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"Which challenges itself as honours born,

"And is not like the fire. Honours thrive," &c.

This editor, not knowing that fire was used as a diffyllable reads:

"And is not like the fire. Honours beft thrive," &c.

So, in King Henry VI. P. I:

"Rescued is Orleans from the English."

Not knowing that English was used as a trifyllable, he has completed the line, which he fuppofed defective, according to his own fancy, and reads:

"Refcu'd is Orleans from the English wolves."

The fame play furnishes us with various other proofs of his ignorance of our poet's metre. Thus, instead of

"Orleans the baftard, Charles, Burgundy,-"

he has printed (not knowing that Charles was ufed as a word of two fyllables,)

"Orleans the baftard, Charles, and Burgundy."

So, instead of the original reading,

"Divineft creature, Aftræa's daughter,-"

(Aftræa being used as a word of three fyllables,) he

has printed

"Divineft creature, bright Aftræa's daughter."

Again, ibidem:

"Whereas the contrary bringeth blifs."

Not knowing that contrary was ufed as a word of four fyllables, he reads:

"Whereas the contrary bringeth forth blifs."

So fure is used in the fame play, as a disfyllable :

"Glofter, we'll meet to thy cost, be sure."

but this editor, not aware of this, reads:

"Glofter, we'll meet; to thy dear coft, be sure."

Again, in King Henry VI. P. II.

"And to to arms, victorious father,"

arms being used as a diffyllable. But the fecond folio reads:

"And fo to arms, victorious noble father."

Again, in Twelfth-Night, Act I. fc. i. we find—

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when liver, brain, and heart,

"These fovereign thrones, are all fupply'd, and fill'd, (Her fweet perfections) with one felf-king."

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for which the editor, not knowing that perfections was used as a quadrifyllable, has fubftituted

when liver, brain, and heart,

"These fovereign thrones, are all fupply'd, and fill'd, (Her sweet perfections) with one self-fame king."


Again, in King Henry VI. P. II:

"Prove it, Henry, and thou shalt be king."

for which the editor of the fecond folio, not knowing Henry to be ufed as a trifyllable, gives us,

"But prove it, Henry, and thou shalt be king."

In like manner dazzled is ufed by Shakspeare as a trifyllable in The Two Gentlemen of Verona, Act II. fc. iv:

"And that hath dazzled my reafon's light.",

instead of which, we find in the fecond folio, "And that hath dazzled Jo my reafon's light."

The words neither, rather, &c. are frequently used by Shakspeare as words of one fyllable. So, in King Henry VI. P. III:

"And neither by treafon, nor hoftility,

"To feek to put me down-."

for which the editor of the fecond folio has given


"Neither by treason, nor hoftility," &c.

In Timon of Athens, Act III. fc. v. Alcibiades asks,

"Is this the balfam, that the usuring senate

"Pours into captains' wounds? banishment?"

The editor of the fecond folio, not knowing that pours was used as a diffyllable, to complete the fuppofed defect in the metre, reads :

"Is this the balfam, that the ufuring fenate

"Pours into captains' wounds! ha! banishment?"

Tickled is often used by Shakspeare and the contemporary poets, as a word of three fyllables. So, in King Henry VI. P. II:

"She's tickled now; her fume needs no fpurs."

inftead of which, in the fecond folio we have,

"She's tickled now; her fame can need no fpurs."

So, in Titus Andronicus, Act II. fc. i:

"Better than he have worn Vulcan's badge."

This editor, not knowing that worn was ufed as a diffyllable, reads:

"Better than he have yet worn Vulcan's badge."

Again, in Cymbeline, Act II. fc. v:

"All faults that name, nay, that hell knows, why hers, "In part, or all; but rather all for even to vice," &c.

Thefe lines being thus carelessly distributed in the original copy,

"All faults that name, nay, that hell knows,

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Why hers, in part, or all; but rather all :" &c.

the editor of the fecond folio, to fupply the defect of the first line, arbitrarily reads, with equal ignorance of his author's metre and phrafeology,

"All faults that may be named, nay, that hell knows, Why hers," &c.

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In King Henry IV. P. II. Act I. fc. iii. is this line:

"And being now trimm'd in thine own defires,-."

inftead of which the editor of the fecond folio, to remedy a supposed defect in the metre, has given


"And being now trimm'd up in thine own defires,-." Again, in As you like it, Act II. fc. i:

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instead of which we find in the fecond folio, (the editor not knowing that country was used as a trifyllable,)

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he pierceth through

"The body of city, the country, court."

In like manner, in The Winter's Tale, Act I. fc. i. he has given us :

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we knew not

"The doctrine of ill-doing, no nor dream'd
"That any did:"

instead of

we knew not

"The doctrine of ill-doing, nor dream'd," &c.

doctrine being used as a word of three fyllables. Pay him fix thousand," &c. fays Portia in The Merchant of Venice,

"Before a friend of this defcription

"Should lose a hair through Baffanio's fault."

the word hair being used as a diffyllable, or Baffanio as a quadrifyllable. Of this the editor of the fecond folio was wholly ignorant, and therefore reads:

"Should lose a hair through my Baffanio's fault."

In The Winter's Tale, A&t IV. fc. iii. Florizel, addreffing Perdita, fays,

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my defires

"Run not before mine honour; nor my lufts
"Burn hotter than my faith."

To complete the laft hemiftich, Perdita is made to reply,

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