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the Kirk, and a necessary element of her very existence, in the integrity of her original constitution. The book may, from this peculiarity, be called dry by some readers; to us it was extremely interesting, reflecting the highest credit on our Prussian brother; whose labour, we trust, will be rightly appreciated, as well in his own country as among us.

THE REFORMERS BEFORE THE REFORMATION. The Fifteenth Century. John Huss and the Council of Constance. By Emile de Bonnechose, Author of Histoire Française, Translated from the French by Campbell Mackenzie, B. A. Trinity College, Dublin.— Whyte.-Longman, and Co.

WE have had this volume lying on our table longer than it would have done, had we not, on glancing over the preface, perceived tokens of a sort of indifferentism as to the grand distinguishing marks between Popery and Protestantism, which neutralizes too often the good contained in a historic record. Looking farther, however, we were greatly pleased; not that the book is in all things to our mind; but in its tone and spirit it is truly Protestant, while the narrative is rich in heartstirring incidents, gathered from the best authorities. We do not coincide with the author's opinions as to Jerome of Prague; but what he relates of Huss is beautiful. The three rival Popes, the resolute, but bigotted Sigismund, and others, stand out in high relief upon the canvass; and at times both style and subjectmatter approach D'Aubigne's immortal work. The book contains two volumes in one; and will repay the reading.

THE SECOND ADVENT, introductory to the World's Jubilee. A Letter to the Rev. Dr. Raffles, on the subject of his 'Jubilee Hymn.' By a Protestant Nonconformist Layman. Ward.

THIS is only a pamphlet, but such a pamphlet! The fire and energy that run through it are indescribable. The author, a congregationalist, assumes the attitude of expostulation with Dr. Raffles, and through him, with the great bulk of dissenting ministers, on a subject where he sees good ground to lament their backwardness in declaring, because they are too backward in admitting, the whole counsel of God. Dr. Raffles has published a hymn, where the notion of a world converted and rejoicing in holiness preparatory to the Lord's second advent, forms the groundwork. It is in contravention of such doctrine that this very beautiful and thrilling "Letter" has been published. It will repay a perusal, and a reperusal, richly. We have rarely felt our spirit more stirred within us than when reading its glowing pages. Such men among our dissenting brethren as John Cox, who has long held forth this truth of God, and Octavius Winslow, who is no less heartily, though more recently, brought to embrace it, will rejoice in feeling that to them this partial blindness cleaves not. We hope and trust that the warm, affectionate, powerful and convincing appeal of this " layman " will lead many more into an investigation, which must end in the reception of the glorious truth which he so eloquently sets forth.


'IRELAND again!' exclaimed my uncle, with the glisten in his eye that bespeaks strongly and agreeablyexcited feeling. Ireland, ever foremost in zeal and fidelity, when shall the dark cloud pass away, and thy light shine forth with unimpeded lustre ?'

What is it now, uncle?'

'Why, you know how often we have talked together, and lamented with no small mixture of indignation, over the unfaithfulness of our nominally Christian community to their solemn trust, the gospel of Christ, when hearing of the multitudes who thronged to enjoy the exhibition of those poor Indians.'

" Oh, I have not patience to think of it! Their whole history is one of such atrocious wrong, that it ought to wring our hearts to glance back upon it; and now a party of them coming to this land of bibles, this land of loud profession, and of much real piety too, they were placed on a level with the beasts in the Zoological gardens, or those at the prize-cattle show, and no more thought taken concerning their immortal souls, no more effort made to win them to receive the gospel, than would have been bestowed on such beasts. Nay, one of them who returned to America, died there, the victim of intemperance, of vicious excesses into which he was led by his English associates, or rather keepers.'

'I heard, though, and on good authority, that an effort was made to bring them within the hearing of what concerns their everlasting peace, but those who made it were resolutely repulsed by their watchful keepers, as you rightly term them. Some essayed to speak to them through an interpreter, who refused to repeat what was suggested; and one pious gentleman, acquainted with their language, was interrupted and expelled by the same authority.'

'And what of Ireland?'

6 Why, they are in Dublin now; and the other day Dr. Singer invited a party of true Christians to his rooms in Trinity College, together with these Indian captives, for such they truly are; and after some questioning which lamentably exposed their deep ignorance even of the first principles of common morality, he preached the gospel to them, fully, faithfully, earnestly; and, with his dear brethren, joined in fervent, intercessory prayer for the poor wandering outcasts. God bless him!'

Amen, Amen! I could, on Ireland's behalf, adopt the words of Paul, and say to the proud one who sits. to judge her," Would to God that thou, and all who hear me, were altogether such as I am, except these bonds!" Take away the fetter, the ROMAN fetter, and who that loves the truth, would not be as Ireland ?'

'That fetter is now to be rivetted much more firmly, and added lengths of the accursed chain wound round her limbs by England.'

'Say not by England, uncle. England is all alive to resist the wicked deed. Protestant feeling is roused, thank God! as it has not been for many a day among us; and I do verily think that the Lord will interpose on behalf of Ireland now. The bold bad men who cal

culate on their presumed powers, must needs be startled at the turn events are taking.'

It is precisely the turn which they ought to have taken long ago. You are aware that the minister calculates his votes, and shapes his course accordingly: but those votes are again dependent on the stability of the voters' seats in the house: and when I read of a thousand letters posted in one day, from one town, to one man, each apprizing him that a vote hitherto at his service will be withdrawn at the next election, if he turns traitor to the cause of God, I see a power brought into the field that must crush into the dust the whole machinery of mischief, if it be urged forward with boldness and steadiness befitting the sacredness of its object. England will find a richer blessing than she has ever reaped to herself, if but she wash herself from the evil of her doings against God's truth in Ireland ; and cease to do evil, and learn to do well, in that field of her worst misdeeds.'

'A grand point is gained by bringing home to each individual who holds the elective franchise, the conviction of his own personal weight, his own proper responsibility in the matter, to change the querulous plea of false humility, "What can I, a humble individual, possibly do to turn the current of events?" into the bold declaration, "I as a unit, swell the sum total of parliamentary influence: I will so dispose that unit as to insure its being counted on the Lord's side; and by my example lead others to do the same." Why, half a dozen votes at the hustings often turn an election; and half a dozen elections so turned, have often saved England's ark from the hands of the Philistines.'

'A cry will be raised, that we are verging to a complete democracy.'

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