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with such a lively enthusiasm of the great qualities of the newly-chosen Crown Prince, and of their beneficial influence over every department of the government,—particularly over the fine arts, that the young artist felt an irresistible desire to obtain the patronage of so illustrious a Me


To this end, he prepared a colossal statue of this hero, finished entirely except the head, which he purposely deferred executing until his arrival in Sweden, in order that he might there execute it from nature. His plan was eminently successful, for on his arrival he was employed to model not only a likeness of the Crown Prince, but likewise those of the King and Queen. He had now an opportunity of employing himself secretly upon the statue at his leisure, and caused it to be presented one day to the Prince, when the latter had invited him to dinner. This trait of his attachment had its desired effect: the Prince not only thanked the artist for the agreeable surprize which he had thus procured him, assuring him at the same time, of his protection-but expressed his satisfaction, by declaring that he should wish to be considered as the purchaser of whatever works Büström might execute on his own account; at the same time, giving him a commission for colossal statues of the three heroes, Charles X. XI. and XII. But that neither courtly favour, nor his intercourse with brilliant society, abated his industry, is evident from the number of his works, of which the following is a list.

1. An intoxicated Bacchante, half the size of life, in a recumbent posture-such was the admiration excited by this figure, that the artist has repeated it three times.-2. A drunken Cupid, who has seized the attributes of Bacchus.-3. A female dancer.-4. A groupe intended for a monument of the Montgomery family: it consists of a genius, supporting a mother, who is lamenting the premature death of a beloved son.5. Pandora.-6. Hygeia.-7. Bacchus.-S. Venus binding up her tresses, as preparatory to entering the bath.-9. Euterpe.-10. A sleeping Juno, with an infant Hercules at her breast.-11. Apollo playing on the

cithara.-12. A sitting statue of Ceres;-with the exception of the firstmentioned subject, all the preceding are of the size of life.-13. A colossal statue of the present King of Sweden.-14. A colossal bust of the same Prince.

Of all these works, the artist not only formed the models himself, but likewise executed them in marble: if we consider besides the many busts which he has produced of private individuals, most of which are likewise in marble-and his journey to Stockholm, which occupied more than a year, we shall be suprised at finding how much he has accomplished in so short a period. Whoever has examined the productions or this artist, impartially and dispassionately, cannot but have perceived that, whether they have been immediately taken from nature,-have been the conceptions of his own imagination, or the suggestions derived from other works of art they are free from all extraneous impulse, and from every thing resembling affected naiveté and artificial grace-conceived with gusto, and executed with spirit.

Faithfully adhering to the system introduced by his excellent predecessor; namely, that nature and the antique together are to be considered as the career in which alone we may hope, according to the present situation of things, to attain that which is excellent and perfect in art, since the true and the beautiful is the soundest support for every style-adhering to this, he has constantly avoided all those bye-paths that would mislead him from this system, and endeavoured as much as possible to approach perfection in the manner most consonant to this principle. And although in many of the above-noticed worksfor instance, in his Drunken Cupid, his groupe of the sleeping Juno, and the colossal bust of the King of Sweden, in the first, for the invention, in the latter, for the beauty of the details, he may challenge any productions of modern sculpture; yet the artist does not consider what he has already achieved to be so much the goal and aim, as it is an advance in his progress towards it, by means of which he is striving to raise himself still higher in his art; for, compared with what remains to

be done, that which he has done appears to him to be but inconsiderable. By this maxim has he been regulated in all his works, and no where are its effects more conspicuous than in the last, a figure of Ariadne, intended as a companion to the Bacchus, No. 3. This statue exhibits, as well in its ensemble, as in the motion of the different limbs, particularly in the beautifully turned body, which is exposed, and in the captivating features, evident proofs of the advancement which the artist has made in a more perfect knowledge of beautiful form, and of expression; for this delightful production recalls to the spectator many of the most charming figures of antiquity. The daughter of Mi

nos stands reclining with her right arm upon the trunk of a tree, and with her left gathering up her drapery, while she looks bashfully towards the engaging deity of wine.

