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in the attack on Tulingana; and they accordingly proceeded and laid siege to Kowilconda, one of the principal fortresses on the frontiers of that kingdom. This fort had very nearly been reduced, when Ismael Adil Shah was attacked by a violent fever which obliged him to keep his bed. Finding his disorder increase, he sent for Assud Khan Lary and Ameer Bereed, who were both absent from the camp, laying waste the enemy's country. On their arrival he expressed his wish that they should continue the siege, while he retired to Koolburga for change of air, till his recovery should enable him to rejoin his army. It was accordingly fixed that the King should begin his journey on the next morning in a pâlky; but before daySuffur 16. light, a severe relapse of fever coming on

A. H. 941.

Sept. 6.

A. D. 1534.

he was united with the elect on Wed

nesday the 16th of Suffur, 941, after a glorious reign of twenty-five years.

Assud Khan having embalmed the royal corpse, placed it in a close litter, and sent it privately to Gogy. He concealed the King's death for two days; at the end of which time he communicated the fatal intelligence to Ameer Bereed and all the nobility, whom he advised to keep the event secret, in order to avoid disputes between the two young princes in an enemy's country. It was proposed, therefore, to raise the siege of Kowilconda, and to defer making arrangements for the succession till their arrival at Koolburga, where they might seek inspiration to direct their choice at the tomb of the blessed Syud Mahomed GeesooDuraz, who lies buried near that city. All the

chiefs approving of this counsel, Assud Khan, at the head of the army, accompanied by the princes, began their march from Kowilconda.

Syud Ahmud Hirvy relates that Ismael Adil Shah was just, prudent, patient, and liberal; and from the abundance of his magnanimity he gave rewards without too minutely inspecting the condition of his treasury. He was extremely generous also, frequently pardoning state criminals, and was averse from listening to slander. He never used passionate language. He possessed great wit, to which he added a sound and acute judgment. He was an adept in the arts of painting, varnishing, making arrows, and embroidering saddle-cloths. In music and poetry he excelled most of his age. He was fond of the company of learned men and poets, numbers of whom were munificently sup*ported at his court. He was delighted with repartee in conversation, and had a great fund of humour, which he often displayed in his intercourse with his courtiers: no other king of the Deccan equalled him in this respect. He was fonder of the Turkish and Persian manners, music, and language, than the Deccany: he seldom made use of the latter tongue. This partiality was owing to his being educated under the tuition of his aunt, Dilshad Agha*, who by desire of his father kept him as much as possible from the company of Deccanies, so that he had little relish for that people. He was buried at Gogy, near the tomb of his father, Yoosoof Adil Shah.

She was aunt to his foster-brother, and sister to his nurse.

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Assud Khan of Belgam is left protector during the minority of the Princes Mulloo and Ibrahim suspends the coronation till the army returns to Beejapoor. The nobles divided in their inclinations towards the princes. The ladies of the royal family are consulted as to the choice of a successor, and they recommend the coronation of Mulloo, the eldest son of the late King.. Assud Khan becomes minister is disgusted with the conduct of the young King — resigns his office, and retires to his estate at Belgam. - Ismael Khan Deccany is made minister. The King's vices disgust his nobles, who quit the court, and retire to their estates. The King's grandmother employs Ycosoof Khan Toork, an officer of rank, to depose the King, and to raise his brother Ibrahim to the throne. Mulloo Adil Shah deposed, and both he and his brother Alloo are deprived of sight. — Ibrahim Adil Shah is raised to the throne.

WHEN Ismael Adil Shah was about to take his departure from this temporary mansion of care, he addressed Assud Khan, saying, that although he feared his eldest son, Mulloo Khan, had not abilities to govern, yet paternal affection led him to wish he might succeed according to his birthright. He appointed Assud Khan protector of the kingdom, with full powers to place the Prince Mulloo on the throne; conjuring him to remain steadfast in his loyalty towards him; and concluded by saying, that he had full reliance on the minister's abilities, which he was sure would make up for any deficiency


The Prince Ibrahim, the King's youngest son, who had long entertained ambitious views towards the throne, had gained over many of the nobles to his interest; so that when their father's death could no longer be concealed from them, the brothers were on the eve of coming to open war, though in an enemy's country, and actually conducting the siege of Kowilconda. Sooltan Koolly Kootb Shah of Golconda, obtaining information of the state of affairs, conceived the opportunity so favourable that he directed his troops to hover round the Adil Shahy camp, and stop its supplies of provisions; and he even caused the ears and noses of the prisoners to be cut off, and then released them in this mutilated condition to return to their camp. The officers of the army having espoused opposite parties refused to lead detachments against the enemy, lest advantage should be taken by their rivals of their absence; and the camp followers suffering from the attacks of the Tulingas, and unsupported by their own troops, refrained from bringing in forage or grain, so that famine began to rage, and discontent and consternation pervaded the army. Assud Khan, who was respected by all, finding the disorders daily increasing, boldly resolved to put an end to them by the exercise of his authority. In the first place, he seized and put to death those evil-disposed persons who had excited the princes against each other, and calling together all the nobles, he forbade them to visit

* Faria-e-Souza relates this fact with much exaggeration. He states, also, that Sooltan Koolly had twelve Portuguese in his service at the siege of Kowilconda.

either of the princes. He directed them, for the present, to attend him, as usual, daily at the audience-tents, in order that they might conduct public affairs till the time should arrive for seating one or other of the princes on the throne. Both parties submitted to these measures; and the whole army approved of the conduct of Assud Khan, and promised to fulfil his wishes. Having assumed the title of Protector, he detached a force to dislodge the Tulingas from the vicinity of the camp, and placed strong guards of his own dependents over the princes; informing them, that the astrologers had declared ten days must elapse before the favourable moment for accession to the throne; and as it was his opinion, that remaining much longer in an enemy's country would be imprudent, he advised the immediate march of the army to Koolburga, where they might invoke the blessed spirit of Syud Mahomed Geesoo-Duraz to direct them in the succession.

The princes acceding to this proposal raised the siege of Kowilconda, and the army moved to Koolburga, where Assud Khan consulted with the principal ladies of the haram of his late sovereign and the nobility on the choice of a king. Most of them being of opinion that the King's last will should be implicitly acted on, he acquiesced; and confining the Prince Ibrahim, he placed Mulloo Adil Shah on the throne, who was immediately acknowledged by the nobility and army. Assud Khan, on his return to Beejapoor, disgusted with the conduct of the new king, delivered over the Prince Ibrahim

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