No change of time shall ever shock O all ye people, clap your hands O praise the Lord in that blest place O praise ye the Lord O render thanks, and bless the Lord O Thou, whom heav'nly hosts obey Praise ye the Lord; our God to praise Regard my words, O gracious God Save me, O God, from waves that roll That man is bless'd who stands in awe cxii. 91 cxlv. 117 TABLE TO FIND THE PSALM IN THE FOREGOING SELECTION, SUITED TO Adoration of God, Psalms 7. 50. 74, 75. Christ, his ascension celebrated, 19. 41. 117. (See Praise.) of the second person in the Trinity, 41. Advent, psalms proper for, 43, part i. 68. 75, 76, 77. Afflicted, prayer of, 10. 36, 37. 73, part ii; 80. 97. p. xi xi; 115. 115. p. vii. complaint of, 36, 37. 80, p. i; -, psalm proper for, 97. Afflictions, benefits of, 73, p. ii; 97, p. ix., ver. 3. 35, ver. 1, 2, 3. Children, instructed in God's law, 60, Christ, the true David, 68. (See David.) -, divinity of, 39. ver. 6-8; 41 89. David in the person of, describes his death and sufferings set forth 53. , his exaltation in his human na- -, his glorification in his human his love to his Church celebrated, 39. 75, 76, 77. Christmas day, 3 39. Church, built on Jesus Christ, 96. ver. 11, &c. -, gathered and settled, 106. its beauty, worship, and order, 42.99. -, the birth-place of saints, 31. - Christ's love to it, 39. God's presence in it, and delight the garden of the Lord, 71. ver. 8, 9. -, the spouse of Christ, 39. in affliction, 61. comforted, 101. the honour and safety of a nation, 42. its festivals Joyfully attended, 99 for, 80. and support of God's Spirit of sickness, 6. of temptation and spiritual affliction, 36, 37. of heavy afflictions in mind and body, 80. 115. of God, 81, 82. 117, from Compassion of ver. 6. Confession of sin, repentance and par- Confirmation, psalms proper for, 15, p. Conscience, its guilt relieved, 27, 104. Contrition, an act of, 20. 44. 86. Defence and salvation in God, 3. 14. 98. Delaying sinners warned, 74, ver. 7. Deliverance begun and perfected, 64. froin despair, 14. from deep distress, 29. 34. hood, 46. fm persecution, 5. 73. Epiphany, season of, psalms proper for Equity and wisdom of Providence, 8. Faithfulness of God, 68. 85. 90. 117, 118, Family love and worship, 115. &c. 78. ture, 7. and grace promised, 63. 76, last from oppression and false God, his greatness and glory, 7. rom slander, 5. 26. trom shipwreck, 87, p. ii. by prayer, 29. 34. Desertion and distress of soul, 10. 32. 115. 一, his perfections and nd provid providence ex. tolled, 30. 50, p. ii.; 85. 118. 121. -, his goodness, &c. 81, 82. 117, p. i., his omniscience, 113. -, his omnipresence, 113. his omnipotence, 53. 68, ver. 6, &c. -, his justice, 30, ver. 2; 71, last verse. -, his compassion, 82. 117, p. i., ver. 6, &c., and p. ii.; 118, ver. 5, &c. -, his care of the saints, 3.29. our defence and salvation, 3. 28, his majesty, 49. 76. his condescension, 92. |