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hot in summer and too cold in winter. March 14, 1810, he writes Berthollet and Levèque:

I still do a little in mechanics: a part of which, if I live to complete it, I shall have the honor of communicating to my friends in France.

He went steadily forward and succeeded in making some fine copies in 1814. For one of Sappho he gives dates and the hours required for various parts, making a total of thirty-nine. Some censorious Sabbatarians discovered that the day he was employed one hour "doing her breast with th drill" was Sabbath, which in one who belonged to a strict Scottish Covenanter family, betckened a sad fall from grace. When we consider that his health was then precarious, that he was decarred from chemical experiments, and depended sciely upon mechanical subjects; that in all probability it was a stormy day Sunday, February 3, 1811), knowing also that "Satan inds mischief still for idle hands to do," we hope our readers will pardon him for yielding to the irresistible temptation, even if on the holy Sabbath darfer once he could not "get of "his captivating hobby.

The historical last workshop of the great worker with al is comments remains open to the public to-day just as it was when be passed away. Pilgrims from many lanis vist it, as Stakespeare's birthplace, Burns' cotage, and Scott's Abbottsford attract their many thousumis ready. We recommend our readers to add to these is garret of Wins in their pilgrimages.

The Record of the Steam Engine

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