Sweden, who had reason to be proud of Tobias Sergel, as the restorer of good taste, may also confidently boast that she possesses in Nicolaus Büström, a zealous preserver of purity of style,--one too, who, since he finds as generous a patron in Charles XIV, as his master did in Gustavus III, will not fail, by the more matured works of his genius, to render his name yet more distinguished in the world of art, and yet more honourable, than even now it is, to his country.



It is the intention of Mr. Frederick Webbe shortly to open his splendid mansion in Langham-place, with an evening conversazione, at which the literary and scientific world will be afforded an opportunity of inspecting the numerous and valuable specimens of taste and virtû, which have been collected by that gentleman during his late residence in Italy.

Something of this kind has long been a desideratum in this metropolis; especially as a point of meeting and communication with those distinguished foreigners who may happen to be visiting this country.

Tachydidaxy.We have invented this term in order to designate one of the most wonderful inventions, even in this age of invention and discovery. It will henceforward be mere obstinacy on the part of our readers, should they not be able, ere we commence another volume, to read Homer and Plato in their original language, and their Bibles in Hebrew; since a German of the name of Kastner has written two works that may justly be called, a short cut to the learned languages. One of these is the art of learning Greek in two months!! the other, that of learning to read, and to understand Hebrew in four weeks!!! Perhaps as a climax to this celerity of the

acquisition of knowledge he may communicate to the world the art of comprehending Euclid in a fortnight.

The Ionian University at Ithaca.It is expected that the building will be completed in the course of the present year; and that the young Greeks, who have been pursuing their studies at Lord Guilford's expence for many years past, at the Italian, German, and English Universities, will be summoned thither to fill the part of teachers. For those acquainted with the historical and poetical interest attached to this island, it must be agreeable to reflect, that from this classic rock a light may arise to dispel that moral and political darkness which has so long overshadowed the once brilliant, and the still dear and honoured land of Greece.

Winkelmann's Monument at Tri

este.-Dr. D. Rosetti, who published at Dresden, in 1818, a biographical memoir of the latter period of the life of the illustrious antiquary Winkelmann, intends to erect a monument to him in the cathedral of S. Giusto at Trieste, in which city he was murdered in 1768. The artist employed for this purpose is the Venetian sculptor, Boza.

Byron's Giaour and Mazeppa in German.- The works of our two most celebrated English living poets,

Scott and Byron, have, many of them, been recently translated on the continent. Versions of the Giaour and Mazeppa of our noble bard appeared last year in Germany; that of the former by Arthur van Nordstern, of the latter by Theodore Hell, the same who translated Manfred. Both of them are executed with great fidelity and considerable spirit.

Agriculture; Naturalization of the Balm Poplar.-M. Chal has succeeded in his meritorious and zealous endeavours to naturalize this beautiful tree (the balm poplar of Virginia and Carolina, populus balsamifera) in the department of Charente-Inferieure. It is to be hoped, that this useful species may become generally cultivated, it being as remarkable for the extreme elegance of its foliage, as for the delightful odour which it yields when in blos


Catacomb at Nogent-les-Vierges.In 1816, a grotto was discovered at this place, containing a great quantity of human bones. Since then the excavations have been extended; by means of which a gallery has been cleared of about thirty-six feet in length, by seven in breadth, and running from north to south. The bodies, which were discovered in it, appear to have been placed in layers one above another, and covered with a kind of dry sand, undoubtedly for the purpose of preserving them. None of these were discovered in an entire state, all the bones being separated from one another; there were several heads, however, in very good preservation: all these had very sunken noses, and prominent chins, and the lower teeth appeared to be in most of them quite perfect. Within each of these bodies was found a small axe formed of a very hard, white flint, and another species of instrument, also of flint, but of much coarser workmanship.

