PERSONS REPRESENTED. ORSINO, Duke of ILLYRIA. SEBASTIAN, a young Gentleman, brother to VIOLA. A Sea Captain, friend to VIOLA. Lords, Priests, Sailors, Officers, Musicians, and other Attendants. Scene, a City in ILLYRIA; and the Sea Coast near it. TWELFTH-NIGHT: OR, WHAT YOU WILL. ACT I. SCENE I.-An Apartment in the Duke's Palace. Enter DUKE, CURIO, Lords; Musicians attending. Duke. Ir music be the food of love, play on; Give me excess of it; that, surfeiting, Cur. Will you go hunt, my lord ? Duke. Cur. What, Curio? The hart. Duke. Why, so I do, the noblest that I have : O, when mine eyes did see Olivia first, 2 -high-fantastical.] i. e. Fantastical to the height. And my desires, like fell and cruel hounds, Enter VALENTINE. Val. So please my lord, I might not be admitted, Duke. O, she, that hath a heart of that fine frame, Love-thoughts lie rich, when canopied with bowers. SCENE II.- The Sea-coast. Enter VIOLA, Captain, and Sailors. [Exeunt. Vio. What country, friends, is this? Cap. Illyria, lady. sailors? Vio. And what should I do in Illyria? My brother he is in Elysium. Perchance, he is not drown'd :-What think you, Cap. It is perchance, that you yourself were saved. b -like fell and cruel hounds, E'er since pursue me.-] An evident allusion to the story of Acteon, by which Shakspeare appears to think men were cautioned against too great a familiarity with forbidden beauty.-JOHNSON. C heat,]-For heated, say Malone and Steevens; and it is very true, that such was the old participle; but surely here Shakspeare uses the word as a substantive, in the sense of course, or race. d (Her sweet perfections,)] Liver, brain, and heart, are admitted in poetry as the residence of passions, judgment, and sentiments. These are what Shakspeare calls, her sweet perfections, though he has not very clearly expressed what he might design to have said. STEEVENS. Perfections is here, and in a subsequent scene, used as a quadrisyllable. MALONE. Vio. O my poor brother! and so, perchance, may he be. Assure yourself, after our ship did split, (Courage and hope both teaching him the practice) So long as I could see. Vio. For saying so, there's gold: Mine own escape unfoldeth to my hope, Whereto thy speech serves for authority, The like of him. Know'st thou this country? Cap. Ay, madam, well; for I was bred and born, Not three hours travel from this very place. Vio. Who governs here? Vio. Orsino! I have heard my father name him : He was a bachelor then. Cap. And so is now, Or was so very late: for but a month Ago I went from hence; and then 'twas fresh In murmur, (as, you know, what great ones do, The less will prattle of,) that he did seek The love of fair Olivia. Cap. A virtuous maid, the daughter of a count That died some twelvemonth since; then leaving her In the protection of his son, her brother, Who shortly also died; for whose dear love, They say, she hath abjur'd the company And sight of men. Vio. 1 O, that I serv'd that lady : And might not be deliver'd to the world, e Orsino.] This is the name of a great and noble Italian family.-JOHNSON, Vio. There is a fair behaviour in thee, captain; Cap. Be you his eunuch, and your mute I'll be ; SCENE III. A Room in Olivia's House. [Exeunt. Sir To. What a plague means my niece, to take the death of her brother thus? I am sure, care's an enemy to life. Mar. By my troth, sir Toby, you must come in earlier o'nights; your cousin, my lady, takes great exceptions to your ill hours. Sir To. Why, let her except before excepted. Mar. Ay, but you must confine yourself within the modest limits of order. f allow-] Approve. g except before excepted.] A ludicrous use of the formal law phrase.FARMER. |