Of his deliv'rance I will boast, 3 O magnify the Lord with me, 4 The Angel of the Lord encamps How blest they are, and only they, 6 Fear him, ye saints; and you will then Make you his service your delight, Your wants shall be his care. PART II. (C. M.) Thy providence the world sustains, PSALM 31. (11. 2.) HOUGH wicked men grow rich THOUGH great, 1 APPROACH, ye children of the Lord, Yet let not their successful state And my instruction hear; I'll teach you the true discipline Of his religious fear. 2 Let him who length of life desires, And prosp'rous days would see, His lips from falsehood free; And virtue's ways pursue; Establish peace, where 'tis begun; And where 'tis lost, renew. 4 The Lord from heav'n beholds the just With favourable eyes; And, when distress'd, his gracious ear 5 But turns his wrathful look on those 6 Deliv'rance to his saints he gives, 7 Great troubles may afflict the just, The righteous he will keep from harm, 8 The wicked, from their wickedness, PSALM 30. (L. M.) From the xxxvi. Psalm of David. or Thy anger or thy envy raise; 2 Depend on God, and him obey, Secure from danger and from want: Shall all thy earnest wishes grant. And as a mid-day sun to shine. Nor envy the success of crime; PART II. (II. 2.) 1 THE good man's way is God's deligat. He orders all the steps aright Of him that moves by his command; Though he sometimes may be distress'd, Yet shall he ne'er be quite oppress'd, For God upholds him with his hand. And so prolong your happy days; While soon the wicked race decays. 3 The upright shall possess the land, His portion shall for ages stand; His mouth with wisdom is supplied, T'hy sacred truth's unmeasur'd scope 1 THE wicked I in power have seen, That spreads its pleasant branches But he was gone as swift as thought; 2 Observe the perfect man with care, A common ruin shall attend." Because on him they still depend, PSALM 32. (С. М.) From the xxxviii. Psalm of David. THY chastning wrath, O Lord, restrain, Though I deserve it all; Nor let on me the heavy storm Of thy displeasure fall. 2 My sins, which to a deluge swell, And, for my feeble strength to bear, 3 But, Lord, before thy searching eyes 4 Forsake me not, O Lord, my God, PSALM 33. LORD (С. М.) From the xxxix. Psalm of David. 2 My life, thou know'st, is but a span, 3 Man, like a shadow, vainly walks, 4 Why then should I on worthless toys 5 Lord, hear my cry, accept my tears, PSALM 34. (L. M.) From the xl. Psalm of David. TWAITED meekly for the Lord, Till he vouchsaf'd a kind reply; Who did his gracious ear afford, And heard from heav'n my humble cry. 2 The wonders he for me has wrought Shall fill my mouth with songs of praise; And others, to his worship brought, To hopes of like deliv'rance raise. 3 For blessings shall that man reward, Who on th' Almighty Lord relies; Who treats the proud with disregard, And hates the hypocrite's disguise. 4 Who can the wondrous works recount Which thou, O God, for us hast wrought? The treasures of thy love surmount The pow'r of numbers, speech, and thought. 5 I'velearn'd thatthou hast not desir'd Off rings and sacrifice alone; Nor blood of guiltless beasts requir'd For man's transgression to atone. I therefore come-come to fulfil The oracles thy books impart; 'Tis my delight to do thy will, Thy law is written in my heart 7 In full assemblies I have told 6 Ith Thy truth and righteousness at large. Nor did, thou know'st, my lips with. hold So pants my soul for thee, great King of reach thy sacred dwelling kings, So thirsts to place. 2 Why throb, my heart? why sink, my sadd'ning soul ? Why droop to earth, with various woes oppress'd? My years shall yet in blissful circles roll, And peace be yet an innate of this breast. To thee, my God, I'll tune the grateful lay. 4 Why faint, my soul? why doubt Jehovah's aid? Thy God the God of mercy still shall Within his courts thy thanks shall yet be Unquestioned be his faithfulness and love I prove; paid LET me with light and truth Shall all my grateful hours employ. 3 Why then cast down, my soul? and why So much oppress'd with anxious care On God, thy God, for aid rely, Who will thy ruin'd state repair. (C. M.) PSALM 39. From the xlv. Psalm of David. WHILE I the King's loud praise re hearse, 2 How matchless is thy form, O king! 3 Gird on thy sword, most mighty prince; And, clad in rich array, With glorious ornaments of pow'r, 4 Ride on in state, and still protect Whilst thy right hand, with swift re their heart The piercing arrow flies. 