Dutch Literature. This may be said to be almost terra incognita of late years, for so little has it been explored, that hardly any of the modern authors are known in England even by name. And yet there are some who deserve to be introduced to our acquaintance: among these are Bilderdijk and Tollens, both of whom have cast a consider

able splendour on the present æra of their national poetry. The former of these, long celebrated for his earlier productions, has lately published a new collection of pieces in two volumes 8vo. under the title of Dichtschakeringen, which afford fresh proofs of his powerful and inexhaustible genius. The latter author has composed a new volume of Ballads and Legends, many of them imitations or translations from the German, English, and French languages. M. Van Hall, too, ought not to be forgotten: this learned advocate, who had acquired so much reputation by his Pliny the younger, an admirable dramatic sketch of Roman manners, in which the author shows himself to be a worthy successor of Barthelemy, Florian, and Meisner, has produced another series of Roman pictures, under the title of M. Valerius Messala Corvinus. These interesting delineations cannot fail to delight the lover of classic literature, both from the importance of the events, and the celebrity of the characters who are introduced, among whom are Horace, Tibullus, &c. The work is elegantly printed, and embellished with engravings. M. Van Assen, another distinguished advocate, has published a small volume on the history and character of Pericles.

Tasso-Paintings of Subjects from his Life.-M. Ducis, the painter (nephew of the celebrated tragic writer of the same name, and brother-in-law to the no less celebrated tragic actor, Talma) has painted four scenes from the life of Tasso, forming an interesting dramatic series. The first subject is, Tasso reading an episode from his Jerusalem to the Princess Leonora: the second exhibits him in his captivity. In the third picture, he presents himself to his sister Cornelia, on his return home to Sorrento, the place of his nativity. For the subject of the fourth and concluding picture, the artist has selected the funeral of the illustrious bard, which was celebrated at the convent of St. Onufrio on the very day appointed for his triumphant entry to the Capital, thus presenting us with a striking and pathetic example of the vanity of human desires and expectations.

Icelandic Literature. The series of the extensive and hitherto inedited historical work, the Sturlunge Saga, published by the Icelandic Literary Society, at Copenhagen, is closed, with the last part of the second volume. This portion comprises the history of the Bishop Axne Thorlacksen, and a complete index to the whole work. In order to disseminate in Iceland an acquaintance with the most important events of other countries, and likewise other information deserving attention, the Society publishes a Journal, called the Sagnablöd;-also a useful Compendium of Geography, the first that has appeared in that language, (for the Icelanders have hitherto been obliged to make use of those written in Danish) there is now publishing, a popular collection of maps. The next undertaking of the Society will be a collection of the best Icelandic poets, accompanied with their lives, and with introductory criticisms on the respective productions. This is an enterprize, which it will require much time and labour to accomplish, it being difficult to procure copies of many of the poems, even of the most recent writers, as is the case with the works of the eminent John Thorlack sen. There will, likewise, shortly appear, at the expense of the same Society, a work by the excellent historian, John Espolin, entitled the "Annals of Iceland, in the fourteenth century," which he will probably bring down to the present period. A monthly journal is published in Iceland, by Steffersen, who is known by many works composed in the language of that country, and by several smaller periodical works

which he had previously conducted.

Don Quixote, an Italian Comic Poem.-This poem, which appeared at Vienna, in 2 volumes 4to. under the title of " Don Chisciotte e Sancio Panza nella Scizia," was originally written in the Sicilian dialect, by Meli, and afterwards translated into Italian, by the Cavalier Bevilacqua. It may be considered as a rifacciamento of the celebrated work of Cervantes, an original of such celebrity, that we might, on this account alone, be pardoned for noticing any copy, however defective. This work, though composed neither in the tone nor spirit of Cervantes, has considerable merits: it contains a great deal of gaiety, wit, fanciful humour, and shrewd satire-in which latter respect he frequently reminds the reader of Casti; it ought to be understood, however, that he never indulges in the gross pruriency for which that poet is so famous. The author begins by evoking the shade of the hero of La Mancha, to recount those exploits of his, which had been passed over in silence by his great historian, and then immediately transports him and his squire to Scythia, where they meet with a number of extraordinary adventures, which are related with much pleasantry and facetiousness. The poem consists of ten cantos, in octave stanzas, and is distinguished by the elegance and purity of its diction. Errors are occasionally to be discovered in point of taste, but there is a spirit and vigour in this variation of a well-known theme that renders it any thing but uninteresting, or dull.


