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objects, representing the two feet of Vishnu. The tradition is, that this deity selected this precise spot for the performance of ascetic rites and the worship of Mahadeva. It is, consequently, held in great veneration by the natives, and receives divine honours. In the month of Kartik, multitudes of people flock to Vishnu's feet, imagining that all who worship them are guaranteed a sure introduction into heaven. Mr. Prinsep observes, that "the charanpáduka (impression of Vishnu's feet) is said to mark the spot on which he alighted. It is distinguished by the figure of two feet cut in white marble in the centre of a round slab, probably intended to represent the chakr or discus; but, as the charan is generally thought to be peculiar to Buddha and Jain places of worship, the emblem is, probably, of modern and spurious introduction where it is here set up. There is another páduka near

the mouth of the Barna Nála."

The Manikarniká ghát, while the most sacred of all the gháts in Benares, is also the intermediate point of them all; so that, were the city divided into two portions at this place, they would be nearly equal in extent. Ascending the second flight of stairs, we come to a temple of ancient reputation, but probably of modern construction, occupied by Siddha-vináyak, or Gaṇeś. Imagine a figure painted red, having three eyes, a silver-plated scalp ornamented with a garland of flowers, and an elephant's trunk, this last member being hidden behind a cloth which conceals a large portion of the idol, and, in front, is so tucked in as to resemble the cloth which a barber wraps about a man before shaving him. At the feet of the god is the figure of a rat,—the

animal on which he is supposed to ride, and also a ride,—and miniature fountain. On either side of the inner shrine is a statue of a woman, one being called Siddhi, and the other, Buddhi. In this neighbourhood there is, likewise, an imposing temple, erected a few years ago by the Raja of Ahmety.

Near to Manikarniká ghát are Sindhia ghát and the Raja of Nagpore's ghát, the former of which is remarkable not only for the massiveness of its masonry, but also for the circumstance that the entire structure has sunk several feet into the earth since its erection, and is still gradually and slowly sinking. The ghát consists of three rows of low towers or turrets. The uppermost row is of two turrets, one at each extremity, which are the largest of the whole and are exceedingly massive. The second lower down has six turrets; and the third, five. These turrets are called marhís by the natives, and are used, by them, for sitting upon in the cool of the day, or for retiring to after bathing in the Ganges. They are of stone, and are connected together by walls and stairs of the same material. Before the ghát could be completed, the masonry began to sink; and, on one occasion, so violent was the motion, that a loud report like the discharge of cannon was heard. A temple to the left of the south turret is rent from the summit to the base; and the entire building is so dilapidated, that it looks as if it had been shaken by an earthquake. The ghát itself, and also the stairs leading up to the top of the huge breastwork uniting the two largest turrets, exhibit an immense rent, which is carried down to the very base of the ghát. The breastwork, likewise, to

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