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Of his deliv'rance I will boast,
Till all that are distress'd
Frem my example comfort take,
And charm their griefs to rest.

3 O magnify the Lord with me,
With me exalt his name:
When in distress to him I call'd,
He to my rescue came.

4 The Angel of the Lord encamps
Around the good and just;
Deliv'rance he affords to all
Who on his succour trust.
5 O make but trial of his love,
Experience will decide

How blest they are, and only they,
Who in his truth confide.

6 Fear him, ye saints; and you will then
Have nothing else to fear:

Make you his service your delight,

Your wants shall be his care.

PART II. (C. M.)

Thy providence the world sustains,
The whole creation is thy care.
3 Since of thy goodness all partake,
With what assurance should the just
Thy shelt'ring wings their refuge mal e.
And saints to thy protection trust!
4 Such guests shall to thy courts be led.
To banquet on thy love's repast;
And drink, as from a fountain's head,
Of joys that shall for ever last.
5 With thee the springs of life remain,
Thy presence is eternal day;
O let thy saints thy favour gain,
To upright hearts thy truth display

PSALM 31. (11. 2.)
From the xxxvii. Psalm of David.

HOUGH wicked men grow rich



1 APPROACH, ye children of the Lord, Yet let not their successful state

And my instruction hear;

I'll teach you the true discipline

Of his religious fear.

2 Let him who length of life desires,

And prosp'rous days would see,
From sland'ring language keep his tongue,

His lips from falsehood free;
3 The crooked paths of vice decline,

And virtue's ways pursue; Establish peace, where 'tis begun; And where 'tis lost, renew.

4 The Lord from heav'n beholds the just

With favourable eyes;

And, when distress'd, his gracious ear
Is open to their cries;

5 But turns his wrathful look on those
Whom mercy can't reclaim,
To cut them off, and from the earth
Blot out their evil name.

6 Deliv'rance to his saints he gives,
When his relief they crave;
He 's nigh to heal the broken heart,
And contrite spirit save.

7 Great troubles may afflict the just,
Yet God will save them still;

The righteous he will keep from harm,
And guard from every ill.

8 The wicked, from their wickedness,
Their ruin shall derive;
Whilst righteous men, whom they detest,
Shall them and their's survive.
9 For God preserves the souls of those
Who on his truth depend;
To them, and their posterity
His blessings shall descend.


(L. M.)

From the xxxvi. Psalm of David.
LORD, thy mercy, my sure hope,
The highest orb of heav'n tran-

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Thy anger or thy envy raise;
For they, cut down like tender grass,
Or like young flow'rs away shall pass,
Whose blooming beauty soon decays

2 Depend on God, and him obey,
So thou within the land shalt stay,

Secure from danger and from want:
Make his commands thy chief delight,
And he, thy duty to requite,

Shall all thy earnest wishes grant.
3 In all thy ways trust thou the Lord,
And he will needful help afford,
To perfect every just design;
He'll make like light, serene and clear,
Thy clouded innocence appear,

And as a mid-day sun to shine.
4 With quiet mind on God depend,
And patiently for him attend,

Nor envy the success of crime;
For God will sinful men destroy,
Whilst they his presence shall enjoy,
Who trust on him, and wait his time.

PART II. (II. 2.)

1 THE good man's way is God's deligat. He orders all the steps aright

Of him that moves by his command; Though he sometimes may be distress'd, Yet shall he ne'er be quite oppress'd,

For God upholds him with his hand.
2 With caution shun each wicked deed,
In virtue's ways with zeal proceed,

And so prolong your happy days;
For God, who judgment loves, does still
Preserve his saints secure from ill,

While soon the wicked race decays. 3 The upright shall possess the land, His portion shall for ages stand;

His mouth with wisdom is supplied,
His tongue by rules of judgment moves,
His heart the law of God approves:
Therefore his footsteps never slide.
PART III. (11. 2.)

T'hy sacred truth's unmeasur'd scope
Beyond the spreading sky extends.
2 Thy justice like the hills remains,
Unfathom'd depths thy judgments are; And like a bay-tree fresh and green

1 THE wicked I in power have seen,

That spreads its pleasant branches

But he was gone as swift as thought;
And, though in every place I sought,
No sign or track of him I found.