THE Opera is expected to open early in March. The piece selected is La Gazza Ladra, (The Maid and the Magpie of our stage) the music by Rossini. The popular song, "Di piacer," a duet, and some other parts of the composition we have seen, speak well for its merits, and it will exhibit the talents of this lively musician in

a new view that true pathetic, which is founded upon incidents that every mind apprehends, and which works by emotions every one is susceptible of-namely, by those natural situations, and affecting ties and circumstances, that belong to the occupations and the feelings of common life. This style is, if not of very recent

application, yet rather new and rare upon the Opera boards, classing below our sentimental comedy, yet embracing scenes of interest which it is impossible to resist. No formal annunciation of the performers has yet been made; but we understand Madame Camporese, and Madame Vestris, (by an arrangement with the manager of Drury Lane) are both engaged. Mr. Ayrton is the conductor. It is said, his Majesty will honour the Theatre with his presence, either at, or soon after its opening. We well remember his splendid reception at the Opera when he last went in state on his marriage.

His Majesty has also signified his intention to visit the ancient Concert on the 28th of this month, the first night of the annual series of these fine and classical performances. The King is a real lover, and an admirable judge of music in all its styles. He used to play on the violincello, and has a fine-toned bass voice.

The grand Concert of the Argyle Rooms, on the 27th of January, in commemoration of Mozart, was, indeed, a splendid treat for the lovers of the compositions of that wonderful man. The selection, which, when we consider the vast store of the richest jewels of science from whence the choice was to be made, could but be a matter of extreme delicacy and difficulty, was, as a whole, excellent, though perhaps, with somewhat too great a leaning towards prescriptive favourites. The death of Miss Stephens's mother gave opportunity for the substitution of Miss Wilson, who, after performing Mandane, and singing "The Soldier Tired," thrice over, came to the Argyle Rooms and sung a song, in which she received great applause. There is, however, reason to believe that this young lady has been somewhat prematurely brought out. "It is fine fruit, said an eminent professor lately, but it is not ripe." To this level, opinion seems to be gradually subsiding, after the first ebullitions of premature rap


The first of the sacred performances (continued during Lent) commenced on the 30th of January, at Drury Lane Theatre, under the able conduct of Sir George Smart. Powerful talents are engaged. Madame Camporese, Mrs. Salmon, Miss Good

all, Miss Povey, Mr. Braham, Mr. Pyne, Mr. Goulden, Mr. Cutler, and Mr. Nelson, are supported by a well chosen band, and a numerous chorus. The miscellaneous parts of this evening's selection, though deviating a little into secular music, are yet in far better taste than has hitherto been employed. The Battle Sinfonia, we rejoice to find, is driven out of the field. Let us caution the discerning conductor against making the performances too long.

On the 10th was performed a Miscellaneous Concert at the English Opera, for the benefit of the Choral Fund. Several young vocalists appeared amongst them Miss Venes, a pupil of Mr. Bellamy, a contralto, whose lower notes are rich, fine, and powerful. To these, Miss Venes would do wisely to confine herself, and as a contralto (a voice now rather scarce) she would probably succeed far better, than by attempting to force or form her upper notes to a higher compass. Her style is very much that of her master. Mr. Kellner, so well known as a boy, has returned from Italy. His voice is bass, and his style is improved. In no department, deficient as the rising generation of singers must be said to be, is a classical performer so much wanted.

The Proprietors of the Apollonicon (an organ of immense powers, to which automatic machinery is also applied) have appended an evening Concert of vocal music to their exhibition. The whole is under the conduct of Mr. Adams, and the music consists of interspersed Overtures and Pieces upon this magnificent instrument, by five performers, with Solos, by Mr. Adams, and Songs, and concerted vocal pieces. Miss Williams, Mr. Pyne, and Mr. Nelson, are the principal singers, the admission is low, (Three and Sixpence) and the whole may afford an agreeable evening's amusement to those who do not set their notions of excellence at the very highest pitch, or who are pleased with really good organ playing.

The vocal Concerts are, we are glad indeed to perceive, about to be renewed. They commence on the 16th of March, and will be continued weekly till the close of the six nights. The same directions ensure to the public the same excellence, in judg

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