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John Shakspere and Margery Roberts were married Nov. 25, 1584.

Hamnet' and Judith, fon and daughter of WILLIAM SHAKSPERE, were baptized February 2, 1584. [1584-5.]

Margery, wife of John Shakspere, was buried Oct. 29, 1587.

the Rolls Chapel I found the inrolment of a deed made in the 44th year of Queen Elizabeth, conveying " to Thomas Shakfpeare of Warwick, yeoman, Sachbroke, alias Bishop-Sachbroke, in Com. Warw." MALONE.

'Mr. Weft imagined that our poet's only fon was christened by the name of Samuel, but he was mistaken. Mr. Hamnet Sadler, who was related, if I mistake not, to the Shakspeare family, appears to have been fponfor for his fon; and his wife, Mrs. Judith Sadler, to have been godmother to Judith, the other twin-child. The name Hamnet is written very diftinctly both in the entry of the baptism and burial of this child. Hamnet and Hamlet feem to have been confidered as the fame name, and to have been used indifcriminately both in fpeaking and writing. Thus, this Mr. Hamnet Sadler, who is a witness to Shakspeare's Will, writes his christian name, Hamnet; but the fcrivener who drew up the will, writes it Hamlet. There is the fame variation in the Register of Stratford, where the name is fpelt in three or four different ways. Thus, among the baptifms we find, in 1591, " May 26, John, filius Hamletti Sadler;" and in 1583, "Sept. 13, Margaret, daughter to Hamlet Sadler." But in 1588, Sept. 20, we find " John, fon to Hamnet Sadler;" in 1596, April 4, we have "Judith, filia Hamnet Sadler;" in 1597-8, "Feb. 3, Wilhelmus, filius Hambnet Sadler;" and in 1599, "April 23, Francis, filius Hamnet Sadler." This Mr. Sadler died in 1624, and the entry of his burial ftands thus: "1624, O&. 26, Hamlet Sadler." So alfo in that of his wife: "1623, March 23, Judith, uxor Hamlet Sadler."

The name of Hamlet occurs in feveral other entries in the Regifter. Oct. 4, 1576, "Hamlet, fon to Humphry Holdar," was buried; and Sept. 28, 1564," Catharina, uxor Hamoleli Haffal." Mr. Hamlet Smith, formerly of the borough of Stratford, is one of the benefactors annually commemorated there. Our poet's only fon, Hamnet, died in 1596, in the twelfth year of his age. MALONE.

Thomas, fon of Richard Queeny, was baptized Feb, 26, 1588. [1588-9.]

Urfula, daughter of John Shakspere, was baptized March 11, 1588. [1588-9.]

Thomas Greene, alias Shakipere, 4 was buried March 6, 1589. [1589-90.]

2 This gentleman married our poet's youngest daughter. He had three fifters, Elizabeth, Anne, and Mary, and five brothers; Adrian, born in 1586, Richard, born in 1587, William, born in 1593, John in 1597, and George, baptized April 9, 1600. George was curate of the parish of Stratford, and died of a confumption. He was buried there April 11, 1624. In Doctor Hall's pocket-book is the following entry relative to him: "38, Mr. Quiney, tuffi gravi cum magna phlegmatis copia, et cibi vomitu, feb. lenta debilitatus," &c. The cafe concludes thus: "Anno feq. (no year is mentioned in the cafe, but the preceding cafe is dated 1624,) in hoc malum incidebat. Multa fruftra tentata ;-placide cum Domino dormit. Fuit boni indo lis, et pro juveni omnifariam doctus." MALONE.

3 This Urfula, and her brothers, Humphrey and Philip, appear to have been the children of John Shakspeare by Mary, his third wife, though no fuch marriage is entered in the Regifter. I have not been able to learn her furname, or in what church fhe was married. She died in Sept. 1608.

It has been fuggefted to me that the John Shakspeare here mentioned was an elder brother of our poet, (not his father,) born, like Margaret Shakspeare, before the commencement of the Regifter: but had this been the cafe, he probably would have been called John the younger, old Mr. Shakspeare being alive in 1589. I am therefore of opinion that our poet's father was meant, and that he was thrice married. MALONE.

• A great many names occur in this Regifter, with an alias, the meaning of which it is not very easy to ascertain. I should have fuppofed that the perfons thus defcribed were illegitimate, and that this Thomas Greene was the fon of one of our poet's kinfmen, by a daughter of Thomas Greene, Efq. a gentleman who refided in Stratford; but that in the Regifter we frequently find the word baftard exprefsly added to the names of the children baptized. Perhaps this latter form was only used in the cafe of fervants, labourers, &c. and the illegitimate offspring of the higher order was more delicately denoted by an alias.

The Rev. Mr. Davenport obferves to me that there are two

Humphrey, fon of John Shakfpere, was baptized May 24, 1590.

Philip, fon of John Shakfpere, was baptized Sept.

21, 1591.

Thomas,5 fon of Mr. Anthony Nash, was baptized June 20, 1593.

Hamnet, fon of WILLIAM SHAKSPEARE, was buried Aug. 11, 1596.

William, fon of William Hart, was baptized Aug. 28, 1600.