2 Observe the perfect man with care,
And mark all such as upright are;
Their roughest days in peace shall end:
While on the latter end of those
Who dare God's sacred will oppose,

A common ruin shall attend."
3 God to the just will aid afford,
Their only safeguard is the Lord,
Their strength in time of need is he:

Because on him they still depend,
The Lord will timely succour send,
And from the wicked set them free.

PSALM 32. (С. М.)

From the xxxviii. Psalm of David. THY chastning wrath, O Lord, restrain, Though I deserve it all; Nor let on me the heavy storm Of thy displeasure fall.

2 My sins, which to a deluge swell,
My sinking head o'erflow,

And, for my feeble strength to bear,
Too vast a burden grow.

3 But, Lord, before thy searching eyes
All my desires appear;
The groanings of my burden'd soul
Have reach'd thine open ear.

4 Forsake me not, O Lord, my God,
Nor far from me depart;
Make baste to my relief, O thou
Who my salvation art.



(С. М.)

From the xxxix. Psalm of David.
ORD, let me know my term of days,
How soon my life will end:
The num'rous train of ills disclose,
Which this frail state attend.

2 My life, thou know'st, is but a span,
A cipher sums my years;
And ev'ry man, in best estate,
But vanity appears.

3 Man, like a shadow, vainly walks,
With fruitless cares oppress'd;
He heaps up wealth, but cannot tell
By whom 'twill be possess'd.

4 Why then should I on worthless toys
With anxious cares attend ?
On thee alone my steadfast hope
Shall ever, Lord, depend.

5 Lord, hear my cry, accept my tears,
And listen to my prayer,
Who sojourn like a stranger here,
As all my fathers were.
6 spare me yet a little time;
My wasted strength restore,
Betore I vanish quite from hence,
And shall be seen no more.

PSALM 34. (L. M.) From the xl. Psalm of David. TWAITED meekly for the Lord, Till he vouchsaf'd a kind reply; Who did his gracious ear afford, And heard from heav'n my humble


2 The wonders he for me has wrought Shall fill my mouth with songs of praise;

And others, to his worship brought, To hopes of like deliv'rance raise. 3 For blessings shall that man reward, Who on th' Almighty Lord relies; Who treats the proud with disregard, And hates the hypocrite's disguise. 4 Who can the wondrous works recount Which thou, O God, for us hast wrought?

The treasures of thy love surmount The pow'r of numbers, speech, and thought.

5 I'velearn'd thatthou hast not desir'd Off rings and sacrifice alone; Nor blood of guiltless beasts requir'd For man's transgression to atone. I therefore come-come to fulfil The oracles thy books impart; 'Tis my delight to do thy will, Thy law is written in my heart 7 In full assemblies I have told

6 Ith

Thy truth and righteousness at large. Nor did, thou know'st, my lips with.


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So pants my soul for thee, great King of reach thy sacred dwelling


So thirsts to place.

2 Why throb, my heart? why sink, my sadd'ning soul ?

Why droop to earth, with various woes oppress'd?

My years shall yet in blissful circles roll, And peace be yet an innate of this


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To thee, my God, I'll tune the grateful lay.

4 Why faint, my soul? why doubt Jehovah's aid?

Thy God the God of mercy still shall Within his courts thy thanks shall yet be Unquestioned be his faithfulness and love I



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LET me with light and truth
Be these my guides to
Till on Thy holy hill 1 rest,
And in thy sacred temple pray.
2 Then will I there fresh altars raise
To God, who is my only joy;
And well-tun'd harps, with songs o

Shall all my grateful hours employ.

3 Why then cast down, my soul? and why

So much oppress'd with anxious care On God, thy God, for aid rely, Who will thy ruin'd state repair. (C. M.)


From the xlv. Psalm of David.

WHILE I the King's loud praise re

Indited by my heart,
My tongue is like the pen of him
That writes with ready art.

2 How matchless is thy form, O king!
Thy mouth with grace o'erflows;
Because fresh blessings God on thee
Eternally bestows.

