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The q-q, t-n, and k-m hand-fives similarly placed in Southern

Africa and in Eastern Asia with respect to the centre of the

Old World

How the q-q hand-fives in Africa became severed from those in

Asia-consideration of two other hands', which are at once

Finnish, Caucasian, and Aboriginal Indian

How these last two 'hands' may explain two Pre-Aryan numerals

in Etruria

Basque and Caucasian animal-names found in Nepalese and Ab-
original Indian-how Europe was overspread by three suc-
cessive waves of population-Trans-Saharic African, Indo-
Caucasian or South-western Turanian, and Indo-Germanic
or Aryan

Parallel between Finnish and Aboriginal Indian 'fours'


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Also between the 'feet' contained in them, and Mongolian and
Tungusian feet', and Turkish 'hands'

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The three hand-fives-Basque, Circassian, and Nepalese fours'
-Malay 'fives'-Finnish 'tens'-Lithuanian and Teutonic
' elevens', etc.

Georgian, Tibetan, Chinese, and other threes'

The Aryan 'two', and its parallels in Tungusian, Caucasian,

Basque, Malay, and Polynesian

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The Quichua 'right hand', 'leg', five', 'seven', and 'ten'
The Tuschi four', 'seven', and 'eight' in the Caucasus-complete
forms of 'two' in Tuschi, Greek, Latin, Basque, and Chinese
Aryan, Basque, African, Malay, Polynesian, and Semitic' threes' 66
Ancient numerals in Etruria-complete form of the Aryan 'three'
Tendency of the whole evidence supplied by numerals
Additional resemblances between the Northern and Southern lan-
guages of the globe in names for parts of the body

Yeniseian 'fives-their affinities in other Turanian languages

Further consideration of the evidence

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The Egyptian 'five' not derived from a word for hand', but from
a word for 'star'-parallels to this word in all parts of the

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