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cität und die allgemeine bedeutung des weber'schen gesetzes. Leipzig. 1882. 8°. V. 851

Olmsted, F. L. Public parks and the enlargement of towns. Cambridge, Mass. 1870. 80. pp. 36. VI. 867

Spon, E., and F. N., publishers. Encyclopædia of the industrial arts, manufactures, and commercial products. 5 div. London, etc. 1879-82. 1. 8°. DR. 143.8 United States - Commission of fish and fishBulletin. 1881. Vol. i. Washington. 1882 45.79, also MZ.

Zöllner, (J. K.) F. Naturwissenschaft und christliche offenbarung; beiträge zur theorie der vierten dimension. Leipzig. 1881. 1. 8°. V. 850 Wissenschaftliche abhandlungen. 4 bde. in 5. Leipzig. 1878-81. 1. 8°. V. 849 Zopf, W. Zur entwickelungsgeschichte der asChaetomium. Halle, etc. comyceten. eries. 1881. 4°. 7 plates. (ACAD. CAES. LEOP.-CAROL. NAT. CURIOS. ["81-82]. 80. Nova acta, xlii. 197-292.)

[ocr errors]
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IV. - Useful Arts.


To be continued.

Pt. vii. Report of the commissioner for 1879. Washington. 1882. 1. 8°. 454.79, also MZ. Mint. Report of the director upon the statistics of the production of the precious metals in the United States. Washington. 1881. 1. 80. II. 1181 The dispensatory Revised by G. B. Philadelphia. 1882. 51.49

Wood, G. B., and Bache, F. of the United States. 14th ed. Wood, assisted by H. C. Wood.

American iron and steel association. Directory to the iron and steel works of the United States. Philadelphia. 1880. 80. VI.469 Compagnie des chemins de fer de Paris à Lyon, etc. 8o. -Service spécial du phylloxera. Application du sulfure de carbone au traitement des vignes phylloxérées - 5e et 6e années Rapport sur les travaux des années 1880 et 1881 et sur les résultats obtenus en grande culture par A. F. Marion. Paris. 1882. 4o. MZ. Engineering: an illustrated weekly journal. Vol. i.-xxxii. Jan. 5, 1866-Dec. 30, 1881. w. London. 1866-81. fo. Illustr.

[ocr errors]

To be continued.

VIII. 202

[blocks in formation]

Contents:i. Frankreich. 1876. ii. Italien. 1881. Gorringe, H. H. Egyptian obelisks. New York. [1882.] 4°. 27 Case.

An account of the removal of the obelisk of Alexandria to New York, and of the removal and re-erection of the other obelisks at Paris, London, and Rome; with notes on the ancient methods of quarrying, transporting and erecting obelisks. Grant, J. The newspaper press: its origin, progress, and present position. 3 vol. London, etc. 1871-72]. 8°. 10447.26

Vol. iii. has the title: cial press.

The metropolitan weekly and provin

Hospitalier, E. The modern applications of electricity; translated and enlarged by Julius Maier. New York. 1882. 1. 8°.


V. 869 Contents: Sources of electricity. Electric lighting Telephones and microphones. Various applications of electricity.

Landolt, H. (H.). Handbook of the polariscope and its practical applications. Adapted from the German by D. C. Robb and V. H. Veley. With an appendix by I. Steiner. London. 1882. Í.80. V. 846 Also the German original, 1879.

Lawes, J. B. Fertility. London. 1881. 80. pp. 70. V. 1188 The result of investigations at Rothamsted, England, having an important bearing on practical agriculture.

Lightning-rod conference. Report of the delegates from the following societies, viz.: meteorological society, royal institute of British architects, society of telegraph engineers and of electricians, physical society, [and] co-opted members. With a code of rules for the erection of lightning conductors. Edited by G. J. Symons. London, etc. 1882. ४०. VII. 479 Mallet, J. W. Brief review of the most important changes in the industrial applications of chemistry within the last few years. [Baltimore. 1881 ?] 89. pp. 98. VI. 1514

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Arnold, (C.) F. Der herzogliche palast von Urbino gemessen, gezeichnet und herausgegeben. Mit erläuterndem texte. Leipzig. 1857 56-5711. fo. 50 plates. 27 Case.