3 Gird on thy sword, most mighty prince; And, clad in rich array,

With glorious ornaments of pow'r,
Majestic pomp display.

4 Ride on in state, and still protect
The meek, the just, and true;

Whilst thy right hand, with swift re

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their heart

The piercing arrow flies.

6 But thy firm throne, O God, is fix'd, Thy sceptre's sway shall always last, By righteous laws secure. 7 Because thy heart, by justice led, Did upright ways approve, And hated still the crooked paths, Where wand'ring sinners rove: 8 Therefore did God, thy God, on thee The oil of gladness shed;

For ever to endure;

And has, above thy fellows round,
Advanc'd thy lofty head.

PSALM 40. (II. 2.)
From the xlvi. Psalm of David.

GOD is our refuge in distregers press,

In him, undaunted, we'll confide; Though earth were from her centre tost And mountains in the ocean lost,

Torn piece-meal by the roaring tide. 2 A gentler stream with gladness still The city of our Lord shall fill, The royal seat of God most high:

God dwells in Sion, whose fair tow'rs
Shall mock th' assaults of earthly pow'rs,
While his Almighty aid is nigh.
3 Submit to God's almighty sway,
For him the heathen shall obey,
And earth her sov'reign Lord confess:
The God of hosts conducts our arnıs,
Our tow'r of refuge in alarms,
As to our fathers in distress.

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PSALM 41. (L. M.) From the xlvii. Psalm of David. ALL ye people, clap your hands, And with triumphant voices sing: No force the mighty pow'r withstands Of God, the universal King. 2 He shall assaulting foes repel,

And with success our battles fight; Shall fix the place where we must dwell, The pride of Jacob, his delight.

3 God is gone up, our Lord and King, With shouts of joy, and trumpet's


To him repeated praises sing,

And let the cheerful song rebound. 4 Your utinost skill in praise be shown, For him who all the world commands, Who sits upon his righteous throne, And spreads his sway o'er heathen lands.


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From the xlviii. Psalm of David. THE Lord, the only God, is great, And greatly to be prais'd In Sion, on whose happy mount His sacred throne is rais'd.

2 In Sion we have seen performed A work that was foretold,

In pledge that God, for times to come,
His city will uphold.

3 Let Sion's mount with joy resound;
Her daughters all be taught
In songs his judgments to extol,
Who this deliv'rance wrought.

4 Compass her walls in solemn pomp,
Your eyes quite round her cast;
Count all her tow'rs, and see if there
You find one stone displac'd.
5 Her forts and palaces survey,
Observe their order well;
That to the ages yet to come
His wonders you may tell.

6 This God is ours, and will be ours,
Whilst we in him confide;
Who, as he has preserv'd us now,
Till death will be our guide.


From the 1. Psalm of David.
PART I. (II. 2.)

THE Lord hath spoke, the mig

mighty God Il abroad, From dawning light till day declines: The list'ning earth his voice hath heard, And he from Sion hath appear'd, Where beauty in perfection shines.

12 Our God shall come, and keep no more Misconstru'd silence as before,

But wasting flames before him send; Around shall tempests fiercely rage, Whilst he does heav'n and earth engage His just tribunal to attend.

3 Assemble all my saints to me,
(Thus runs the great divine decree,)

That in my lasting cov'nant live,
And off'rings bring with constant care:
The heav'ns his justice shall declare,

For God himself shall sentence give.

PART II. (II. 2.)

1 ATTEND, my people; Israel, hear; Thy strong accuser I'll appear; Thy God, thine only God am 1: 'Tis not of off'rings I complain, Which, daily in my temple slain, My sacred altar did supply.

2 The sacrifices I require

Are hearts which love and zeal inspire, And vows which strictest care made


In time of trouble call on me,
And I will set thee safe and free,
And thou shalt praise thy gracious God.
3 Consider this, ye thoughtless men!
My vengeance shall not fall in vain,
And none will dare your cause to own.
Who praises me due honour gives,
And to the man that justly lives

My strong salvation shall be shown

PSALM 44. (S. M.)
From the li. Psalm of David.

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Must own thy judgment right. 4 In guilt each part was form'd Of all this sinful frame;

In guilt I was conceiv'd, and born
The heir of sin and shame.

