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condition to get much by land; besides the advantage it is to us to have provisions to come up the River.!

It hath pleased the Lord, whilst these things have been thus transacting here, to add to your interest in Munster, Bandon Bridge; the Town (as we hear) upon the matter, thrusting out young Jephson, who was their Governor; or else he deserting it upon that jealousy. As also Kinsale, and the Fort there:-out of which Fort Four-hundred men marched upon articles, when it was surrendered. So that now, by the good hand of the Lord, your interest in Munster is near as good already as ever it was since this War began. I sent a party about two days ago to my Lord of Broghil; from whom I expect to have an account of all.

Sir, what can be said in these things? Is it an arm of flesh that hath done these things? Is it the wisdom, and counsel, or strength of men? It is the Lord only. God will curse that man and his house that dares to think otherwise! Sir, you see the work is done by a Divine leading. God gets into the hearts of men, and persuades them to come under you. I tell you, a considerable part of your Army is fitter for an hospital than the field: if the Enemy did not know it, I should have held it impolitic to have writ this. They know it, yet they know not what to do.

I humbly beg leave to offer a word or two. I beg of those that are faithful, that they give glory to God. I wish it may have influence upon the hearts and spirits of all those that are now in place of Government, in the greatest trust, -that they may all in heart draw near to God; giving Him glory by holiness of life and conversa

1 Appendix, No. 10.

2. Young Jephson,' I suppose, is the son of Jephson, Member for Stockbridge, Hants; one of those whom Pride purged away;-not without reason, as is here seen.

tion; 'and' that these unspeakable mercies may teach dissenting brethren on all sides to agree, at least, in praising God. And if the Father of the family be so kind, why should there be such jarrings and heart-burnings amongst the children? And if it will not be received That these are the seals of God's approbation of your great Change of Government, which indeed are no more yours than these victories and successes are ours,-yet let them with us say, even the most unsatisfied heart amongst them, That both are the righteous judgments and mighty works of God. That He hath pulled the mighty from his seat, and calls to an account 'for' innocent blood. That He thus breaks the enemies of His Church in pieces. And let them not be sullen, but praise the Lord,—and think of us as they please; and we shall be satisfied, and pray for them, and wait upon our God. And we hope we shall seek the welfare and peace of our native Country: and the Lord give them hearts to do so too. Indeed, Sir, I was constrained in my bowels to write thus much. I ask your pardon; and rest,

Your most humble servant,

An Able Editor in the old Newspapers has been inexpressibly favoured with the sight of a Letter to 'an Honourable Member of the Council of State;' Letter dated Cork, 18th December, 1649; wherein this is what we still read: Yesterday my Lord Lieutenant came, from Youghal the head-quarter, unto Cork; my Lord Broghil, Sir William Fenton, and divers other Gentle'men and Commanders attending his Excellency. Who hath ' received here very hearty and noble entertainment. Tomorrow 'the Major-General' Ireton is expected here :-both in good health, God be praised. This week, I believe, they will visit

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Newspapers (in Cromwelliana, pp. 71-73).

‘Kinsale, Bandon Bridge, and other places in this Province that ' have lately declared for us, and that expect a return of his affec'tion and presence, which joys many. Some report here that 'the Enemy burns towns and provisions near our quarters: but 'the example may at length turn to their own greatest prejudice. 'Colonel Deane and Colonel Blake, our Sea-generals, are both ' riding in Cork Harbour.'1

Dated on the morrow is this Letter:


For the Honourable William Lenthall, Esquire, Speaker of the Parliament of England: These.


Cork, 19th December, 1649.

Not long after my last to you from before Waterford,-by reason of the tempestuousness of the weather, we thought fit, and it was agreed, To march away to Winter-quarters, to refresh our men until God shall please to give further opportunity for action.

We marched off, the 2d of this instant; it being so terrible a day as ever I marched in all my life. Just as we marched off in the morning,-unexpected to us, the Enemy had brought an addition of near Two-thousand horse and foot to the increase of their Garrison: which we plainly saw at the other side of the water. We marched that night some ten or twelve miles through a craggy country, to Kilmac Thomas; a Castle some eight miles from Dungarvan. As we were marching off in the morning from thence, the Lord Broghil,—I having sent before to him to march up to me,-sent a party of horse, to let me know, He was, with about Twelve or Thirteen hundred of the Munster horse and foot, about ten miles off, near Dungarvan, which was newly rendered to him.

1 Newspapers (in Cromwelliana, p. 73).

In the midst of these good successes, wherein the kindness and mercy of God hath appeared, the Lord, in wisdom, and for gracious ends best known to Himself, hath interlaced some things which may give us cause of serious consideration what His mind therein may be. And we hope we wait upon Him, desiring to know, and to submit to His good pleasure. The noble Lieutenant-General,1— whose finger, to our knowledge, never ached in all these expeditions, fell sick; we doubt, upon a cold taken upon our late wet march, and ill accommodation: and went to Dungarvan, where, struggling some four or five days with a fever, he died; having run his course with so much honour, courage, and fidelity, as his actions better speak than my pen. What England lost hereby, is above me to speak. I am sure, I lost a noble friend, and companion in labours. You see how God mingles out the cup unto us. Indeed we are at this time a crazy company:- yet we live in His sight; and shall work the time that is appointed us, and shall rest after that in peace.2

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But yet there hath been some sweet at the bottom of the cup; of which I shall now give you an account. Being informed that the Enemy intended to take-in the Fort of Passage, and that Lieutenant-General Ferral with his Ulsters3 was to march out of Waterford, with a considerable party of horse and foot, for that service, — I ordered Colonel Zanchy, who lay on the north side of the Blackwater, To march with his regiment of horse, and two pieces of two troops of dragoons to the relief of our friends. Which he accordingly did; his party consisting in all of about Three-hundred and twenty. When he came some few miles from the place, he took some of the Enemy's

1 Michael Jones: Ludlow (i. 304) is a little misinformed.

2 Yes, my brave one; even so!

3 Ulster-men.

stragglers in the villages as he went; all which he put to the sword: seven troopers of his killed thirty of them in one house. When he came near the place, he found the Enemy had close begirt it, with about Five-hundred Ulster foot under Major O'Neil; Colonel Wogan also, the Governor of Duncannon, with a party of his, with two great battering guns and a mortar-piece, and Captain Browne, the Governor of Ballihac, were there. Our men furiously charged them; and beat them from the place. The Enemy got into a place where they might draw up; and the Ulsters, who bragged much of their pikes, made indeed for the time a good resistance: but the horse, pressing sorely upon them, broke them; killed near an Hundred upon the place; took Three-hundred and fifty prisoners, amongst whom, Major O'Neil, and the Officers of Five-hundred Ulster foot, all but those which were killed; the renegado Wogan, with twenty-four of Ormond's kurisees, and the Governor of Ballihac, &c. Concerning some of these, I hope I shall not trouble your justice.

This mercy was obtained without the loss of one on our part, only one shot in the shoulder. Lieutenant-General Ferral was come up very near, with a great party to their relief; but our handful of men marching toward him, he shamefully hasted away, and recovered Waterford. It is not unworthy taking notice, That having appointed a Day of public Thanksgiving throughout our territories in Ireland, as well as a week's warning would permit, for the recovery of Munster,—which proves a sweet refreshment to us, even prepared by God for us, after our weary and hard labour, That that very day, and that very time, while men were praising God, was this deliverance wrought.

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Though the present state of affairs bespeaks a conti

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