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form'd into mimics, apes & Kiefhoes. But if they defire to fee other countries at three or four and twenty yeers of age, not to learn principles, but to enlarge experience, and make wife obfervation, they will by that time be fuch as fhall deserve the regard and honour of all men where they paffe, and the fociety and friendship of thofe in all places who are best and most eminent. And perhaps then other nations will be glad to vifit us for their breeding, or elfe to imitate us in their own country.

Now laftly for their diet there cannot be much to fay, fave only that it would be beft in the fame houfe; for much time elfe would be loft abroad, and many

ill habits got; and that it should be plain, healthfull,


healthfull, and moderate I fuppofe is out of controverfie. Thus Master Hartlib, yon have a generall view in writing, as your defire was, of that which at feverall times I had discourst with you concerning the beft and Nobleft way of Education; not beginning, as fome have done from the cradle, which yet might be worth many confiderations, if brevity had not bean my fcope, many other circumftances alfo I could have mention'd, but this to fuch as have the worth in them to make triall, for light and direction may be anough. Only I believe that this is not a bow for every man to fhoot in that counts himfelfe a teacher but will require finews almoft equall to those which Homer gave Ulyffes, yet I


am withall perfwaded that it may prove much more eafie in the affay, then it

now seems at diftance, and much more

illuftrious howbeit not more difficult


then I imagine, and that imagination prefents me with nothing but very happy and very poffible according to best wishes; if God have so decreed, and this have spirit and capacity anough to apprehend.






For the Liberty of VNLICENC'D PRINTING,


Τ ̓ ουλεύθερον δ ̓ ἐκεῖνο εἴ τις θέλει πόλει
Χρησόν τι βούλευμ ̓ εἰς μέσον φέρειν, ἔχων.
Καὶ ταῦθ ̓ ὁ χρήζων, λαμπρὸς ἔσθ', ὁ μὴ θέλων,
Σιγᾷ, τί τούτων ἔσιν ἰσαίτερον πόλει ;

Euripid. Hicetid.

This is true Liberty when free born men
Having to advife the public may speak free,

Which he who can, and will, deferv's high praife,
Who neither can nor will, may hold his peace;

What can be jufter in a State than this?

Euripid. Hicetid.

Printed in the Yeare, 1644.

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