Bibliothèque de l'enseignement des beaux-arts. Paris. 1882. 8o. Illustr. Namely:

COLLIGNON, M. Manuel d'archéologie grecque.
Bussler, L. Musikalische formenlehre.

1878. 80.

II. 207



[blocks in formation]

On the natural growth of a musical language, as illustrated by a system of notation for bagpipe music employed by the pipers of Skye.

Cheney, Mrs. E. D. (L.). Memoir of S. W. Cheney, artist. Boston. 1881. 80. II. 215

Conze, A. (C. L.), and others. Archaeologische untersuchungen auf Samothrake. Ausgeführt von A. Conze, A. Hauser, G. Niemann [and O. Benndorf.]. 2 bde. Wien. 1875-80. 4o. 148 plates. 10.75 Couture, T. Méthode et entretiens d'atelier. 2e éd. Paris. 1868. 180. II. 201 Curtius, E., and others, editors. Die ausgrabungen zu Olympia. Herausgegeben von E. Curtius, F. Adler, G. Treu und W. Dörpfeld. v. Berlin. 1881. 1. 4o. 43 [39] plates. II. 772 Durm, J. Constructive und polychrome details der griechischen baukunst. Berlin. 1880. fo. 13 plates. 27 Case. Eitelberger von Edelberg, R., editor. Quellenschriften für kunstgeschichte und kunsttechnik des mittelalters und der renaissance. xv.-xvii. Wien. 1882. 8o. II. 692 Contents:-VINCI, Leonardo DA. Das buch von der malerei; herausgegeben, übersetzt und erläutert von H. Ludwig.

[Ellis, F. S.]. Hora pembrochianæ. Some account of an illuminated manuscript of the Hours of the Virgin Mary; written for William Herbert, 1st earl of Pembroke, about 1440. [London.] 1880. 1. So. AR.f3. 10

50 copies privately printed. With 5 photo-facsimiles.

[blocks in formation]

Kallenbach, G. G. Chronologie der deutschmittelalterlichen baukunst. 2o aufl. München. [1855.] fo. 86 plates. 27 Case. Chronologische formen-folge der altdeutschen baukunst bis zum beginn des jetzigen jahrtausend. 2e aufl. München. 1853. 1. 8o. II. 195 and Schmitt, J. Die christliche kirchenbaukunst des abendlandes von ihren anfängen bis zur vollendeten durchbildung des spitzbogen-styls. Halle. 1850. 40. 48 plates. II. 583

Lermolieff, I. Die werke italienischer meister in den galerien von München, Dresden und Berlin. Ein kritischer versuch. Aus dem russischen übersetzt von J. Schwarze. Leipzig. 1880. 80. II. 176


Liége - Exposition liégeoise de l'art ancien. 1881. Catalogue officiel. Liége. 1881. 80. Lindeman, L. M. Norske fjeld-melodier harmonisk bearbeidede. 5 hefter in I vol. Christiania.

[1840.] 4°.


ie hefte is "2et oplag." Marsy, A., comte DE. Balthasar de Monconys. Analyse de ses voyages au point de vue artistique. Caen. 1880. 1. 80. pp. 60. II. 1106 "Tiré à 200 exemplaires."

Mozart, W. A. Werke. Kritisch durchgesehene gesammtausgabe. Serie v. no. 12; vi. Ier, 2er bd. Leipzig. [188-?] 4o.


[blocks in formation]

Pohl, K. F. Joseph Haydn. jer, iier bd. Leipzig. 1882. 80.

122.17 Presuhn, E. Pompeji. Die neuesten ausgrabungen von 1878 bis 1881. Des gesammtwerkes 2e hälfte. 4 lief. in 1 vol. Leipzig. 1882 [1881]. 4o. 6 col. plans and 20 col. plates. II. 677a

Rayet, O., and Thomas, A. Milet et le Golfe Latmique. Fouilles et explorations archéologiques. 1e-3e livr. Paris. 1877-80. 4o, and atlas of 29 plates, fo. 27 Case.

