading; she indeed felt great repugnance to his teaching

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