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(and generally all words ending in e mute preceded by a double consonant).

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II.-Write out the 1st person of the simple tenses of écouter (to listen), choisir (to choose), concevoir (to understand), and répondre (to answer); give also the gender of the following nouns, and learn them:

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III. A.-Translate and account for the use, spelling, or position of every word in italics:

1. Sa santé n'est pas meilleure que la mienne.-2. Il ne m'écoute pas quand (when) je lui parle.-3. Mon oncle, vous a-t-il répondu ?-4. Napoléon trois était empereur des Français. -5. Apportez-moi (apporter to bring) une assiette et une cuiller (spoon).-6. Son amitié pour mon père est très grande.7. J'ai passé (passer to spend) la soirée avec mes amis.8. Mai-je pas bien (well) choisi?—9. Mon écriture n'est pas si bonne que la tienne.-10. Est-ce que vous lui répondrez, or lui répondrez-vous ?-11. Ne lui parlez pas.-12. J'écoutais.

B.-Translate into French:

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1. Is his handwriting good (two ways) ?-2. Why is the word "chaîne feminine and the word "chêne " masculine? 3. Do not bring him any plate.-4. My health is not very good; hers is better.-5. Where did you spend (present perfect) the evening?-6. I am answering him (to him). 7. Choose (2nd plural) between (entre) this one and that one (books).-8. He only receives his intimate (intimes) friends.9. Does not your friend (female) like music (la musique) ?— 10. He answered me (present perfect) on the 10th of June.


I.-Learn the following rules and the ENDINGS of the 4th conjugation, page 41:

1. A few IRREGULARITIES in regular verbs:

(a.) Verbs ending in cer or cevoir take a cedilla under the c whenever the ending begins with a, o, or u.


commencer, to begin; nous commenç-ons, we begin.
recevoir, to receive; nous reç-ûmes, we received.

(b.) Verbs ending in ger take an e after the g before a and o. Ex.:
(nous jug-e-ons, we judge.
(nous jug-e-âmes, we judged.

juger, to judge,

(c.) Verbs ending in eler, eter double the land t before an e mute. Ex.:

épeler, to spell; j'épell-e, I spell.

jeter, to throw; je jett-erai, I shall throw.

EXCEPTIONS:-Acheter, geler, which only take a grave accent over the e preceding the t and l.

(d.) When the penultimate syllable of a verb of the 1st conjugation contains an e mute (or an é) followed by a consonant, that e (or ) takes a grave accent whenever the last syllable is e mute or begins with e mute.


mener, to lead;

je m-è-ne, I lead.

célébrer, to celebrate; je cél-è-bre, I celebrate.

(e.) Verbs in ayer, oyer, uyer change the y into i before an e mute. Ex.:

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II.-Write out negatively the simple tenses of appeler (to call),

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III. A.—Translate and account for the spelling of every verb in italics:

1. Vous n'avez pas bien épelé ce mot-ci; épelez celui-là.2. Où me menez-vous ?—3. Il ne paie pas ses domestiques.— 4. La servante a-t-elle essuyé la table? Elle l'essuie.-5. Nous commençons à lire des livres anglais.-6. Mangeons.-7. L'ontils bien reçu ?—8. Il m'appelle.-9. Pourquoi vous appellent-ils? -10. Je n'achète pas de fruits.-11. Nous ne négligeons plus notre travail.-12. La maison dans laquelle j'ai trouvé asile.


B.--Translate into French:

1. Call him.-2. They received us well (present perfect.)— 3. You did not pay for your hat (present perfect; leave out "for").-4. Where does she send you?-5. The shepherd leads the flock.-6. How do you spell this word?-7. Did he throw stones at you (to you)?—8. He exaggerates a good deal.--9. I am buying a picture for my father.-10. Does your mother still hope?


I-Learn the following rules and the passive verb ÊTRE FLATTÉ, page 66:

1. The disjunctive pronouns MOI, TOI, LUI, ELLE, NOUS, VOUS, EUX, ELLES must be used instead of the conjunctive pronouns : (a.) After prepositions. Ex.:

Avec lui, with him. 1 Sans eux or elles, without them.

(b.) After "c'est," it is; "c'était," it was, etc.; "que," than. Ex.:

C'est moi.

C'était elle.

Plus que lui, more than he. (c.) Before and after conjunctions such as et, ou, ni, etc.

Lui et moi, he and I.

Ex.: Ni vous ni eux, neither you nor they.

II.—Write out interrogatively and negatively with "" the

simple tenses of espérer (to hope), and learn these words:

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III. A.-Translate and account for the use, spelling, or position of every word in italics:

1. Mon frère est plus grand que moi.-2. C'est lui qui a reçu ma lettre.-3. N'est-ce pas toi qui m'as appelé ?—4. J'ai perdu tout espoir.-5. Il espère encore.-6. C'est lui ou moi? -7. Avez-vous parlé longtemps avec elle ?-8. C'est lui qui nous jette des pierres.-9. Il ne m'aime pas plus que toi.10. Je ne l'appellerai que lorsque vous serez de retour.11. Est-ce lui, vous, ou moi?-12. Je n'ai jamais rien reçu de lui.

B.-Translate into French:

1. Is your sister taller than you (two ways) ?-2. Does he not call you?-3. I did receive him (tr. It is I who have received him).-4. It is neither you nor I.-5. The master did not correct (present perfect) my exercise; did he correct yours (present perfect)?-6. Is not his friend (masc.) older than he?— 7. I shall call you when he is (tr. shall be) here.-8. They never received anything (present perfect) from them (masc.).— 9. He is always throwing stones.-10. Where is your glove? I have lost it.

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I.-Learn the following rules and the neuter verb ARRIVER, page 67:

1. What and which, when placed before a noun as interrogative adjectives, are translated by quel, quels, quelle, quelles. Ex.:

Quels livres lui prêtez-vous ? which books do you lend him? Dans quelle rue demeurez-vous? in what street do you live? 2. What (when placed before a verb as an interrogative pro-noun) is translated by que. Ex.:

Que lui donnerez-vous? what will you give him?

3. Who and whom, when used as interrogative pronouns, are translated by qui. Ex.:

Qui vous appelle?
Qui appelez-vous?
A qui parlez-vous?

who calls you?
whom do you call?

whom are you speaking to?

II.-Write out negatively with "," in their 3rd person only, the simple tenses of venger (to avenge), and learn these

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