Rossi, G. B. de. Musaici cristiani e saggi dei pavimenti delle chiese di Roma anteriori al secolo XV. Fasc. ix., x. Roma. [1881?] fo. 50 Case.

Salazaro, D. Studi sui monumenti della Italia meridionale dal ivo al xiiio secolo. 2 pt. Napoli. 1871-[80]. 1. fo. 48 plates. 27 Case. L'arte romana al medio evo. Appendice. Faso. xxv., xxvi. Napoli. 1881. 1. fo. 4 plates. 27 Case.

Sauvageot, C. Viollet-le-Duc et son œuvre dessiné. Paris. 1880. 4o. II. 148

Wagner, F. Nürnberger bildhauerwerke des mittelalters. Text in deutscher, französischer und englischer sprache. 3 pt. in 1 vol. Nürnberg, etc. 1847. 4. 30 plates. II. 914 Contents: i. Marienbilder. ii. Christusbilder. iii. Sculpturen von Schonhofer und Vischer.

[ocr errors]
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vierauszug von H. von Bülow. Leipzig. [187-?] 4o. 122.61 Zorzi, A. P. Osservazioni intorno ai ristauri della basilica di San Marco. Venezia. 1877.


[blocks in formation]

II. 1097

Abbott, C. C., and others. The paleolithic implements of the valley of the Delaware [at Trenton, N. J.]. Cambridge. 1881. 8o. pp. (26).

II. 170, also PM. [Abū Ubaid al-Bakrī]. Die wohnsitze und wanderungen der arabischen stämme. [Aus der vorrede des Abu 'Obeid el-Bekrí zu seinem Geographischen wörterbuche übersetzt] von F. Wüstenfeld. Göttingen. 1869. 4o. Sem. 421

[Alf laila.] Arabian nights entertainments. Translated into French from the Arabian MSS. by M. Galland, and now done into English from the last Paris edition. 4 vol. London. 1792. 120. 27257.3 Tausend und eine nacht. Arabische erzählungen. Deutsch von M. Habicht, F. H. von der Hagen und C. Schall. 15 bdchn. in 7 vol. Stuttgart, etc. 1881, '40. 160. 27257.8 jes bdchn. is 6th ed.; ijes―xves are 5th ed., Breslau. Arany, L., and Gyulai, P., editors. Magyar népköltési gyüjtemény. Uj folyam. A Kisfaludytársaság megbízásából. 2 kötetek. Pest. 1872. sm. 8o. 27252.55

Ashton, J., editor. Chap-books of the eighteenth century. London. 1882. sm. 8°. Illustr. 25276.17 Aucassin and Nicolette. Aucassin und Nicolete. Neu nach der handschrift von H. Suchier. 2e aufl. Old Fr. Paderborn. 1881. sm. 8o. 27283.1 Bleek, W. H. I., editor. Reineke Fuchs in Afrika. - Fabeln und märchen der eingebornen. Weimar. 1870. 160. 27254.54

The first part is a translation of the author's Reynard the fox in South Africa, 1864 [27254.55].

Bolza, G. B., editor. Canzoni popolari comasche, raccolte e publicate colle melodie. [Wien. 1866] 80. 26224.60a.

Sitzungsb. phil-hist classe k. akad. der wiss., liii. 637–695. Bon, G. Delle origini della poesia popolesca italiana. Padova. 1878. 16o. pp. 34. 26223.1 Brinton, D. G. The books of Chilan Balam, the prophetic and historic records of the Mayas of Yucatan. Philadelphia. [1882.] 80. (PHILADELPHIA Numism. antiq. soc. [Publ.]) · II. 1003, also PM. Brunner, H. Uber Aucassin und Nicolete. Inaugural dissertation. Halle a. S. 1880. 4o. 27283.2a

PP. 31.

