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and after it the men's meeting, which held till it was almoft dark, and then adjourned to the 7th hour next morning, when friends met again, and the meeting held till about nine. At ten the public meeting began in the Town-hall, was exceffively crowded, and a fatisfactory meeting. This yearly meeting ended the 27th 4th mo. and the half year's meeting in Dublin was to begin the

1st 5th mo. So he writes, "William Howel


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"and I came forty one miles after dinner, to Llaneedlefs, where on the 28th we had a large meeting in the town- hall or feffion room, begining at 8 o' clock, which was much fa"voured. Margaret Jarman, and Mary Hunt,

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accompanied us from thence to Efcargoh, "where we also had a memorable opportunity,

our hearts being much tendered together.' On the 29 being the fixth day of the week he fet off from Llewindee accompanied by Owen Owen, fon of Humphry Owen aforementioned, and grandfon to John Goodwin, for Holyhead, and that day, although they were detained fome hours for the tide to fall, till they could cross a river in the way, and in crofsing which, they were for a good while up to the faddle skirts, they reached Carnarvan, being fifty miles that night, and Holyhead about eleven o'clock in the forenoon of

feventh day, went aboard the packet-boat, about two o'clock on first day morning; but having little wind, did not get to Dublin till fecond day evening being the fecond day of the fifth monthr and of the national meeting.

Of this journey in Ireland he kept a brief diary; but not fo particular, as of the former through Wales, being only a fuinmary account of the meetings and places he was at each day, without any remarks on meetings, or occurences to diversify the narration, and therefore I fhall be obliged to comprize the relation thereof, in a narrow compafs.

He visited the meetings in courfe; first, by Edenderry, Rathangan, and Baliitore, to the fix weeks meeting at Carlow, and thence weftward, to Ballimurry, and returned to the quarterly meeting at Edenderry, in concert with his companion, Thomas Melhuifh. From thence they directed their course towards the province of Munster, by Tullamore, Bir, and Kilconimore, to Limerick, and from thence through munster, finishing their vifit to that province, at the province meeting at Waterford: thence through the county of Wexford, and fo into the county of Carlow, where Thomas Melhuish and he separated, at (Castleder

mot) Thomas's draft being to Ulfter, and my bro ther's prefent concern, more to the adjacent parts of Leinster!

After parting with Thomas Melhuish, he continued visiting friends in these parts, till the pròvince meeting of Wicklow, after which, and fpending fome days in Dublin, he went from thence to the province meeting for Ulster ät Ballenderry, and returned pretty directly back to Dubfin, without appointing any meeting in that province, and continued vifiting meetings in different parts of Leinster province, chiefly till the enfuing quarterly meeting, which was held at Ennifcorthy, and from thence proceeded directly to Waterford, to take fhipping for Bristol.

This vifit took him up near four months, (for he embarked for Bristol, on or about the 24th 8 mo.) the greatest part of which time feems to have been employed in Leinster province, having vifited most parts thereof, at least twice over.

Having as aforementioned, refigned his fchool át Briftol, in order to be at liberty to discharge what was pointed out to him as a duty: now his fervice being finifhed, he was out of employment there, for the fupport of himself and family. The

profpect of this in his giving up to this fervice must, I imagine, have been a pretty close trial of faith; as he could not at the time of his refigna tion have any apprehenfion of the way which afterwards opened, for their employment and fubfiftence: but knowing he was faithful who had called him into the fervice, he was doubtless ftrengthened to go forth in faith, and a humble dependence on him, whom he served for fupport, inwardly and outwardly; and in due time, a way opened for him to his fatisfaction. For by my removal from Dublin (where I had resided upwards of twenty-three years) to Lifburn, which happened during his travels in this nation; the fchool there became vacant. Whereupon friends of Dublin made him propofals to undertake the care thereof; to which he agreed, and foon after his return to Bristol, removed with his family to fettle in that city.

Where again the neceffary attendance of his fchool confined him pretty much to the place of his refidence, and parts adjacent, for the space of two or three years; till about the fummer 1777, when his family being grown up, and mostly in a way to provide for themselves; and his youngest fon having gotten an agreeable place of apprentice

fhip, he found his way open finally to relinquish the confining and exercifing occupation of his school, in order to be more at liberty in the evening of his day, to accomplish the remaining part of his day's work, against the termination thereof; and from this time to his removal out of this life, he was much engaged to travel and labour among friends in the different quarters of this nation for the promotion of truth and righteousness.

And as he had not vifited Ulfter province in his late vifit to this nation; the difcharging of that debt was the principal service pointed out to him, in the following manner, as he himself expreffeth it in the introduction to his account of faid vifit.

Seventh mo. 1ft 1777. A good friend from England lately told us, in a meeting, that our copy books were fullied, and too full of blots; that we should get new books to keep our accounts in, and keep them fair and clean, and I wished with the Lord's affiftance to do so, viz. to have my heart and life made and kept clean,

I felt a longing defire to undergo afresh the wafhing of regeneration*," in order to be fa

Titus, iii. 3.

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