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"fpeech ended, he gave that fmall pa

per to the Bp. of London. After his "death, the officers demanded the paper

"of the Bishop, who, because of the "depth of his pocket, fmalinefs of the

paper, and the mixture of others "therewith, could not fo foon produce

it as was required. At laft he brought "it forth; but therewith the others were "unfatisfied [jealoufy is quick of growth],

as not the fame which his Majefty de"livered unto him. When prefently "the foldier, whofe rudeness" [the bad caufe of a good effect] " had formerly "over-infpected it in the King's hand, "attefted this the very fame paper, and "prevented farther fufpicions, which

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"might have terminated to the Bishop's


"trouble *.”

The Bishop then was no farther troubled than by the officer's demanding this fingle paper. All the reft he carried off in the depth of his pocket. If any thing more troublesome had happened to the Bishop upon the occafion, Fuller would certainly have known it, and would as certainly have recorded it; for he takes him up again in his Worthies of England.

Other accounts fay, that the Bishop afterwards retired to his own manor of Little Compton in Glocefterfhire, where he sometimes rode a hunting for his

Fuller's Church History, p. penult.


health; a certain fign that he had no great moleftation from the ruling party*.

Milton fays, the King" bequeathed "this prayer among his deifying friends "to be published by them." And published it actually was, twice if not thrice, before Milton's Iconoclaftes appeared; which, according to Wagstaffe, was not till November 7, 1649. The proper inference from which premifes, compared with Fuller's circumftantial and candid account, is, that all these prayers remained with Dr. Juxon till his communication of them to the King's friends occafioned their being published.

The author of Clamor Regii Sanguinis, &c. as Englished by Wagstaffe,

* Wood, Athen. Ox. vol. II. p. 1145.

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fays, "The Bishop being brought be"fore the King's judges, was command"ed by them, not without dreadful me


naces, to reveal the meaning of the "word Remember, repeated to him twice "by the King upon the scaffold." {

To this latter charge Milton replies, "I will not deny that the Bishop might "be interrogated by one or other of "these judges, by the way, concerning "this matter; but I do not find that he "was convened on purpose by the coun"cil, or the high court of justice, as if 66 they all of them troubled themselves "about it, or were folicitous to know "it *."

*Defenfio Secunda, p. 391. ed. 1753, Quarto.


From Milton's filence it might perhaps be fufpected, that the Bishop was under fome fort of confinement, were it not that on the 7th of February we find him at full liberty, attending the King's funeral at Windfor, and standing ready with a Common-prayer-book to read the burial-office over the royal corpse *.

But what is beyond a thousand furmifes, accumulated by Wagitaffe and others, to prove Milton's first publishing this prayer as felected by King Charles, for his own ufe, is the dead filence of Bp. Juxon from this period to the time of his death. If his timidity during the Interregnum prevailed with him to conceal the forgery, his fears must be at

Biographia Britannica, Juxon, Rem. [C.]


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