Burgess, J. T. Historic Warwickshire; its legendary lore, traditionary stories, and romantic episodes. London, etc. [1876.] sm. 80. 25272.30 Carlén, J. G. Romanser ur svenska folklifvet jemte några andra dikter. [Stockholm. 1846.] 25293.60

sm. 8o.

Carmina clericorum.- Studenten-lieder des mittelalters. Edidit Domus quaedam vetus. 4e aufl. Heilbronn. [1878.] 24°. 25222.31 Casini, T. Un canzoniere popolare. (In La rassegna settimanale, etc., 15 maggio, 1881; vii. 313-315.) 26221.30

Charles I., called CHARLEMAGNE, Roman emp. Sechs bearbeitungen des altfranzösischen gedichts von Karls des Grossen reise nach Jerusalem und Constantinopel. Herausgegeben von E. Koschwitz. Heilbronn. 1879. sm. 80. 27276.4

Cheales, A. B. Proverbial folk-lore. 2d ed. Dorking, etc. [1881.] 160. 25236.15

Chiudina, G., translator. Canti del popolo slavo tradotti in versi italiani con illustrazioni sulla letteratura e sui costumi slavi. 2 vol. in 1. Firenze. 1878. 160. 27223.14

Cid, R. DIAZ DE BIVAR, called the. Poema del Cid. Nach der einzigen madrider handschrift, mit einleitung, anmerkungen und glossar, neu herausgegeben von K. Vollmöller. i. theil. Halle. 1879. 80.

26251.9 Cochrane, Elizabeth, compiler. Song book.-Collection of Songs. English and Scots. [1730?] sm. 40. ff. (6), pp. 204. MS. *AR.f 5. 8

Imperfect: pp. 11, 12 are torn; pp. 13-16, 25-30, 47-50, 67-70 are wanting.

This book contains two traditional ballads, and is the oldest MS. containing ballads of this sort next to the Percy. See also Medlicott catalogue, 2732.

Contes du Roi Cambrinus. 26245.24

Deulin, C., editor. 2e éd. Paris. 1874. 120. Tales of Condé-sur-l'Escaut.

Donnelly, I. Atlantis: the antediluvian world. New York. 1882. I20. II 200

This is an attempt to prove that the fabled island of Atlantis had a real existence; that here man first rose from barbarism; that the ancient gods and goddesses were really the kings, queens, and heroes of Atlantis; that from here was derived the mythology of Egypt, the Phoenician alphabet, and the bronze and iron implements of Europe, and that the memory of its destruction has survived in the legends of the Deluge.

Ernst, Duke. Herzog Ernst; herausgegeben von K. Bartsch. Wien. 1869. 8°. 28284.65

Eulenspiegel, Tyll. Howleglas. Edited by F. Ouvry. London. 1867. sm. 4o. Fac-sims. *26287.53

[ocr errors][merged small]

A reprint of the very rare early English translation printed by W. Copland about 1550.

Farrer, J. A. Primitive manners and customs. London. 1879. 8°.

[France- Comité de la langue, de l'histoire et des arts, editor]. Poësies populaires de la France. ive vol. 4o. MS. 26241.3

Gason, S. The Dieyerie tribe of Australian aborigines. Edited by G. Isaacs. Adelaide. 1874. 8o. PP. 51. I. 93 Contains a catalogue of animals, plants, weapons, etc. and a complete vocabulary.

Gatty, Mrs. M. (S.). The book of sun-dials. London. 1872. 4o. II. 132

A collection of nearly 400 inscriptions from sun-dials. Gautier, (E. T.) L. Les épopées françaises. Étude sur les origines et l'histoire de la littérature nationale. 2e éd. iv. Paris, etc. 1882. 1. 8°. 27263.9 Gautier de Coinsi. Les miracles de la Sainte Vierge, publiés par l'abbé Poquet. Paris. 1857. 4o. 25231.31

“Édition tirée à 167 exemplaires."

Geijer, E. G., and Afzelius, A. A., editors. Svenska folkvisor. Ny upplaga, utgifven af R. Bergström och L. Höijer. 3 vol. Stockholm. 1880. 8o.

Also edition of 1814-16.