Mr. John Shakspeare was buried Sept. 8, 1601. Mr. Richard Quiney, Bailiff of Stratford, was buried May 31, 1602.

Mary, daughter of William Hart, was baptized June 5, 1603.

Thomas, fon of William Hart, hatter, was baptized July 24, 1605.

John Hall, gentleman, and Susanna Shakspere, were married June 5, 1607.

families at present in Stratford, (and probably feveral more) that are diftinguished by an alias. "The real name of one of thefe families is Roberts, but they generally go by the name of Burford. The ancestor of the family came originally from Burford in Oxfordshire, and was frequently called from this circumstance by the name of Burford. This name has prevailed, and they are always now called by it; but they write their name, Roberts, alias Burford, and are so entered in the Register.

"The real name of the other family is Smith, but they are more known by the name of Buck. The ancestor of this family, from fome circumftance or other, obtained the nickname of Buck, and they now write themselves, Smith, alias Buck." MALONE.

This gentleman married our poet's grand-daughter, Elizabeth Hall. His father, Mr. Anthony Nath, lived at Welcombe, (where he had an eftate,) as appears by the following entry of the baptifm of another of his fons: "1598, Oct. 15, John, son to Mr. Anthony Nash, of Welcombe." MALONE.

"This was the father of Mr. Thomas Quiney, who married Shakspeare's youngest daughter. MALONE.

Mary, daughter of William Hart, was buried Dec. 17, 1607.

Elizabeth, daughter of John Hall, gentleman, was baptized Feb. 21, 1607. [1607-8.]

Mary Shakspere, widow, was buried Sept. 9, 1608. Michael, fon of William Hart, was baptized Sept. 23, 1608.

Gilbert Shakspeare, adolefcens, was buried Feb. 3, 1611. [1611-12.]

Richard Shakfpere, was buried February 4, 1612. [1612-13.]

Thomas Queeny and Judith Shakfpere were married Feb. 10, 1615. [1615-16.]

William Hart, hatter, was buried April 17, 1616.

This was probably a son of Gilbert Shakspeare, our poet's brother. When the elder Gilbert died, the Register does not inform us; but he certainly died before his fon. MALONE.

This lady, who was our poet's youngest daughter, appears to have married without her father's knowledge, for he mentions her in his will as unmarried. Mr. Weft, as I have already obferved, was mistaken in supposing she was married in Feb. 1616, that is, in 1616-17. She was certainly married before her father's death. See a former note in p. 92, in which the entry is given exactly as it ftands in the Register.

As Shakspeare the poet married his wife from Shottery, Mr. Weft conjectured he might have become poffeffed of a remarkable houfe, and jointly with his wife conveyed it as a part of their daughter Judith's portion to Thomas Queeny. "It is certain," Mr. Weft adds, "that one Queeny, an elderly gentleman, fold it to Harvey, Efq. of Stockton, near Southam, Warwickfhire, father of John Harvey Thurfby, Efq. of Abington, near Northampton; and that the aforefaid Harvey fold it again to Samuel Tyler, Efq. whofe fifters, as his heirs, now enjoy it."

But how could Shakspeare have conveyed this houfe, if he ever owned it, to Mr. Queeny, as a marriage portion with his daughter, concerning whom there is the following claufe in his will, executed one month before his death: " Provided that if such husband as the shall at the end of the said three years be married unfo," &c. MALONE.

9 This William Hart was our poet's brother-in-law. He died, it appears, a few days before Shakspeare. MALONE.

WILLIAM SHAKSPERE,' gentleman, was buried April 25,2 1616.

Shakspere, son of Thomas Quiney, gentleman, was baptized Nov. 23, 1616.

Shakspere, fon of Thomas Quiney, gentleman, was buried May 8, 1617.

Richard, fon of Thomas Quiney, was baptized Feb. 9, 1617. [1617-18.]

Thomas, fon of Thomas Quiney, was baptized Aug. 29, 1619.

Anthony Nash, Efq.3 was buried Nov. 18, 1622.
Mrs. Shakspere 4 was buried Aug. 8, 1623.

Mr. Thomas Nafh was married to Mrs. Elizabeth
Hall, April 22, 1626.

Thomas, fon of Thomas Hart, was baptized April 13, 1634.

Dr. John Hall," [" medicus peritiffimus,”] was buried Nov. 26, 1635.

'He died, as appears from his monument, April 23d.


2 No one hath protracted the Life of Shakspeare beyond 1616, except Mr. Hume; who is pleafed to add a year to it, contrary to all manner of evidence. FARMER.

3 Father of Mr. Thomas Nash, the husband of Elizabeth Hall. MALONE.

This lady, who was the poet's widow, and whofe maiden name was Anne Hathaway, died, as appears from her tomb-ftone (fee p. 61, n. 9.) at the age of 67, and confequently was near eight years older than her husband. I have not been able to afcertain when or where they were married, but fufpect the ceremony was performed at Hampton-Lucy, or Billesley, in Auguft, 1582. The register of the latter parish is loft. MALONE.

" It appears from Lady Barnard's will that this Thomas Hart was alive in 1669. The Regifter does not ascertain the time of his death, nor that of his father. MALONE.


• It has been fuppofed that the family of Miller of Hide-Hall,

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