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Publishers and Foreign Booksellers,


Hachette's German Authors and Readers-Continued. *Leading Events of Modern Warfare. Advanced German Readings, selected from Standard Authors, for Army Candidates and others (Dr. A. WEISS.) *Half-Hours with Modern German Authors, including typical extracts from popular Writers of the Day. Choice pieces specially selected to accustom Candidates and others to every kind of style. (Dr. A. WEISS.)

PART I.-52 Selections

16 PART II.-55 Selections Selections in Prose and Verse from German Authors of the Day, for Translation at Sight. Intermediate and Advanced. (Dr. A. WEISS.) PART I.-Paper Cover I o PART II.-Paper Cover Contains the same pieces as Half-Hours with Modern German Authors (see above), but without Vocabulary, or any other 'Aid.'

s. d.

2 6

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Hachette's German Readers for Elementary and Intermediate Classes. *Elementary Modern German Reader. Lessons on Familiar Subjects, s. d. Extracts from Popular and Historical Works, Fiction, etc. (Dr. A. L. MEISSNER.)

2 O

*The Children's Own German Book. Amusing Stories in Prose for Beginners. With Vocabulary. (Dr. A. L. MEISSNER, M.A.)

The First German Reader. Episodes from German History, Short Stories,
Legends, etc. (Dr. A, L. MEISSNER, M.A.)
Pictures of German Life (Sequel to 'First German Reader'). From Con-
temporary Authors, including Auerbach, Freytag, Riehl, Wichert, etc. etc.
(Dr. A. L. MEIssner, M.A.)

I 6

1 6

I 6

*Practical German Readings for Beginners. Simply-told Fables, Anecdotes, etc., introducing Matters of Every-day Life (House and School, Games, Animals, Pictures from Nature), Verses, etc., with List of Words to each Extract in First Part, Footnotes, Questions, and Vocabulary. (L. HAPPÉ.) 2 6 *Practical German Readings-Intermediate and Advanced. Scenes from Nature, Descriptive Sketches and Object Lessons, Geographical Pictures, Travels, Tales from History, Biographies, and Special Selections from the Brothers Grimm, Hebel, Ramshorn, Schmidt, Herder and Liebeskind, etc. (L. HAPPÉ.)

*Lust und Lehre.

Progressive German Reader in Prose and Poetry.

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Deutsche Märchen. Popular Tales of Moderate Difficulty, combining the
Colloquial Forms of Every-day Speech and the Higher Forms of a Polished
Style. With Notes. (M. HOMANN.)

*Elementary German Readers for Young Beginners. Arranged progressively
in three Booklets. (A. U. James).

*BOOKLET I.—Short Passages in German, with Simple English Sentences
for re-translation, etc. Paper Cover .

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*BOOKLET II.—Short Passages in German in Prose and Verse, with
English Sentences for re-translation, etc. Paper Cover
*BOOKLET III.-Andersen's Was der Mond sah, with English
Sentences for re-translation, etc. Paper Cover

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Hermann Lange's Household German. Graduated Reading Lessons, Conversations, Grammar and Exercises. A practical Combination of the Observation and Oral Method with a Systematic Study of Grammar for training Students to understand, speak, read and write German.

PART I.-With two Illustrations

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PART II.-With three Illustrations

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Volumes indicated by Asterisks have German-English Vocabularies appended. [9. 1904.

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