25294.5 25294.3, 4

Girard de Rialle, J. Les peuples de l'Asie et de l'Europe. Notions d'éthnologie. Paris. [1881.] 24°. (Bibl. utile.) I. 108 Griesmann, J. A. Einführung in das Nibelungenlied und die Gudrun. Leipzig. 1880. 8°. pp. 84. 28282.57

Guillaume de Palerne. Guillaume de Palerne publié d'après le manuscrit de la bibliothèque de l'arsenal à Paris par H. Michelant. Paris. 1876. 8°. (SOC. ANCIENS TEXTES FRANÇ. [Publ.]) 27283.28. Handelmann, (G.) H. Die amtlichen ausgrabungen auf Sylt. iies heft. Kiel. 1882. So. PP 69. PM. Hiekisch, K. Die Tungusen. Eine ethnologische monographie. 2. aufl. Dorpat. 1882. 8°. MZ. Hindley, C. The life and times of J. Catnach, ballad monger. London. 1878. 80. 25277.25 200 copies printed.

With 230 woodcuts from Catnach's publications, and the reproduction of many of his ballads, etc. 42 of the woodcuts are from Bewick's blocks.

Hunt, R. Popular romances of the west of England, or The drolls, traditions, and superstitions of Old Cornwall. 3d ed. London. 1881. 8°. 27225.31 Also the edition of 1865 in 2 series [27225.28; 27225.29]; and 1871 [27225.30].

Jülg, B., editor. Mongolische märchen-sammlung. Die neun märchen des Siddhi-kûr und die geschichte des Ardschi-Bordschi Chân. - Mongolische mit deutscher uebersetzung und kritischen anmerkungen herausgegeben. Innsbruck. 1868. 1. 8o. 27253.8

Tales 14-22 of the Siddhi-Kur; 1-13 having been published in his Die märchen des Siddhi-Kür, 1866. The translation of 1-13 is also found in his Kalmükische märchen [27253.7].

Kalewipoeg Kalewipoeg oder Die abenteuer des Kalewiden. Eine estnische sage, frei nach dem estnischen bearbeitet von C. C. Israël. Frankfurt 27252.12 a. M. 1873. 24°.


Kenward, J. The place of archæology in science. Birmingham. [1877.] 8o. pp. 34. II. 205 Krcsmárik, J. A török népdalról. [To which is appended Török népdalok." in Turkish and Hungarian.] Budapest. 1879. 1. 8o. pp. 49. 27253.16 Kuhač, F. Š., editor. Južnoslovjenske narodne popiev (Chansons nationales des slaves du sud.) i.- knjiga. Zagrebu. 1878-81. 1. 8°. 27231.36 Contains over 1600 popular songs, collected among the Kroats, 25237.5 Servians, Slovenians. Bulgarians, etc. : — with piano accom25237.3 paniment, and historical and critical notes.

II. 210

Folk-lore society. Publications. vii., viii. London. 1881. 8°. Namely:

vii GREGOR, W. Notes on the folk-lore of the north-east of Scotland. ·

viii. FOLK-LORE record (The), vol. iv.

Lalanne, (M.) L. (C.). Curiosités des traditions des moeurs et des légendes. Paris. 1847. 160. (BIBLIOTHÈQUE de poche.) 25228.8 Latham, R. G. Ethnology of India. London. 1859. 8o. V. 876 Lauder, Toofie, editor. Legends and tales of the Harz mountains. London. 1881. 80. 26273.29 Lespy, V., editor. Proverbes du pays de Béarn, énigmes et contes populaires. Paris. 1876. 8°. (SOC. ÉTUDE LANG. ROMANES. Publ. spéc. 2.)


[blocks in formation]

Lobeira, V. de. Amadis of Gaul. Translated from the Spanish version of G. de Montalvo, by R. Southey. New ed. 3 vol. London. 1872. 16o. (LIBRARY of old authors.)


Lubbock, Sir J., Bart. The origin of civilizaMental tion and the primitive condition of man. and social condition of savages. 4th ed., with additions. London. 1882. 1. 80. I. 124 Also the 1st and 2d London editions, 1870; and a New York edition, 1870.

