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1st. Because God is the Author. There are many histories written by men; these are called merely history, and sometimes prophane history, because the Scripture is called sacred. Prophane history only relates to hu man events, but Sacred History to those that are heavenly and divine.

2d. It is called Sacred History, from the persons who wrote it: they are called holy men of God, and they wrote under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

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3d. It is called Sacred History, because it gives us an account of things that are heavenly and divine. We are here told that God is holy, and that God made men holy. We are told in Sacred History how man became wicked, and in what way he may now become holy. In Scripture History we are told of God, of Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, of Angels, Heaven and Hell, and many other things which are not to be found in any other book whatever.

Not all the books on earth beside,
Such heav'nly wonders tell.-Watts.


II. Consider the USE of SCRIPTURE HISTORY. It contains a striking account of the beginning of all things: the creation of the world, of light, sun, moon and stars. The sea and the dry land. Trees, flowers and herbs. Fishes, birds and beasts. Man and woman. -It tells us that man was made in the image of God, in his moral image, righteous and holy.-It tells us how man sinned, by disobeying the command of God in eating the forbidden fruit, and that God cursed the ground on account of man's sin. We have in Scripture a satisfactory account of that universal change which we see in the face of Nature. This was occasioned by the flood, whereby "every living substance was destroyed which was on the face of the ground, both man and cattle, and the creeping things, and the fowls of the air: the fountains of the great deep were broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened, and all the high hills that were under the whole heaven were covered." Sacred History gives us the earliest account of the arts and sciences. Adam was the first gardener. Cain was the first farmer, he A 3


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was a tiller of the ground. Abel was the first shepherd, he was a keeper of sheep. Cain was the first builder, for he builded a city. Jubal was the first musician, for he was the father of all such as handle the harp and organ. Tubal Cain was the first brazier and blacksmith, for he was an instructor of every artificer in brass and iron. Noah seems to have been the first who planted a vineyard. It appears also that navigation was unknown before his time, and that the first idea of this art was suggested by the Ark, which God commanded and instructed him to build. The sailors call him Commodore Noah, because he had but one ship.-The builders of the Tower of Babel were the first who made bricks. Sacred History gives us the history of the world from its creation. A particular account is given us of the manners and customs of the Jews, and also those of other nations. Many passages of Sacred History are explained by the manners and customs of the eastern nations.-Particular attention will be paid to these manners and customs in the Lectures now presented to your notice.



We are told by Sacred History how time was first divided into weeks, by God himself: that he blessed the seventh day and hallowed it, and that the sun, moon and stars were appointed by God" for signs and for seasons, and for days and for years." That sacrifices were first appointed by God himself. "Abel offered of the firstlings of his flock." Here we read the affecting history of the fall of man: how he sinned against God, and hid himself among the trees of the garden.-" And God saw the wickedness of man that it was great on the earth, and that every imagination of the thought of his heart was only evil, and that continually.”—We see how wicked and deceitful the heart of man was made by the actual commission of sin.-Here we read the history of Divine Providence; and of the great work of redemption. The history of the Redeemer is also given, from his birth to his ascension up to Heaven, to sit at the right hand of God his father. Sacred History explains and confirms many of the most important doetrines of the Gospel.-Many of the prophe

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cies are explained and confirmed by events recorded in Sacred History.-Many warnings are given us in the history of the lives and characters of the wicked, and many examples of good and wise men are recorded in the Bible, for your instruction and imitation.--This is the principal design of these Lectures.-O that your minds may be enlightened, your hearts impressed, and your principles regulated by it!-May it be the guide of your youth, and I pray God that its influence may be seen in your lives and actions, and thus may you walk in the way of real happiness in this life, and through Christ obtain eternal felicity in the world to come!

III. Allow me to point out to you the BEAUTIES of SCRIPTURE HISTORY.

All that you read is true.-God is not a man, that he should lie.-It is uncommonly plain, so plain that a child may understand it. It is very short: a few words or a single sentence contain more than whole pages of human writings. "Children," says Dr. Beattie, generally speak in short and separate


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