George Pickering. OUR engraving presents a very accurate likeness of the veteran Pickering in his latter years-it tells his characteristic simplicity-his quaint humour even lurks in the lines of the face, and the defect of his left eye has not escaped the attention of the artist. GEORGE PICKERING is an historical name in the annals of New-England Methodism. Not great in talents, he was both original and great in character, and his was the peculiar power that pertains to character. Talents, without a definite character, are seldom of much avail; but wellmarked character, even without notable talents, has a power of its own, often the most effective power-a power that empowers every other attribute. George Pickering's long and useful career was an illustration of this characteristic effectiveness. He was one of the strong men-the "giants of those days"-who were sent by the old Baltimore Conference to found Methodism in the Eastern States a corps of evangelists, which, headed by Jesse Lee, and continually recruited from the same Conference through the last decade of the last century, fought the first battles of Methodism in New-England. And they were battles such as the new sect encountered in no other field on |