[M., E. B., editor]. Roumanian fairy tales and legends. London. 1881. 16o. 26227.55

Madsen, J., editor. Folkeminder fra Hanved sogn ved Flensborg. Kjøbenhavn. 1870. 160. 25285.28 Mandalari, M., editor. Canti del popolo reggino. Napoli. 1881. 160. 26224.19

Mariette, A. (É.). Aperçu de l'histoire ancienne d'Égypte. Paris. 1867. 1.80. I. 107 Catalogue général des monuments, d'Abydos découverts pendant les fouilles de cette ville. Paris. 1880. sm. fo. Sem. 503

Itinéraire de la Haute-Égypte, comprenant une description des monuments antiques des rives du Nil entre le Caire et la première cataracte. 3e éd. Paris. 1880. 24°. I. 109

Also an English translation under the title, The monuments of Upper Egypt.

Mason, O. T. The Latimer collection of antiquities from Porto Rico in the national museum at Washington. Washington. 1877. 8o.


From the Smithsonian report for 1876. Maspero, G. (C. C.). Une enquête judiciaire à Thèbes au temps de la xxe dynastie. — Étude sur le papyrus Abbott. Paris. 1871. 4°. pp. 86. Sem. 503a Essai sur la stèle du songe. [Paris. 1868.] Sem. 503a

8o. pp. II. 2 plates. Études égyptiennes. [Tom. i. re,] 2e fasc. Paris. 1879-81. 8°. Sem. 510 Contents: 1. Romans et poésies du papyrus Harris, no. 500. 1879.-2. Etude sur quelques peintures et sur quelques textes relatifs aux funérailles. Le conte d'Apôpi et de Soknounrî.


[blocks in formation]

Monnier, M., editor. Les contes populaires en Italie. Paris. 1880. 120, 26222.31 Montel, A., and Lambert, L., editors. Chants populaires du Languedoc. Avec la musique notée. Paris. 1880. 80. 26245.45

First published in the Revue des langues romanes, 1874–78. Morton, S. G. Crania ægyptiaca; or, Observations on Egyptian ethnography. Philadelphia, etc. 1844. 4° V. 1159

Naaké, J. T., editor. Slavonic fairy tales. Collected and translated from the Russian, Polish, Servian, and Bohemian. London. 1874. sm. 8o. 27223.30 Nerucci, G., editor. Sessanta novelle popolari montalesi, circondario di Pistoia. Firenze. 1880. 26224.13 [Nibelungenlied.] Der Nibelunge nôt mit den abweichungen von der Nibelunge liet, den lesarten sämmtlicher handschriften, und einem wörterbuche herausgegeben von K. Bartsch. 2 theile. Leipzig. 1870-80. 80.


Contents: i. Text. 1870.- -ii. 1. Lesarten. Wörterbuch. 1880.

28282.12 1876. 2.


Nino, A. DE. Usi abruzzesi. Vol. i. to] Usi e costumi abruzzesi. Vol. ii. 2 vol. in I. 26224.1 Firenze. 1879-81. 160.


Njal Thorgeirsson. Sagan af Niáli Þórgeirssyni ok sonvm hans &c., útgefin efter gavmlvm skinnbókvm [by O. Olafsson]. Kavpmannahavfn. 1772. 4o. IV. 287 Nölle, G. (H. F.). Die legende von den fünfzehn zeichen vor dem jüngsten gerichte. inauguralis. Halis Saxonum. 1879. 8°. 25235.44 Ostermann, V. Proverbi friulani raccolti dalla viva voce del popolo. Udine. 1876. 8o. 26226.54 Parisius, L., editor. Deutsche volkslieder mit ihren singweisen, in der Altmark und im Magdebur gischen aus volksmunde gesammelt. ies heft. Mag26272.22 deburg. 1879. 8°. Petrie, W. M. F. Stonehenge: plans, description, and theories. London. 1880. sm. 4o. PP. 34+. II. 885 Philadelphia, Pa.— Numismatic and antiquarian society. Proceedings, May 4, 1865, to Dec. 31, 1866; 1878-81. Philadelphia. 1867-82. 80. (In its [Publ.]) II. 1003, also PM.