5 Yet, Lord, thy searching eye
Does inward truth require;
And secretly with wisdom's laws
My soul thou wilt inspire.

6 With hyssop purge me, Lord,
And so I clean shall be:
I shall with snow in whiteness vie,
When purified by thee.
7 Make me to hear with joy
Thy kind forgiving voice;
That so the bones which thou hast broke
May with fresh strength rejoice.

8 Blot out my crying sins,
Nor me in anger view:

Create in me a heart that's clean,
An upright mind renew.

9 Withdraw not thou thy help,
Nor cast me from thy sight;
Nor let thy Holy Spirit take
His everlasting flight.

10 The joy thy favour gives

Let me, O Lord, regain,
And thy free Spirit's firm support
My fainting soul sustain.

11 So I thy righteous ways
To sinners will impart;

Whilst my advice shall wicked men
To thy just laws convert.

12 Could sacrifice atone,
Whole flocks and herds should die;
But on such off 'rings thou disdain'st
To cast a gracious eye.

13 A broken spirit is

By God most highly priz'd;
By him a broken, contrite heart,
Shall never be despis'd.

14 Let Sion favour find,
Of thy good will assur'd;
And thy own city flourish long,
By lofty walls secur'd.

15 The just shall then attend,
And pleasing tribute pay;
And sacrifice of choicest kind
Upon thy altar lay.


(C. M.)

From the Iv. Psalm of David.

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On danger's first alarm,
Yet still for succour I depend

On thy almighty arm.

2 God's faithful promise I shall praise,
On which I now relv

In God I trust, and, trusting him,
The arm of flesh defy.

3 I'll trust God's word, and so despise
The force that man can raise;
To thee, O God, my vows are due,
To thee I'll render praise.

4 Thou hast retrie v'd my soul from death.
And thou wilt still secure
The life thou hast so oft preserv'd,
And make my footsteps sure:

5 That thus, protected by thy pow'r,
I may this light enjoy;
And in the service of my God
My lengthen'd days employ.

PSALM 47. (L. M.)
From the lvii. Psalm of David.

OGOD, heart is fix'd, 'tis bent,
Its thankful tribute to present;
And, with my heart, my voice I'll raise
To thee, my God, in songs of praise.
2 Awake, my glory; harp and lute,
No longer let your strings be mute:
And I, my tuneful part to take,
Will with the early dawn awake.
3 Thy praises, Lord, I will resound
'To all the list'ning nations round:
Thy mercy highest heav'n transcende,
Thy truth beyond the clouds extends.

GIVE ear, thon Judge of all the earth, 4 Be thon, Godexalted high;

And listen when pray;
Nor from thy humble suppliant turn
Thy glorious face away.

2 My heart is pain'd; the shades of death
Their terrors round me spread;
While fearful tremblings seize my breast,
Horrors o'erwhelm my head.

3 And thus I breathe my heavy sigh
To Him who hears above;

"O that my soul on wings could fly,
And emulate the dove !

4 "Swift I'd escape, and flee afar,
Some secret place to find,
Hide from the world's distracting care,
And rest my weary mind.

5 "I'd wing my everlasting flight,
Bidding the world farewell,
From sin and strife, to realms of light,
Where peace and quiet dwell."

6 Thus will I call on God, who still
Shall in my aid appear;

At morn, at noon, at night I'll pray,
And he my voice shall hear.

And as thy glory fills sky,
So let it be on earth display'd,
'Till thou art here, as there, obey'd.


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From the lxii. Psalm of David.
Y soul, for help on God rely,
On him alone thy trust repose;
My rock and health will strength supply
To bear the shock of all my foes.
2 God does his saving health dispense,
And flowing blessings daily send:
He is my fortress and defence,

On him my soul shall still depend.
3 In him, ye people, always trust;
Before his throne pour out your hearts:
For God, the merciful and just,
His timely aid to us imparts.

4 The I ord has oft his will express'd,
And I this truth have fully known;
To be of boundless pow'r possess'd,
Belongs of right to God alone.

5 Though mercy in his darling grace,
In which he chiefly takes delight;
Yet he will all the human race
According to their works requite.

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