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4. Bráhmâni me matáyah sám sutasah súshmah iyarti prá-bhritah me ádrih, a sâsate práti haryanti ukthấ ima hárî (íti) vahatah tổ nah ákkha.


5. Átah vayám antamébhih yugânẩh svá-kshatrebhih tanvãh súmbhamânâh máhah-bhih étân úpa yugmahe nú índra svadhẩm ánu hí nah babhutha.


6. Kvã sya vah marutah svadha âsît yát mẩm ékam sam-ádhatta ahi-hátye, ahám hí ugráh tavisháh túvishmân vísvasya sátroh ánamam vadhasnaíh.

hommes pieux, d'où viens-tu, grand et unique? Que veuxtu? Toi qui est notre compagnon, tu peux nous répondre avec bonté. O dieu, traîné par des coursiers azurés, dis-nous ce que tu nous veux.

4. WILSON (Indra): Sacred rites are mine: (holy) praises give me pleasure: libations are for me: my vigorous thunderbolt, hurled (against my foes), goes (to its mark): me, do (pious worshippers) propitiate: hymns are addressed to me; these horses bear us to the presence (of those worshippers, and worship).

LANGLOIS: (Indra parle): Les cérémonies, les prières, les hymnes, les libations, les offrandes, tout est à moi. Je porte la foudre. Des invocations, des chants se sont fait entendre. Mes chevaux m'amènent. Voilà ce que je veux ici.

5. WILSON: (The Maruts): Therefore we also, decorating our persons, are ready, with our docile and nigh-standing

Indra speaks:


4. The sacred songs are mine, (mine are) the prayers;1 sweet are the libations! My strength rises,3 my thunderbolt is hurled forth. They call for me, the prayers yearn for me. Here are my horses, they carry me towards them.

The Maruts speak:

5. Therefore, in company with our strong friends,' having adorned our bodies, we now harness our fallow deer with all our might ;-for, Indra, according to thy custom, thou hast been with us.

Indra speaks:

6. Where, O Maruts, was that custom of yours, that you should join me who am alone in the killing of Ahi? I indeed am terrible, strong, powerful,—I escaped from the blows of every enemy.'

steeds, (to attend thee) with all our splendour, to those rites; verily, Indra, thou appropriatest our (sacrificial) food.

LANGLOIS (Les Marouts parlent): Et nous, sur les puissants coursiers que voici, plaçant nos corps légers et brillants, nous joignons nos splendeurs aux tiennes. Et tu veux, Indra, t'approprier notre offrande?

6. WILSON: (Indra): Where, Maruts, has that (sacrificial) food been assigned to you, which, for the destruction of Ahi, was appropriated to me alone; for I indeed am fierce and strong and mighty, and have bowed down all mine enemies with death-dealing shafts.

LANGLOIS: (Indra parle): Et comment cette offrande seraitelle pour vous, ô Marouts, quand vous reconnaissez ma supériorité en réclamant mon secours pour la mort d'Ahi? Je suis grand, fort et redoutable, et de mes traits, funestes à tous mes ennemis, j'ai tué Ahi.


7. Bhűri kakartha yúgyebhih asmé (íti) samânébhih vrishabha paúmsyebhih, bhűrîni hí krinávâma savishtha índra krátvâ marutah yát vásâma.


8. Vádhîm vritrám marutah indriyéna svéna bhẩmena tavisháh babhûvấn, ahám etah mánave visvá-kandrâh su-gah apáh kakara vágra-bâhuh.


9. Ánuttam a te magha-van nákih nú ná tvấ-vân asti devátâ vídânah, ná gayamânah násate ná gâtáh yấni karishya * krinuhí pra-vriddha.


10. Ékasya kit me vi-bhú astu ógah yấ nú

7. WILSON: (Maruts): Showerer (of benefits) thou hast done much; but it has been with our united equal energies; for we, too, most powerful Indra, have done many things, and by our deeds (we are, as) we desire to be, Maruts.

LANGLOIS: (Les Marouts parlent): Tu as beaucoup fait, (dieu) généreux en venant nous seconder de ta force héroïque. Mais, ô puissant Indra, nous pouvons aussi beaucoup, quand, nous autres Marouts, nous voulons prouver notre vaillance.

8. WILSON (Indra): By my own prowess (Maruts) I, mighty in my wrath, slew Vritra; armed with my thunderbolt, I created all these pellucid, gently-flowing waters for (the good of) man.

* karishyah?

The Maruts speak:

7. Thou hast achieved much with us as companions. With the same valour, O hero! let us achieve then many things, O thou most powerful, O Indra! whatever we, O Maruts, wish with our heart." Indra speaks:

8. I slew Vritra, O Maruts, with (Indra's) might, having grown strong through my own vigour; I, who hold the thunderbolt in my arms, I have made these all-brilliant waters to flow freely for man.'

The Maruts speak:


9. Nothing, O powerful lord, is strong before thee: no one is known among the gods like unto thee. No one who is now born 2 will come near, no one who has been born. Do what has to be done, thou who art grown so strong.

Indra speaks:


10. Almighty power be mine alone, whatever I

LANGLOIS (Indra parle): Marouts, j'ai tué Vritra, et je n'ai eu besoin que de ma colère et de ma force d'Indra. C'est moi, qui, la foudre à la main, ai ouvert un chemin à ces ondes qui font le bonheur de Manou.

9. WILSON: (Maruts): Verily, Maghavat, nothing (done) by thee is unavailing, there is no divinity as wise as thou; no one being born, or that has been born, ever surpasses the glorious deeds which thou, mighty (Indra), hast achieved.

LANGLOIS (Les Marouts parlent): O Maghavan, nous n'attaquons pas ta gloire. Personne, ô dieu, quand on connaît tes exploits, ne peut se croire ton égal. Aucun être, présent ou passé ne saurait te valoir. Tu es grand, fais ce que tu dois faire.

10. WILSON (Indra): May the prowess of me alone be

dadhrishvan krinávai manisha, ahám hí ugráh marutah vídânah yẩni kyávam índrah ít îse eshâm.


11. Ámandat mâ marutah stómah átra yát me narah srútyam bráhma kakrá, índrâya vríshne súmakhaya máhyam sákhye sákhâyah tanvẽ tanűbhih.



12. Evá ít eté práti mâ rókamânâh ánedyah srávah a íshah dádhânâh, sam-kákshya marutah kandrá-varnâh ákkhânta me khadáyâtha ka nû



13. Káh nú átra marutah mamahe vah prá yâtana

irresistible, may I quickly accomplish whatever I contemplate in my mind, for verily, Maruts, I am fierce and sagacious, and to whatever (objects) I direct (my thoughts), of them I am the lord, and rule (over them).


LANGLOIS (Indra parle): Ma force est assez grande, pour que, seul, je puisse exécuter ce que je veux tenter. Je suis redoutable, ô Marouts, je sais ce que j'ai à faire, moi, Indra, maître de vous tous.

11. WILSON: Maruts, on this occasion praise delights me; that praise which is to be heard (by all), which men have offered me. To Indra, the showerer (of benefits), the object of pious sacrifice; to me, (endowed) with many forms, (do you) my friends (offer sacrifices) for (the nourishment of my)



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