None published between 1866 and 1878. Pitre, G. Biblioteca delle tradizioni popolari siciliane. Vol. i.-xii. Palermo. 1870-81. Namely:


i., ii. Canti popolari siciliani. 2 vol. 1870-71. 26226.15 iii. Studi di poesia popolare. 1872.

26226.16 iv.-vii. Fiabe, novelle e racconti popolari siciliani 3 vol. 1875:

26226.17 26226.18

viii.-xi. Proverbi siciliani. 4 vol. 1880. xii. Spettacoli e feste popolari s'ciliane. 1881. 26226.19 Pompiliu, M., editor. Balade populare române. 26227.20 Iassi. 1870. 120.

Poppescu, N. D., editor. Dorulu inimei. Colecțiune de cântece noi și vechi, doine, hori, cântece naţionale, etc. Pt. i., ii. [Changed to] Culegere de celle mai noi cântece care se află astă-zi în gura publicului. Edițiunea cea mai nouă. [Pt. iii.] 3 pt. in I vol. Bucuresci. 1878-81. 24°. 26227.22

Puymaigre, T. J. B., comte DE, editor. Chants populaires recueillis dans le pays messin. 2e éd. 2 tom. Paris, etc. 1881. 160. Also edition of 1865.

26245.34 26245.33

translator. Romanceiro; choix de vieux chants portugais traduits et annotés. Paris. 1881. 18. (COLLECTION de chansons et de contes populaires, 2.) 26255.33 Rancken, I. O. J. Några åkerbruksplägseder bland svenskarne i Finland, till Dr. W. Mannhardts forskning en axplockning. [Nikolaistad. 1879.1 sm. 80. pp. 37. 25293.35

Recull de eximplis e miracles, gestes e faules e altres ligendes ordenades per A-B-C, tretes de un manuscrit en pergami del començament del segle xv, ara per primera volta estampades. [Vol. i. Barcelona. 1880.] sm. 8o. 25232.25

A collection of mediæval Catalan legends and folk lore. Romant (Le) de la vie des pères hermites; un miracle de Notre-Dame. Sonnet contenant une recette d'alchimie attribué à Dante et au frère Helyas. Textes édités par F. Castets. Paris. 1880. 80. pp. 31. 25235.43

Säve, P. A. Åkerns sagor. Spridda drag ur odlingshäfderna och folklifvet på Gotland. Stock25291.26 holm. 1876. 1. 8°. Hafvets och fiskarens sagor, samt spridda drag ur Gotlands odlingssaga och strandallmogens lif. Visby. 1880. sm. So. 25295.19

Sagenschatz des Bayernlandes (Der). i. bdchn. [1]-3. lief. Würzburg. 1877-78. 8°. 26262.22

Saint Graal. Y Seint Greal. Edited, with a translation, from the copy preserved among the Hengwrt MSS. in the Peniarth library, by R. Williams. Welsh and Eng. London. 1876 '74-76]. 8o. 27273 20 Salomone-Marino, S., editor. Leggende popolari siciliane in poesia. Palermo. 1880. 160. 26226 3 Storie popolari in poesia siciliana riprodotte sulle stampe de' secoli xvi., xvii. e xviii. Bologna. 1875. 80. 26226.6

Sébillot, P. Essai de questionnaire pour servir à recueillir les traditions, les coutumes et les légendes populaires. Paris. 1880. 8°. pp. 16. 25221.7 Questions, suggestions, etc. for guidance in collecting folkeditor. Contes populaires de la HauteBretagne. 2e série. - Contes des paysans et des pêcheurs. Paris. 1881. I 20. 26245.27


Seven wise masters. Eine italienische prosaversion der sieben weisen. Nach einer londoner handschrift zum ersten male herausgegeben von H. Varnhagen. Berlin. 1881. 80. 27282.42

