ΤΟ EDWARD T. STURDY, BY WHOSE GENEROUS ASSISTANCE THE EDITION OF THE COMMENTARY HAS BEEN RENDERED ACCESSIBLE TO SCHOLARS, AND A TRANSLATION OF THE TEXT TO READERS GENERALL THIS VOLUME IS DEDICATED WITH THE CORDIAL REGARD OF HIS FRIEND, THE TRANSLATOR. Yan kinei dhammam abhijaññā SUTTA NIPATA, 917. * Api khvaham āvuso imasmin yeva vyāmamatte kalevare saññiŊhi sa manake lokam pañìāpemi . . .' SAMYUTTA NIKAYA, i. 62;= A., ii. 48. ‘Kullūpama và bhikkhave jīnantchi dhamma pi vo pahātablā, pageva . MAJJHIMA NIKHAYA, i. 135. adhamma.' Der Buddhismus ist die einzige, eigentlich positivistische Religion die uns die Geschichte zeigt.' NIETZSCHE. · We shall find that every important philosophical reformation, after a time of too highly strained metaphysical dogmatism or unsatisfying scepticism, has been begun by some man who saw the necessity of looking deeper into the mental constitution.' G. CROOM ROBERTSON. CONTENTS. ... PAGE XV I. The Manual and the History of Psychology. II. The Date of the Manual (p. xviii). III. On the Commentaries and the Importance of the Atthasālinī (p. xx). IV. On the Method and Argument of the Manual (p. xxvi). V. On the Chief Subject of Inquiry- Dhammā (p. xxxii). VI. On the Inquiry into Rupam and the Buddhist Theory of Sense (p. xli.). VII. On the Buddhist Philo. sophy of Mind and Theory of Intellection (p. lxiii.). VIII. On the Buddhist Notions of Good, Bad, and Indeterminate' (p. lxxxii.). Good in relation to the Universe of Form (rupavacara- Methods for inducing Jhana: I. Good in relation to the Universe of the Formless (a rūpāva- |