For Pigeons' flesh he seems not much to care; This pithy speech prevail'd, and all agreed, Old enmities forgot, the Buzzard should succeed. Their welcome suit was granted, soon as heard, His lodgings furnish'd, and a train prepared, With B's upon their breast, appointed for his guard. He came, and, crown'd with great solemnity, God save King Buzzard! was the general cry. A portly prince, and goodly to the sight, He seem'd a son of Anach for his height. Like those whom stature did to crowns prefer, Black-brow'd, and bluff, like Homer's Jupiter; Broad-back'd, and brawny-built for love's delight, A prophet form'd to make a female proselyte;* A theologue more by need than genial bent, By breeding sharp, by nature confident. Interest in all his actions was discern'd; More learn'd than honest, more a wit than learn'd; Or forced by fear, or by his profit led, Or both conjoin'd, his native clime he fled; But brought the virtues of his heaven along, A fair behaviour, and a fluent tongue. And yet with all his arts he could not thrive, The most unlucky parasite alive ; Loud praises to prepare his paths he sent, And then himself pursued his compliment; But by reverse of fortune chased away, : His gifts no longer than their author stay; * Note XXVIII. He shakes the dust against the ungrateful race, * Note XXIX. § Note XXXI. + Note XXX. timeo Danaos et dona ferentes. Æneid, II. lib. || Note XXXII. Such was, and is, the Captain of the Test,* Though half his virtues are not here exprest ; The modesty of fame conceals the rest. The spleenful Pigeons never could create A prince more proper to revenge their hate; Indeed, more proper to revenge, than save; A king, whom in his wrath the Almighty gave : For all the grace the landlord had allow'd, But made the Buzzard and the Pigeons proud ; Gave time to fix their friends, and to seduce the crowd. They long their fellow-subjects to inthral, of all. False fears their leaders fail'd not to suggest, And, reeking from the stews, adulterers come, And much the less, because it was their Lord's re quest; * Note XXXIII. + The promise to maintain the Church of England, made in James's first proclamation after his accession; and which the church party alleged he had now broken. Note XXXIV. They thought it great their sovereign to controul, And named their pride, nobility of soul. 'Tis true, the Pigeons, and their prince elect, Were short of power, their purpose to effect; But with their quills did all the hurt they could, And cuff'd the tender Chickens from their food : And much the Buzzard in their cause did stir, Though naming not the patron, to infer, With all respect, he was a gross idolater.* } But when the imperial owner did espy, That thus they turn'd his grace to villainy, Not suffering wrath to discompose his mind, He strove a temper for the extremes to find, So to be just, as he might still be kind; Then, all maturely weigh'd, pronounced a doom Of sacred strength for every age to come.t By this the Doves their wealth and state possess, No rights infringed, but license to oppress : Such power have they as factious lawyers long To crowns ascribed, that kings can do no wrong. But since his own domestic birds have tried The dire effects of their destructive pride, He deems that proof a measure to the rest, Concluding well within his kingly breast, His fowls of nature too unjustly were opprest.‡ He therefore makes all birds of every sect Free of his farm, with promise to respect Their several kinds alike, and equally protect. His gracious edict the same franchise yields To all the wild increase of woods and fields, And who in rocks aloof, and who in steeples builds: * See note XXXIII. † Declaration of indulgence. Note XXXV. ‡ Note XXXVI. To Crows the like impartial grace affords, Here ends the reign of this pretended Dove; What after happen'd is not hard to guess; peace. "Tis said, the Doves repented, though too late, The Buzzard, not content with equal place, * The tyrant of Syracuse, who, after being dethroned, taught a school at Corinth. + Quisque sue fortunæ faber. SALLUST, Note XXXVII. |