Siemieński, L. (H.), editor. Wieczornice. Powiastki, charaktery, życiorysy i podróże. 3 tom. in I. Wilno. 1854. 120. 27241.4a

Smith, G. B., compiler. Illustrated British ballads, old and new. 2 vol. London. 1881. 1. 8o. 25251.10

Smith, V., editor. Vieilles chansons recueillies en Velay et en Forez. Paris. 1878. 1. 8o. PP. 35 26245.52 Spaun, A. vON, editor. Oesterreichische volksweisen in einer auswahl von liedern, alpen-melodien und tänzen. 3e aufl. Wien. 1882. 40. 26261.35 Also 2d edition, 1849. 26266.25

Stephens, G., and Hyltén-Cavallius, G. O., editors. Old Norse fairy tales, gathered from the Swedish folk. [Translated by A. Alberg.] London. [1882.] sm. 8°. Illustr. (Illustrated library of 25292.45

fairy tales.)

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Stockholm, Sweden Södermanlands foruminnesförening. Bidrag till Södermanlands äldre kulturhistoria, utgifna af H. Aminson. i. Stockholm. 1877. 80. 25293.40

Summer, Mrs. Mary. Contes et légendes de l'Inde ancienne, avec une introduction par P. E. Foucaux. Paris. 1878. 180. (BIBL. orient elzévirienne, 17.) 27244.35

Theal, G. M., editor. Kaffir folk-lore; or, A selection from the traditional tales current among. the people living on the eastern border of the Cape Colony. London. [1882.] 8o. 27254.56 Valentine, Mrs., editor. Nursery rhymes, tales and jingles. Camden ed. London. [1879.] sq. 8°. Illustr. 25254.36

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Wigström, Mme. E. (N.), editor. Skånska visor, sagor och sägner, samlade och utgifna af Ave. Lund. 1880. 80. pp. 72. (LUND, Sweden Skånska lanaskapens hist. arkeol. förening. Boksamling.) 25293.31 Wolf, A., editor. Volkslieder aus Venetien. Gesammelt von G. Widter. [Wien. 1864] So. 26224.60a. Sitzungsb. phil.-hist. classe k. akad. der wiss., xlvi. 257-379. The same. Wien. 1864. 8°. 26224.60

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Abu'l-Fadā. Géographie; traduite de l'arabe en français par M. Reinaud. Tom. i.; ii. 1e pt. Paris. 1848. 4°. I. 463

No more published. Almanach fédéral suisse pour 1878-1881. 1e-4e année. Berne. [1877-80.] 160 & 80. I. 707

Amicis, E. DE. Morocco, its people and places. Translated by C. Rollin-Tilton. New York. 1882. sm. 80. I. 80 Anderson, J. Nachrichten von Island, Grönland und der Strasse Davis, zum wahren nutzen der wissenschaften und der handlung. Hamburg. 1746. 80. I. 114

Anderson's information was all obtained at second-hand, by diligently questioning sea-captains and merchants. [Andrews, I. W., and others]. Marietta college in the war of secession, 1861-65. Cincinnati. 1878. 80.

Angeberg, comte D', pseudon. J. L. B.J.

8345 15 See [Chodzko,

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Aulard, F. A. L'éloquence parlementaire pendant la révolution française. Les orateurs de l'assemblée constituante. Paris. 1882. 8°. 4553.10 Ausfeld, E. Lambert von Hersfeld und der zehntstreit zwischen Mainz, Hersfeld und Thüringen. Marburg. 1880. 80. pp. 8o. 13593.31

Baecker, or Backer, L. DE. Le droit de la femme dans l'antiquité, son devoir au moyen âge; d'après des manuscrits de la bibliothèque nationale. Paris. 1880. 120. VI. 453

Baedeker, K. London and its environs, including excursions to Brighton, the isle of Wight, etc. Handbook for travellers. 3d ed. Leipsic, etc. 1881. 16o. 9417.25 Bain, A. James Mill. A biography. London. 1882. 80. VII. 13 J. S. Mill. A criticism: with personal recollections. London. 1882. 80. VII. 14

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