6 But thy firm throne, O God, is fix'd, Thy sceptre's sway shall always last, By righteous laws secure. 7 Because thy heart, by justice led, Did upright ways approve, And hated still the crooked paths, Where wand'ring sinners rove: 8 Therefore did God, thy God, on thee The oil of gladness shed; For ever to endure; And has, above thy fellows round, PSALM 40. (II. 2.) GOD is our refuge in distregers press, In him, undaunted, we'll confide; Though earth were from her centre tost And mountains in the ocean lost, Torn piece-meal by the roaring tide. 2 A gentler stream with gladness still The city of our Lord shall fill, The royal seat of God most high: God dwells in Sion, whose fair tow'rs PSALM 41. (L. M.) From the xlvii. Psalm of David. ALL ye people, clap your hands, And with triumphant voices sing: No force the mighty pow'r withstands Of God, the universal King. 2 He shall assaulting foes repel, And with success our battles fight; Shall fix the place where we must dwell, The pride of Jacob, his delight. 3 God is gone up, our Lord and King, With shouts of joy, and trumpet's sound; To him repeated praises sing, And let the cheerful song rebound. 4 Your utinost skill in praise be shown, For him who all the world commands, Who sits upon his righteous throne, And spreads his sway o'er heathen lands. THE From the xlviii. Psalm of David. THE Lord, the only God, is great, And greatly to be prais'd In Sion, on whose happy mount His sacred throne is rais'd. 2 In Sion we have seen performed A work that was foretold, In pledge that God, for times to come, 3 Let Sion's mount with joy resound; 4 Compass her walls in solemn pomp, 6 This God is ours, and will be ours, PSALM 43. From the 1. Psalm of David. THE Lord hath spoke, the mig mighty God Il abroad, From dawning light till day declines: The list'ning earth his voice hath heard, And he from Sion hath appear'd, Where beauty in perfection shines. 12 Our God shall come, and keep no more Misconstru'd silence as before, But wasting flames before him send; Around shall tempests fiercely rage, Whilst he does heav'n and earth engage His just tribunal to attend. 3 Assemble all my saints to me, That in my lasting cov'nant live, For God himself shall sentence give. PART II. (II. 2.) 1 ATTEND, my people; Israel, hear; Thy strong accuser I'll appear; Thy God, thine only God am 1: 'Tis not of off'rings I complain, Which, daily in my temple slain, My sacred altar did supply. 2 The sacrifices I require Are hearts which love and zeal inspire, And vows which strictest care made good: In time of trouble call on me, My strong salvation shall be shown PSALM 44. (S. M.) demn'd, Must own thy judgment right. 4 In guilt each part was form'd Of all this sinful frame; In guilt I was conceiv'd, and born 5 Yet, Lord, thy searching eye 6 With hyssop purge me, Lord, 8 Blot out my crying sins, Create in me a heart that's clean, 9 Withdraw not thou thy help, 10 The joy thy favour gives Let me, O Lord, regain, 11 So I thy righteous ways Whilst my advice shall wicked men 12 Could sacrifice atone, 13 A broken spirit is By God most highly priz'd; 14 Let Sion favour find, 15 The just shall then attend, PSALM 45. (C. M.) From the Iv. Psalm of David. On danger's first alarm, On thy almighty arm. 2 God's faithful promise I shall praise, In God I trust, and, trusting him, 3 I'll trust God's word, and so despise 4 Thou hast retrie v'd my soul from death. 5 That thus, protected by thy pow'r, PSALM 47. (L. M.) OGOD, heart is fix'd, 'tis bent, GIVE ear, thon Judge of all the earth, 4 Be thon, Godexalted high; And listen when pray; 2 My heart is pain'd; the shades of death 3 And thus I breathe my heavy sigh "O that my soul on wings could fly, 4 "Swift I'd escape, and flee afar, 5 "I'd wing my everlasting flight, 6 Thus will I call on God, who still At morn, at noon, at night I'll pray, And as thy glory fills sky, M From the lxii. Psalm of David. On him my soul shall still depend. 4 The I ord has oft his will express'd, 5 Though mercy in his darling grace, |